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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-03-31
核心提示:1. Vegetables. Packed with powerhouse nutrients, vegetables are naturally low in calories, and they're full of fiber, so they're plenty filling. Loading your plate with vegetables will automatically mean you're eating fewer simple carbs (which raise

1. Vegetables. Packed with powerhouse nutrients, vegetables are naturally low in calories, and they're full of fiber, so they're plenty filling. Loading your plate with vegetables will automatically mean you're eating fewer simple carbs (which raise blood sugar) and saturated fats (which increase insulin resistance). Aim to get four or five servings a day. (A serving is 1/2 cup canned or cooked vegetables or 1 cup raw vegetables.) Go easier on starchy vegetables -- including potatoes, corn, and peas -- which are higher in calories than other vegetables.

2. Fruit. Packed with almost all the same advantages as vegetables fruit is brimming with nutrients you need, it's low in fat, it's high in fiber, and it's lower in calories than most other foods. Best of all, fruit is loaded with antioxidants that help protect your nerves, your eyes, and your heart.

Because fruit has more natural sugar and calories than most vegetables, you can't eat it with utter abandon. Aim to get three or four servings a day. (A serving is one piece of whole fruit, 1/2 cup cooked or canned fruit, or 1 cup raw fruit.) Choose whole produce over juice. Many of the nutrients and a lot of the fiber are found in the skin, flesh, and seeds of fruit, so they’re lost during juicing, and more of the calories and sugar remain

3. Beans. Beans are just about your best source of dietary fiber, which not only makes you feel full longer, it actually slows digestion and keeps blood sugar from spiking after a meal. This effect is so powerful that it can even lower your overall blood sugar levels.

Throw canned beans into every salad you make (rinse them first), and add them to pasta and chili. Black bean, split pea, or lentil soup is an excellent lunch, even if it comes from a can

4. Cereal. The right breakfast cereal is your absolute best opportunity to pack more fiber into your day. There's a bonus: Studies show that people who start the morning with a high-fiber cereal actually eat less later on. So don't forgo breakfast. Better yet, choose a cereal with at least 5 grams fiber per serving. Good choices include Kashi GoLean Crunch! (10 grams), Kellogg's Raisin Bran (8 grams), General Mills Multi-Bran Chex (8 grams), Post Wheat 'N Bran Spoon Size (8 grams), Kellogg's All-Bran Original (10 grams) and General Mills Fiber One (14 grams). Top your cereal with fruit and you've checked off a fruit serving for the day.

5. Fish. Fast and easy to prepare, fish is a good source of protein, and a great substitute for higher-fat meats. Also, fatty fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, those remarkable good-for-you fats that help keep the arteries clear. People with diabetes often have high triglycerides and low levels of HDL, the "good" cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids can improve both numbers. Aim to eat fish at least twice a week. Excellent sources of omega-3s are salmon, mackerel, and tuna.

6. Poultry breast. Versatile, extremely lean, and low in calories, chicken breast is practically a miracle food. Unlike steaks and hamburgers, it's low in saturated fat, which raises "bad" cholesterol and may increase insulin resistance, making blood sugar control more difficult. A 3-ounce serving of skinless chicken breast has only 142 calories and 3 grams fat. Turkey breast is even leaner and lower in calories

7. Nuts. Nuts have several things going for them -- and for you. They're loaded with "good" fats that fight heart disease. These fats have even been shown to help reduce insulin resistance and make blood sugar easier to control. Nuts are also one of the best food sources of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects cells and may help prevent nerve and eye damage. They are rich in fiber and magnesium, both of which may help regulate your blood sugar. Studies suggest that including them in your diet may even help you lose weight -- if you eat them in moderation. Don’t forget that they’re high in calories.

8. Olive oil. At the center of the famously heart-healthy Mediterranean diet is olive oil is considered a "good" fat that helps slash the risk of heart attack -- and has been shown to help keep blood sugar steady by reducing insulin resistance. So toss the butter and cook with olive oil instead. At home and in restaurants, dip your bread in a bit of the stuff. Just watch how much you eat, because at 119 calories per tablespoon, even "good" fat can pack on the pounds.

9. Yogurt. Yogurt is rich in protein and another weight loss powerhouse: calcium. Several studies have shown that people who eat plenty of calcium-rich foods have an easier time losing weight -- and are less likely to become insulin resistant. As a snack or for breakfast, choose nonfat plain yogurt, and add your own fresh fruit or a sprinkling of wheat germ or low-fat granola for a burst of extra nutrients.

10. Cinnamon. Believe it! Amazingly, just by sprinkling cinnamon on your foods, you could lower your blood sugar. Components in cinnamon help the body use insulin more efficiently, so more glucose can enter cells. A recent study found that in people with diabetes, just 1/2 teaspoon a day can significantly lower blood sugar levels. So go ahead and add powdered cinnamon to your whole wheat toast, oatmeal, baked apples, or even chicken dishes. Or soak a cinnamon stick in hot water to make a soothing and curative cup of cinnamon tea

1. 蔬菜。蔬菜營養(yǎng)價值高,并且低熱量,富含纖維,所以它是很好的充饑食品。把你的盤子里裝滿蔬菜意味著你攝入了更少的單純的碳水化合物,(碳水化合物可以是血糖升高)和飽和脂肪(飽和脂肪會增加抗胰島素)。爭取每天吃四到五餐,(每餐攝入1/2     杯灌裝的或經(jīng)過烹飪的蔬菜或者一杯不經(jīng)過加工的蔬菜)少吃些含淀粉的蔬菜,像土豆,玉米和豌豆,這些東西比其他蔬菜熱量高。

2.水果。 跟蔬菜的優(yōu)點幾乎一樣,水果也富含人體所需的各種營養(yǎng)。它脂肪含量低,含纖維多,并且比大多數(shù)食物的熱量都低。一個更好的信息是,水果中含有抗氧化劑,可以保護我們的神經(jīng),眼睛和心臟。


3 豆類。豆類是最好的食物纖維的來源,它不僅僅可以使你飽腹的感覺延長,它確實在腹中消化的慢,并能避免血糖在餐后升高。這種效果很明顯,甚至能使整個血糖水平下降。


4.谷類食品。如果早餐選擇的谷類食物正確的話,那么這正是你攝入更多纖維的好時機。還有個好處是:研究表明,如果早晨攝入了高纖維的谷類食物的話,那么一天的飯量會減少。所以不要放棄早餐,如果每餐能攝入至少5克纖維的話,就更好了。Kashi GoLean Crunch(10克)Kellogg's Raisin Bran (8克), General Mills Multi-Bran Chex (8 克), Post Wheat 'N Bran Spoon Size (8克), Kellogg's All-Bran Original (10克) and General Mills Fiber One (14 克)都是不錯的選擇。如果一天保證一個水果的話,可以把谷物放在比水果優(yōu)先的地位

5. 魚類。加工一條魚簡單又快捷,而且魚能給我們提供蛋白質(zhì),也是高脂肪的肉類的很好的代替品。脂肪含量高的魚類是W脂肪酸的最好來源,W脂肪酸可以幫助我們清除動脈。糖尿病患者的甘油三酯脂蛋白含量往往很高,而低密度脂蛋白膽固醇含量低(“有益的”膽固醇)。W脂肪酸可以使以上二者的含量都提高。至少兩周要吃一次魚,含W脂肪酸比較多的魚類有大馬哈魚,鯖魚和金槍魚。

6. 家禽的胸部肉。因其用途廣泛,相當精瘦,含熱量低,雞胸肉可以說是一種神奇的食物。和牛排漢堡不同的是,它的飽和脂肪酸的含量很低,飽和脂肪酸可以升高膽固醇(有害的)水平,還有可能抗胰島素,使血糖的控制更困難。3盎司的無皮雞胸脯只有142卡熱量和3克脂肪;痣u的胸脯肉脂肪含量,熱量也更低。

7 堅果。堅果中含有幾種東西對糖尿病對人體都有好處。堅果中含有對人體有益的脂肪,可以預防心臟病。這些脂肪可以幫助我們降低抗胰島素,并使血糖更容易控制。堅果富含維生素E,維E是一種可以保護我們的細胞并能保護神經(jīng)和眼睛不受傷害的抗氧化劑。堅果同時富含纖維和鎂元素,這兩種東西能幫助你控制血糖。研究表明在飲食中加入堅果還可以減肥,如果攝入的量適當?shù)脑挕e忘了他們的熱量很高。

8 橄欖油。著名的地中海食譜中很出名的一項就是對心臟很有好處的橄欖油,橄欖油被認為是可以預防心臟病的一種“有益的”脂肪。它能幫助保持血糖穩(wěn)定,并能減少抗胰島素。所以把做菜用的黃油換成橄欖油吧。無論是在家里還是在飯館,把面包上抹點橄欖油。但要控制飯量,因為一勺油的熱量是119卡,即使是“有益的”脂肪也會讓你長胖的。

9 酸奶。酸奶富含蛋白質(zhì)和鈣,鈣對減肥很有好處。幾項研究都表明,那些吃大量含鈣食品的人更容易減肥,而且不容易產(chǎn)生抗胰島素。作為早餐中的一項零食,可以選擇不含脂肪的酸奶,再吃點新鮮水果,少來點麥芽,或者低脂肪的格蘭諾拉麥片增加點營養(yǎng)。

10 肉桂。你得相信它!很神奇,你只要在飲食中加入少量的肉桂,就能降低血糖含量。肉桂的成分可以幫助身體更有效的使用胰島素,這樣更多的葡萄糖就能進入細胞。最近的一項研究表明,糖尿病患者只要每天攝入1/2勺的肉桂就能明顯降低血糖水平。所以趕緊把你的小麥土司,燕麥片,烤蘋果,甚至是雞肉飯中加入肉桂吧;蛘甙岩粋肉桂條放入一杯熱水中,自己動手做一杯療效很好的肉桂茶吧!

關(guān)鍵詞: 糖尿病 食物
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