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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-06-17
核心提示:Fossils fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and coal are the major sources of energy in the world. These natural fossil resources are depleting fast but the worldwide consumption of fossils fuels is high and keeps on increasing. When there is a sho

    Fossils fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and coal are the major sources of energy in the world. These natural fossil resources are depleting fast but the worldwide consumption of fossils fuels is high and keeps on increasing. When there is a shortage of fossil fuels is high and keeps on increasing. This will increase the production cost of electrical energy. The increase in the cost of electrical will increase the price of goods.

    Renewable energy will be an important source of energy in the future. Electrical energy is generated in hydroelectric power plants. Solar energy is being used in some remote areas. Oil palm refinery plants also use biomass to generate electrical energy. Renewable energy generated from the wind or waves is not used in our country.

    Nuclear energy will be one of the alternative sources of energy in the future. Nuclear energy is the heat energy produced from the changes in an unstable nucleus. A large amount of nuclear energy is produced when a heavy nucleus splits in two light nuclei join to form a heavier nucleus (nuclear fusion).

    Nuclear fission is a process where an unstable and heavy nucleus is bombarded by a neutron, causing it to split into two (or more) lighter nuclei together with the release of neutrons and energy. The two nuclei are called fission products.

    The total mass after nuclear fission is slightly lower than the mass before fission. The loss in mass is converted into a large amount of nuclear energy and neutrons are released.

    Nuclear fission can only occur in some types of heavy and unstable nuclei such as in the uranium -235 and plutonium -239.

    When a slow-moving neutron bombards a uranium -235 nucleus, the uranium -235 will split into two lighter nuclei, which is the barium -141 nucleus and the krypton -92 nucleus. Two or three neutrons, together with nuclear energy are also produced.

    The neutrons which are produced will bombard more uranium -235 nuclei. This will produce more neutrons and more nuclear energy is released. The process of bombardment will repeat and the release of neutrons is repeated, resulting in a chain reaction.

    An uncontrolled chain reaction happens during the explosion of an atomic bomb. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb explosions during world War II released a large amount of nuclear energy and radioactive radiation which caused a great loss of human lives and property.

    In a nuclear reactor, the number of chain reactions is controlled to determine the amount of nuclear energy that will be produced. The boron rods inside a nuclear reactor absorb neutrons. This will control the number of neutrons that bombard the uranium -235 nuclei.

    The speeds of neutrons are slowed down by the graphite core. The fission of uranium -235 is more likely to occur with slow neutrons than with fast neutrons.

    Nuclear fusion is a process where two light nuclei to form a heavier, more stable nucleus together with the release of a large amount of nuclear energy. Enriched uranium fuel that has a higher proportion of uranium -235 is used in the production of nuclear energy.

    The heat and light energy from the Sun is due to the fusion of hydrogen atoms at a very high temperature and pressure.

    In nuclear fusion, hydrogen -2 (deuterium) and hydrogen -3 (tritium) are combined at a very high temperature and pressure to produce a heavier helium nucleus. A neutron and a large amount of nuclear energy are produced.

    However, the atomic mass loss in nuclear fusion is slightly more than that of nuclear fission. Hence nuclear fusion will produce more nuclear energy than nuclear fission.

    Normally hydrogen -2 and hydrogen -3 isotopes are used in nuclear fusion.

    Nuclear fusion is used to make hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen bombs release more nuclear energy than atomic bombs


















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