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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-09-25
核心提示:1、 Many Italian delicacies adopt tomatoes as materials very often ,which gives people a wrong idea that tomatoes has come from Europe. Actually, Mexico is the place of origin of tomatoes and Columbus is the first one who has brought tomato seeds to

    1、 Many Italian delicacies adopt tomatoes as materials very often ,which gives people a wrong idea that tomatoes has come from Europe. Actually, Mexico is the place of origin of tomatoes and Columbus is the first one who has brought tomato seeds to Europe.

    2、Eating tomatoes often can reduce wound infection, because they contain abundant antioxidants.

    3、Eating Tomatoes often can effectively prevent prostate cancer, colon cancer and pancreatic cancer.

    4、Organic tomatoes contain lycopene many times than those of ordinary tomatoes

    5、Tomatoes possess the function of stablizing blood sugar and cholesterol, because tomatoes are an vital source of dietary fibre.

    6、The colors of tomatoes can be red, yellow, orange, green, purple. However, there is no blue tomato.

    7、Canned tomato juice has higher rnutritional value than fresh tomatoes. The reason is that fresh tomatoes sold in the market are almost picked for sale when they have not got ripe yet. tomato juice,however,

    is always processed and made using totally ripe tomatoes. In addition, through 100 degrees of high-temperature sterilization, canned tomato juice is suitable to drink for people of all physical characteristics.







    7. 罐裝的番茄汁要比新鮮的西紅柿營養(yǎng)價值高。因為市售的新鮮西紅柿都是在它尚未成熟時摘下,而制番茄汁的西紅柿則是熟透轉(zhuǎn)紅后才摘下加工的。此外,罐裝的番茄汁經(jīng)過100℃的高溫殺菌,適合任何體質(zhì)的人飲用。

關(guān)鍵詞: 西紅柿 秘密
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