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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-08-12

[00:01.30]A fast-food nightmare may be getting worse. 快餐的噩夢(mèng)還可以更可怕
[00:05.98]A two-year-old child died today in Seattle. 今天,西雅圖一個(gè)2歲兒童死亡
[00:08.18]And the killer? Tainted meat from Jack In The Box hamburgers. 原因?"驚奇杰克"餐館的漢堡里被污染的肉
[00:13.02]for more than 140 tons of ground beef. 超過140噸的碎牛肉
[00:14.54]Man: A half a million pounds of ground beef-- 50萬磅的碎牛肉
[00:17.86]Man #2: Today, nationwide recalls of Con Agra ground beef. 今天,全國召回康那格拉公司生產(chǎn)的碎牛肉
[00:18.90]Schlosser: E. coli isn’t just in ground beef now-- 埃舍利希氏大腸桿菌不止在碎牛肉里
[00:22.22]it’s been found in spinach, apple juice-- 也出現(xiàn)在菠菜和蘋果汁里
[00:24.58]and this is really because of the runoff from our factory farms. 這都是源自工廠式農(nóng)場(chǎng)的副產(chǎn)品
[00:31.94]90 confirmed cases of E. coli poisoning. 90宗確診的埃舍利希氏大腸桿菌中毒病例
[00:33.62]Central to it all-- raw, bagged spinach. 源頭都是包裝菠菜
[00:36.94]Man #3: This is the 20th E. coli outbreak with leafy greens 這是過去10年內(nèi)第20宗
[00:39.30]in just the last decade. 蔬菜導(dǎo)致的埃舍利希氏大腸桿菌爆發(fā)
[00:39.98]Schlosser: For years during the Bush administration, 在布什政府執(zhí)政期間
[00:41.66]the chief of staff at the USDA 美國的農(nóng)業(yè)部長
[00:43.82]was the former chief lobbyist 一直由牛肉工業(yè)
[00:47.66]to the beef industry in Washington; 派駐華盛頓的主要說客擔(dān)任
[00:00.00]by: 更多電影原聲MP3盡在人人聽力網(wǎng)
[00:49.82]the head of the F.D.A. was the former executive vice president 美國食品及藥物管理局的局長
[00:54.34]of the National Food Processors Association. 曾是全國食品加工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)的副會(huì)長
[00:57.38]These regulatory agencies 這些監(jiān)管機(jī)構(gòu)
[00:59.06]are being controlled by the very companies 已經(jīng)被那些它們應(yīng)該監(jiān)管的
[01:02.38]that they’re supposed to be scrutinizing. 公司控制在股掌之間了
[01:03.38]Woman: ConAgra, which recently recalled peanut butter 康那格拉公司最近曾召回
[01:05.06]contaminated with salmonella, 被沙門氏菌污染的花生醬
[01:06.06]was aware of problems in its plant two years ago. 其實(shí)2年前它已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)廠房被污染
[01:10.54]1972年,F(xiàn)DA(Food and Drug Administration) 美國食品藥物管理局“主刀” 進(jìn)行了大約5萬次的食品安全檢測(cè) 而2006年,僅僅做了9164次
[01:21.62]Schlosser: There’s always been food poisoning. 食物中毒由來已久
[01:22.98]As more and more technology 當(dāng)更多的科技
[01:24.50]is being applied to the production of food, 被用于食品生產(chǎn)過程
[01:26.66]you would think it would be getting safer, 你可能會(huì)期待食品變得更安全
[01:28.66]not more contaminated. 而不是更危險(xiǎn)
[01:31.86]But the processing plants have gotten bigger and bigger. 但是食品加工廠規(guī)模越來越大
[01:34.70]it’s just perfect for taking bad pathogens 為有害微生物的感染
[01:38.70]and spreading them far and wide. 和傳播提供了極佳環(huán)境
[01:41.86]Woman: The recall of frozen hamburger now includes 被召回的冷藏漢堡肉
[01:44.38]22 million pounds. 已經(jīng)累計(jì)有2200萬磅
[01:45.22]Enough meat to make a fast-food hamburger 足夠?yàn)槊恳粋(gè)美國成年人
[01:49.42]for every adult in America is being recalled. 制作一個(gè)快餐漢堡了
[01:52.10]Schlosser: In the 1970s, there were literally thousands 在20世紀(jì)70年代
[01:54.10]of slaughterhouses in the United States. 美國有上千家屠宰場(chǎng)
[01:55.10]Today we have 13 slaughterhouses 現(xiàn)在我們只有13家
[01:57.78]that process the majority of beef 負(fù)責(zé)處理大部分
[02:01.46]that is sold in the United States. 在美國出售的牛肉
[02:04.30]The hamburger of today, 今天,一個(gè)漢堡
[02:06.82]it has pieces of thousands of different cattle 里面夾的那塊碎牛肉餅
[02:10.34]ground up in that one hamburger patty. 包含有來自上千只牛的碎肉
[02:13.50]The odds increase exponentially that one of those animals 這些牛之中的一只感染了有害微生物的可能性
[02:16.18]was carrying a dangerous pathogen. 呈指數(shù)上升
[02:20.86]It’s remarkable how toothless 當(dāng)你仔細(xì)觀察
[02:23.06]our regulatory agencies are when you look closely at it, 你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)我們的監(jiān)管機(jī)構(gòu)是多么無能
[02:26.58]and that’s how the industry wants it. 食品工業(yè)就希望它們是這樣
[02:32.86]華盛頓 讓我們來見識(shí)美國政府 對(duì)待百姓生命的冷血以及袒護(hù)大公司的官僚做派
[02:38.26]Patricia Buck: This is the USDA building up here. 那邊就是農(nóng)業(yè)部大樓
[02:41.14]Did Josh say how much time he thought we’d get? Josh有沒有說我們有多長時(shí)間 BARBARA KOWALCYK:食品安全倡議者
[02:45.98]- Five minutes. - Five minutes. -5分鐘吧 -5分鐘
[02:46.82]Well, maybe as much as 15. Got to be on time for that meeting. 嗯,也許有15分鐘,一定要準(zhǔn)時(shí)去見面
[02:51.50]- It starts a 4:00. - Okay. -4點(diǎn)鐘開始 -好的
[02:54.34]So if I start going like that 當(dāng)我開始這樣做
[02:56.86]or start shuffling papers, it’s time. I know, it’s time. 或者把紙張亂疊在一起, 就是說時(shí)間到了,我知道,時(shí)間到了 PATRICIA BUCK:食品安全倡議者 BARBARA的母親
[02:58.34]Thank you! Thank you. 謝謝!謝謝
[03:05.22]Kowalcyk: I’m a registered Republican. 我是一個(gè)注冊(cè)的共和黨人
[03:07.38]I’ve always been fairly conservative. 一直以來都相當(dāng)保守
[03:09.38]I never thought I would be doing this 我不敢想像我會(huì)做這樣的事
[03:11.74]and I certainly never thought I would be 我也不敢想像我會(huì)和我媽媽
[03:13.74]working so closely with my mom. 一起工作
[03:15.74]We go this way? Okay. - Yes, we go this way. 我們走這邊?好的 -是,走這邊
[03:18.26]Made a mistake-- I think that’s the way we want to go. 走錯(cuò)了,我想我們?cè)撟吣沁?
[03:19.94]Kowalcyk: My mom and I, our relationship has 我和媽媽的關(guān)系
[03:24.94]taken on a whole new dimension. 已經(jīng)上升到一個(gè)新的層面了
[03:26.46]2421? 2421. 2421房間? 2421房間
[03:30.14]Here we are. 我們到了
[03:37.86]- Hi. - Hello. -你好 -你好
[03:38.86]- How are you? - I’m Pat. -你好嗎? -我叫帕蒂
[03:41.18]- Hi, Pat. - Barb Kowalcyk. -帕蒂,你好 -我是芭博?科瓦?
[03:43.86]- Hi, Barb. - DeGette: After the first big push -芭博,你好 -在第一次施加壓力
[03:45.54]to establish food standards, people just got complacent. 以求建立食品安全制度之后,人們開始松懈了
[03:49.06]We reduced funding for the FDA. 我們減少了食品及藥物管理局的資金投入
[03:53.26]We’ve relied increasingly 我們?cè)絹碓揭蕾囉?
[03:56.26]on self-policing for all of these industries. 食品工業(yè)的自我約束
[03:58.58]And now we just have, really, 結(jié)果這個(gè)系統(tǒng)
[04:01.94]lost our system. 現(xiàn)在終于失控了
[04:03.78]You’re really one of the champions on the hill 你的確是促進(jìn)食品安全的先行者之一
[04:08.62]for food safety and it’s a very important cause. 食品安全是很重要的事務(wù)
[04:11.30]It’s very personal to me and my family. 這是關(guān)乎我和我的家庭的事情
[04:14.66]Our food safety advocacy work started six years ago 我們6年前開始食品安全的宣傳工作
[04:19.34]when my two-and- a-half-year-old son Kevin 因?yàn)槟菚r(shí)我2歲半的兒子凱文
[04:21.70]was stricken with E. coli 0157:h7 感染了O157-H7型埃舍利希氏大腸桿菌
[04:26.02]and went from being a perfectly healthy 一個(gè)英俊的小男孩
[04:27.54]beautiful little boy-- 就這樣告別人世
[04:30.06]and I have a small picture with me today 我今天帶來了一張照片
[04:33.42]that was taken two weeks before he got sick. 是他患病前2周拍的
[04:35.90]He went from that to being dead in 12 days. 他在12天之內(nèi)就病死了
[04:45.78]In July 2001, 2001年7月
[04:48.30]our family took a vacation. 我們?nèi)胰ザ燃?
[04:48.78]Had we known what was in store for us, 如果我們知道家里有什么在等待我們
[04:50.66]we would have never gone home. 我們絕不會(huì)回家

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