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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-03-18
核心提示:Imagine a company in which the human-resources department has great talent and technology and advises top executives on business strategy and organizational effectiveness. It has a say in big decisions and is a critical career stopping point for any

    Imagine a company in which the human-resources department has great talent and technology and advises top executives on business strategy and organizational effectiveness. It has a say in big decisions and is a critical career stopping point for anyone who aspires to senior management.
Sound like a foreign concept?

    That's what an HR department should look like in a company that considers its work force to be its most important asset -- a major source of competitive advantage.

    While most companies say they value human capital, in reality, few are run that way. They may have systems in place for hiring talented people, but their organizational structures aren't designed to develop, motivate and retain the best ones. And the group with the expertise to help the organization better manage and utilize people -- the human-resources department -- often is too mired in administrative tasks to tackle higher-value work.

    In a company built to leverage human capital, the HR staff would spend less time processing benefits requests and more time being the expert resource on the state of the organization's work force and its ability to perform.

    That has been difficult in the past, because many of the administrative duties assigned to human resources involve a lot of detail and complexity that make them labor intensive.

    But now, Web-based applications, many of which lend themselves to self-service, offer a solution. Employees can visit a Web site to sign up for benefits, change their addresses, enroll in training programs, search for jobs, assess their knowledge and set goals and objectives for the year. Managers can use them to give out bonuses and raises, appraise performance, transfer employees and find internal candidates to fill open positions.

    What's more, many companies offer HR outsourcing services, and a number of large companies have entered into long-term contracts to outsource multiple HR processes to a single vendor. I believe that for most companies, outsourcing is the right way to handle HR administration. 

    Not only does it release HR professionals from a set of no-win activities, it frees them up for work that is of greater benefit to the organization.

    Of course, getting out from under these administrative tasks solves only half the problem; HR departments have to use their newfound freedom to help get the most out of an organization's talent. Here are three areas where HR professionals could play a key role to accomplish just this:
-- IMPROVING LEADERSHIP: The HR department can help managers at all levels become better leaders by teaching them how to improve their communications skills, set expectations for their staffs and motivate people.

    Managers uncomfortable with some of the interpersonal aspects of the employee-evaluation process, for example, may benefit from HR's in-depth knowledge about how to give feedback and explain how goal achievement relates to rewards. Other managers may need help becoming more approachable and open to feedback so as to minimize the distance between themselves and the people they lead.

    -- INFORMING THE BOARD: A second important role for the HR group is to become the corporate board's expert resource on the condition and utilization of the work force. Directors can use this type of knowledge to evaluate senior managers and do succession planning, assess organizational design and effectiveness, and make strategy decisions such as whether the organization has the people with the right skills to start a new line of business.

    HR executives, however, are rarely on boards and don't consistently attend board meetings like their counterparts in finance and accounting. 

    Instead of using HR, board members often say they rely upon their chief executive officers for HR expertise. While there is no doubt that many CEOs have some understanding of the human-capital issues that corporations face, they rarely have the kind of in-depth knowledge HR professionals bring to the table. Therefore, I believe companies focused on human capital should have at least two HR experts on their boards.

    -- ASSESSING THE WORK FORCE: A third potential role for human resources is to spearhead efforts to develop a human-capital information system to measure things like the skills and competencies of the work force, its performance in critical areas and its cost to the organization. The starting point for any human-capital information system should be information about individual employees: What skills do they have, and how well are they being used in their current assignments?

    HR professionals are the best positioned within the organization to determine what things need to be measured -- to what degree individuals are motivated to perform their jobs, for instance -- and who in the company needs the data.

    When it comes to what the HR department should do, some companies are close, but none has it exactly right. One thing is for sure: In an organization that wants talent to be its source of competitive advantage, the HR department simply can't be the stepchild it usually is.


















關(guān)鍵詞: 人力資源部


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