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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-03
核心提示:一日三餐已經(jīng)是我們習(xí)以為常的事情,可為什么是三餐而不是兩餐或者五餐呢?這還要從一個古老的傳說說起。 Hundred of years ago, man had a hard life and was never able to get enough to eat. Sometimes he ate every third day, sometimes only every fifth or six


    Hundred of years ago, man had a hard life and was never able to get enough to eat. Sometimes he ate every third day, sometimes only every fifth or sixth day; so he was always hungry, although he worked day and night. He was really to be pitied.

    The Emperor of Heaven pitied mankind because they laboured ceaselessly without getting enough to eat. He ordered his subject, the Kerbau, that is, the Kerbau star in the sky, to go down to earth and say to the people: "If you men are energetic, you can have one meal every three days."

    The Kerbau, however, misunderstood his orders. He went quickly down to earth and announced to the people: "The Emperor of Heaven says you shall have three meals a day and not starve any more." When he returned to heaven and made his report, he was punished for his mistake. He was sent down to earth to help men at the plough. "I told you to tell them," said the Emperor," that they should have one meal every three days, but you have now given them three meals each day. Just think of it; men have only two hands and two feet - how can they prepare three meals a day? It is all your fault, and you must answer for it. You must go down to earth and help man plough, so that they will be able to get three meals a day."

    Therefore, the Kerbau went down to earth and helped men to farm. These animals that are now on the earth originally came from heaven.

    Kerbau: 水牛

關(guān)鍵詞: 一天 三頓飯
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