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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-19
核心提示:公司里,大家都忙得熱火朝天。你想跟同事說句話,又擔(dān)心人家正在忙,是不是可以問他Are you busy?呢?其實(shí),這時(shí)候來一句In the middle of something?會(huì)顯得更加地道哦。In the middle of something?比較接近于 Are you busy right now?,其意是問同事現(xiàn)在是不是正在忙

    公司里,大家都忙得熱火朝天。你想跟同事說句話,又擔(dān)心人家正在忙,是不是可以問他"Are you busy?"呢?其實(shí),這時(shí)候來一句"In the middle of something?"會(huì)顯得更加地道哦。"In the middle of something?"比較接近于 "Are you busy right now?",其意是問同事“現(xiàn)在”是不是正在忙?而 "Are you busy?" 的含意比較廣, 也可指“最近”忙不忙。

    可見,公司英語(yǔ)中的門道還是很多的。我們希望這次的內(nèi)容不僅能夠improve your language skills,也可以improve your life and work situation!

    Every organization, whether it is a small family-run business, a huge multi-national corporation, a factory, a school or a library, requires all sorts of employees in order to function efficiently. 因此,各行各業(yè)應(yīng)運(yùn)而生:look after orders or goods, organize deliveries, keep records, work out salaries, recruit new staff, attend to staff problems, answer telephones…接下來,我們就籠統(tǒng)地說一說在公司的生存之道。

    你覺得做好工作容易么?為了做好本職工作,Uraih既要get home after midnight,又要pay the bill out of his own pocket,也難怪他會(huì)煩惱不堪了?墒,身在職場(chǎng),縱使你pull an all-nighter(開了一整晚夜車), 縱使你grumble about working twenty-four seven(twenty-four seven意指一周七天,一天二十四小時(shí)),你仍然最好就做這一件事:You have to be patient,你得要沉得住氣。守得云開見月明。只要兢兢業(yè)業(yè)地工作,最終必能笑傲職場(chǎng)。

    那么,初來乍到的新員工該注意些什么呢?如果你是新員工,就一定要做到謙虛有禮。記住這句話會(huì)對(duì)你有所幫助" I am new to the working world and would appreciate your guidance."。

    Besides, every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed. 


關(guān)鍵詞: 辦公室 生存
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