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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-24
核心提示:人總是需要成功來激勵的。向著目標的每一個成功都會激起你更大的動力繼續(xù)走下去。所以當你取得每一步微小的成功時,不妨獎勵一下自己,同時鼓勵自己一定能走向最終的目的地。 Helen Keller wrote, Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Every day, take a


    Helen Keller wrote, "Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." Every day, take a couple of minutes to list all your accomplishments for the day. Develop a tracking system for every effort and success, no matter how tiny. Each step toward your goal deserves recognition or some type of reward system. A checkmark on your calendar, congratulations from your loved ones, a hug from your partner, or money in your success jar all count. Document and celebrate often as you get in the habit of acknowledging what you have done right. Feeling the satisfaction of having achieved something has a snowball effect. With each success your confidence shoots up, you realize your limitless potential, and you gain more energy to take your next step. Repeated success in a particular activity motivates you to want to do that activity often.



關(guān)鍵詞: 成功 動力
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