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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-25
核心提示:High tea, a term often confused with afternoon tea, usually takes the place of supper. During the Industrial Revolution, working class families would return home tired and exhausted. The table would be set with dinner foods like meat, bread, butter,

    High tea, a term often confused with afternoon tea, usually takes the place of supper. During the Industrial Revolution, working class families would return home tired and exhausted. The table would be set with dinner foods like meat, bread, butter, potatoes, cheese and of course tea. It was termed "high tea" because it was eaten at a high dining table rather than a low tea table.

    人們常常會把“茶點”和“下午茶”搞混,其實茶點通常相當(dāng)于晚餐。在工業(yè)革命時期,工人階級的家庭成員回到家時都筋疲力盡。晚餐桌上的食物通常是肉、面包、黃油、土豆、奶酪,當(dāng)然也少不了茶。它之所以被稱為"high tea",是因為這頓飯是在一張高餐桌而不是矮茶桌上吃的。

    Afternoon tea (because it was usually taken in the late afternoon) is also called "low tea" as it is served at a low table. Since this wasn't a meal, but rather like a late afernoon snack meant to stave off hunger, finger foods were the common fare. Tiny, dainty sandwiches, scones and pastries were served with afternoon tea. Finger foods afforded one the opportunity to take a petite bite and easily maintain a conversation. This is most improtant, as one is not merely taking tea to gain nourishment or satisfy hunger, but to take time to relax, converse and enjoy the company of dear friends. In England, the traditional time for tea was four o'clock or five o'clock in the afternoon and no one stayed after seven o'clock.

    下午茶(因為它通常是在傍晚時享用),又稱"low tea",這樣叫是因為它是放在一張矮桌上享用的。由于這不是一頓飯,而更像是一頓傍晚時分為避免饑餓而食用的小吃,因此擺放的食物通常都是可以用手拿著吃的。美味的小塊三明治、烤餅和酥皮糕點通常都是享用下午茶時的小吃。這些便于手拿的食物可以讓人們一邊小口品嘗一邊還能輕松地進(jìn)行交談——這是最為重要的一點——因為人們不只是為了補(bǔ)充營養(yǎng)或充饑而喝茶,而是要借此機(jī)會放松自己,聊聊天和享受好友陪伴的樂趣。在英國,傳統(tǒng)的喝茶時間是在下午四五點鐘,而且下午茶都會在七點以前結(jié)束。


    In 1662, King Charles II of England married the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza who brought with her, as part of her dowry, a small chest of tea. As the new queen, Catherine began the serving of tea to her friends at court.


    Although there is mention of "five o'clock tea" in France in the 17th century, the credit for the invention of "Afternoon Tea" is given to Anna Russell, duchess of Bedford who, during the long gap between an early breakfast and very late dinner, experienced what she called "a sinking feeling" at about 4 or 5 in the afternoon. She asked her maid to bring her a pot of tea, a little bread and butter and cake in her room. She found this arrangement so agreeeable that she began asking her friends to join her.


關(guān)鍵詞: 下午茶
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