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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-27
核心提示:Depending on the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction, there may be several ways to increase your job satisfaction. 對工作不滿的潛在原因不同,提高工作滿意度的方法也不同。 積極的心態(tài)是提高你對工作的滿意度的最有效的方法之一。 Stay positive 保持積

Depending on the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction, there may be several ways to increase your job satisfaction.



Stay positive


Use positive thinking to reframe your thoughts about your job. Changing your attitude about work won't necessarily happen overnight. But if you're alert to ways your view of work brings you down, you can improve your job satisfaction. Try these techniques:

積極思考來重塑自己對工作的看法。工作態(tài)度的改變不是一朝一夕的事情。但是如果你能警覺讓你對工作失望的看法,你就能提高工作滿意度。 試一試下面這些技巧:

* Stop negative thoughts. 停止消極思維。

Pay attention to the messages you give yourself. When you catch yourself thinking your job is terrible, stop the thought in its tracks.


* Put things in perspective. Remember, everyone encounters good days and bad days on the job.


* Look for the silver lining. "Reframing" can help you find the good in a bad situation. For example, you receive a less than perfect performance appraisal and your boss warns you to improve or move to another job. Instead of taking it personally or looking for another job right away, look for the silver lining. Depending on where you work, the silver lining may be attending continuing education classes, working closely with a performance coach and having the satisfaction of showing your boss you're capable of change.


* Learn from your mistakes. 從錯誤中學(xué)習(xí)。Failure is one of the greatest learning tools, but many people let failure defeat them. When you make a mistake at work, learn from it and try again.


* Be grateful. 學(xué)會感恩。Gratitude can help you focus on what's positive about your job. Ask yourself, "What am I grateful for at work today?" If it's only that you're having lunch with a trusted co-worker, that's OK. But find at least one thing you're grateful for and savor it.

感恩的心情能讓你關(guān)注工作中積極的方面。 問自己:“今天工作中有什么讓我去感激?”既使答案只不過是和自己信任的同事一起吃午飯也可以。 但是,至少找出一樣令自己感激的事,然后去體驗(yàn)它的滋味。

Whether your work is a job, a career or a calling, you can take steps to restore meaning to your job. Make the best of difficult work situations by being positive. Doing so will help you manage your stress and experience the rewards of your profession.


關(guān)鍵詞: 工作 滿意度
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