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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-10-24
核心提示:傳說兔子的腳可是一件吉祥物,它會給人帶來好運。在古老的宗教信仰中,兔子被認(rèn)為是神圣的,因為有神靈棲身在它身上。兔子果真如此神通嗎?為什么后來人們轉(zhuǎn)而用它的腳來代表好運了呢?請看下文分解。 Superstitions, such as a rabbit's foot being considered lucky,


    Superstitions, such as a rabbit's foot being considered lucky, grow out of man's attempts to explain the unknown. When man disproves the old belief, and some still cling to the belief, it becomes a superstition. In Western Europe, prior to 600 B.C., man considered rabbits to be sacred, because of their belief that spirits inhabited the bodies of animals, and also because of their belief that man directly descended from a select few of these animals.

    Later, the ancient European Celts adopted portions of the older belief, that rabbits were sacred, and that spirits inhabited their bodies. The Celts, based on the fact that these animals spent an inordinate amount of time in their underground burrows, held the belief that the rabbits' bodies were inhabited by numina, underground spirits with whom they communicated at very close proximity!

    Another reason the Celts held the rabbit to be sacred was because of theirprowessin the field of reproduction. They believed that the numina intended for rabbits to be put uponpedestalsandreveredas symbols of procreation, reproduction with a high turnover rate, of health, and of prosperity.

    Since the rabbit itself was considered to be lucky, it follows that any of its body parts would also be considered lucky. People selected the rabbit's foot to tote around for good luck because of its capacity to dry quickly, its small size, and the fact that it made a great key chain!

    prowess: 威力

    pedestals: 臺子

    revered: 敬畏


關(guān)鍵詞: 兔子 好運
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