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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-10-31
核心提示:Keep your life simple. He suggests that this is best done by being very careful with the big decisions in your life: career, marriage, etc. Learn what brings you happiness. Does buying the latest Thneed really bring you joy. Do you really need those

Keep your life simple. He suggests that this is best done by being very careful with the big decisions in your life: career, marriage, etc.

Learn what brings you happiness. Does buying the latest Thneed really bring you joy. Do you really need those Ziffer-Zoof seeds? What do you value? Learn what this is and then pursue it.

Buy a home. Take your time. Don’t rush. Be sure every aspect of the decision meets your needs.

Buy a car. Gallagher recommends buying a new car every 8-10 years. “Never lease,” he says.

Never buy a vacation home.

Never buy anything from a door-to-door salesman or a telemarketer. Awesome advice. Don’t buy anything you didn’t seek out yourself. Don’t let others convince you that you need things.

Stay out of debt. By the time you’re 30, you should have no credit card debt. By the time you’re 40, you should have only mortgage debt. By the time you’re 50, you should have no debt at all.

Save. Build an emergency fund. Invest for retirement.

Downshift. When you have no debt, and when you have a nest egg that provides passive income, alter your life so that it is most fulfilling.

Avoid divorce. Gallagher stresses that your life partner will have the greatest effect on your happiness and your ability to achieve financial independence.






永遠別從上門推銷員的手中或通過電話營銷的方式買東西.可怕的建議。 不要買那些不是自己親自挑選的東西。不要讓別人說服你而認為需要那些東西。




關(guān)鍵詞: 財務 獨立
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