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你是tomboy還是girly girl?

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-13
核心提示:在多姿多彩的現(xiàn)今社會(huì),究竟是跨越了性別界限的中性女孩tomboy最受歡迎,還是浪漫柔美的女孩girly girl惹人垂憐?梅蘭竹菊,風(fēng)骨不同,百花爭(zhēng)鳴才是春。 tomboy 假小子 Tomboy is a girl who is not very feminine and behaves like a boy. 一個(gè)行為舉止像男孩的女孩子

    在多姿多彩的現(xiàn)今社會(huì),究竟是跨越了性別界限的中性女孩tomboy最受歡迎,還是浪漫柔美的女孩girly girl惹人垂憐?梅蘭竹菊,風(fēng)骨不同,百花爭(zhēng)鳴才是春。

    tomboy “假小子”

    Tomboy is a girl who is not very feminine and behaves like a boy. 一個(gè)行為舉止像男孩的女孩子。


    1 穿著男性化:They wear masculine-oriented types of clothes.

    2 愛好男性化: They practice games and activities (often physical in nature) that are typically considered to be the domain of boys. For example, a tomboy is more interested in sports and cars than fashion or movie stars.

    3 交友男性化: They like to make friends with boys.

    Girly Girl “真女人”

    Girly girl is a slang term for a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally feminine style, such as wearing floral dresses, blouses and skirts, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl. 花樣美裝,長裙曳地,說女人的話,行女人的事,一個(gè)女人味十足的傳統(tǒng)而古典的形象呼之欲出。

    測(cè)測(cè)看,你是Tomboy還是Girly Girl?

    1. What would you do when you see a really big spider? 看到大蜘蛛怎么辦?

    a Run and scream like mad and get someone to kill it! 尖叫著跑開,讓他人幫忙殺死!

    b Just ignore it! 視而不見!

    c Pick it up and chase all the girls with it! 拿起來嚇唬其他女孩子!

    2. what do you wear when you go out with your friends ? 和朋友出門穿什么?

    a A designer denim skirt with pink leggings 斜紋短裙,粉色裹腿襪

    b A tank top and baggy jeans 無袖背心和寬松仔褲

    c A hoodie and baggy ripped jeans 穿運(yùn)動(dòng)衣,裹頭巾戴帽子,和寬松的乞丐裝仔褲

    3. How about makeup? 怎么化妝?

    a Pink lipstick, silver eye shadow, eye-liner, mascara and pink nail varnish 粉色口紅,銀色眼影,描眼線,描眉,粉色指甲油

    b A bit of lip gloss 涂點(diǎn)唇彩

    c I never wear makeup. 從不化妝。

    4. Do you like sports? 喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)嗎?

    a No way it'll ruin my manicure. 不,這會(huì)碰斷我的指甲。

    b Yes I do. I love football. 是的,我很喜歡足球。

    c Yes I love all sports including skate-boarding. 當(dāng)然,我熱愛包括滑板在內(nèi)的所有運(yùn)動(dòng)。



    Girly Girl! “真女人”!

    You are real girly and love pink, makeup and shopping but hate bugs. You also have a great taste in fashion.


    Totally Tomboy! 完全的“假小子”!

    You are definitely a tomboy! You love skate-boarding, sports and hoodies but you really hate pink, makeup and skirts!


    Not so girly. 兩種特質(zhì)兼而有之。

    You aren't a girly girl or a tomboy. You love sports. You don't really like makeup the only makeup you put on is lipstick. 

關(guān)鍵詞: tomboy girly girl
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