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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-03-16
核心提示:Lousy day? Dont try to think happy thoughtsjust think fast. A new study shows that accelerated thinking can improve your mood. In six experiments, researchers at Princeton and Harvard universities made research participants think quickly by having t

    Lousy day? Don’t try to think happy thoughts—just think fast. A new study shows that accelerated thinking can improve your mood. In six experiments, researchers at Princeton and Harvard universities made research participants think quickly by having them generate as many problem-solving ideas (even bad ones) as possible in 10 minutes, read a series of ideas on a computer screen at a brisk pace or watch an I Love Lucy video clip on fast-forward. Other participants performed similar tasks at a relaxed speed.

    今天不爽么?不要試圖想一些高興的事情——就試試快速思考吧!一項(xiàng)新的研究表明快速思考能讓我們心情更好。來自普林斯頓(Princeton)和哈佛(Harvard)大學(xué)的研究人員做了6項(xiàng)實(shí)驗(yàn),他們讓實(shí)驗(yàn)參與者在10分鐘內(nèi)快速地想出盡可能多的解決問題的方法(即使是一些糟糕的方法),或者讓他們在計(jì)算機(jī)屏幕上快速閱讀一系列的想法,或者讓他們以快進(jìn)的方式觀看電視劇《我愛露西》(I Love Lucy)的一個(gè)片段。研究者讓其他的參與者悠閑地做上述這些活動(dòng)。
    Results suggested that thinking fast made participants feel more elated, creative and, to a lesser degree, energetic and powerful. Activities that promote fast thinking, then, such as whip¬ping through an easy crossword puzzle or brain-storming quickly about an idea, can boost energy and mood, says psychologist Emily Pronin, the study’s lead author.

    研究結(jié)果認(rèn)為快速思考讓實(shí)驗(yàn)參與者感覺更加高興、更具創(chuàng)造力;同時(shí)讓他們感覺更加有活力和強(qiáng)大(在程度上弱一些)。心理學(xué)家Emily Pronin是該項(xiàng)研究的主要作者,他說,促進(jìn)我們快速思考的活動(dòng)能增強(qiáng)我們的活力,提升我們的心情。這些活動(dòng)包括比如快速做一些簡單的填字游戲或者針對一個(gè)想法迅速地想出一些獨(dú)創(chuàng)性的方法。
    Pronin notes that rapid-fire thinking can sometimes have consequences. For people with bipolar disorder, thoughts can race so quickly that the manic feeling becomes aversive. And based on their own and others’ research, Pronin and a colleague propose in another recent article that although fast and varied thinking causes elation, fast but repetitive thoughts can instead trigger anxiety. (They further suggest that slow, varied thinking leads to the kind of calm, peaceful happiness associated with mindfulness meditation, whereas slow, repetitive thinking tends to sap energy and spur depressive thoughts.)

    Pronin注意到快速的思考有時(shí)候也帶來一些問題。對于那些患有兩極型紊亂的人,他們的思考變得非?,以至于使狂熱的感覺會變?yōu)閰拹旱母杏X。Pronin和他的一名同事根據(jù)他們自己的 以及他人的研究結(jié)果,在最近另外的一篇文章中提出,雖然快速和多變的思考能使人高興,不過快速但重復(fù)的思考相反能引起焦慮。(他們進(jìn)一步提出緩慢多變的思考有助于獲得那種安寧祥和的幸福,人們一般把這種幸福與全神貫注的沉思聯(lián)系在一起。但是,緩慢重復(fù)性的思考容易使人疲憊和引起抑郁。)
It is unclear why thought speed affects mood, but Pronin and her colleagues theorize that our own expectations may be part of the equation. In earlier research, they found that people generally believe fast thinking is a sign of a good mood. This lay belief may lead us to instinctively infer that if we are thinking quickly we must be happy. In addition, they suggest, thinking quickly may unleash the brain’s novelty-loving dopamine system, which is involved in sensations of pleasure and reward.

    The kind of rush that a person gets from rapid-fire thinking may be transient, but “these little bursts of positive emotion add up,” says psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California, Riverside. Studies have demon¬strated that happiness yields myriad benefits, including greater productivity, stronger social support and improved immune function, she explains, adding that “even brief periods of heightened mood can lead to upward spirals.”

    一個(gè)人從快速思考中獲得的那種激情可能很短暫,但是來自加州大學(xué)河濱分校(University of California, Riverside)的心理學(xué)家Sonja Lyubomirsky說:“這些積極情緒雖然細(xì)微的展示也能起到疊加的作用。”研究已經(jīng)顯示幸福感能帶來無窮多的益處,包括更高的效率、更牢固的社會關(guān)系以及更強(qiáng)大的免疫功能,Sonja Lyubomirsky補(bǔ)充解釋說:“即使是短暫的好情緒也能引導(dǎo)我們積極向上。”

Boost: 提升
Psychologist: 心理學(xué)家
Negative: 負(fù)面的
Bipolar disorder:兩極型紊亂(一種心理疾。
Spur: 刺激
Lay: 外行的
Unleash: 釋放
Dopamine: 多巴胺
Transient: 暫時(shí)的;
Myriad: 無數(shù)的

關(guān)鍵詞: 幸福 秘訣 思考
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