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女性健康:遲開的花朵 婦女大齡生育

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-03-24
核心提示:Many women in their forties are realising their dreams of motherhood. Clutching her exposed belly, where a small tattoo hints at her racy, child-free past, the expectant fortysomething mother lies on the doctor's couch, frown lines forming. ''Is the

Many women in their forties are realising their dreams of motherhood.

Clutching her exposed belly, where a small tattoo hints at her racy, child-free past, the expectant fortysomething mother lies on the doctor's couch, frown lines forming. ''Is the baby OK?'' Suddenly the room goes quiet as Professor Kypros Nicolaides, a legendary figure in the world of prenatal surgery, whirls through the door in a fireball of Greek Cypriot charisma. ''Heart, bladder, spleen, all perfect,'' he says, as he performs an ultrasound scan. ''Now stop behaving like someone in a Greek tragedy. Next question!''

According to Professor Nicolaides, the number of women having children late in life isn't just rising, it's an ''epidemic''. Today, in his private Harley Street clinic, many of his patients are in their late thirties and early forties. ''In 1970, five per cent of pregnant women were over 35, but in most European countries the figure is now 20 to 25 per cent,'' he says.

Nicolaides, who holds two professorships and runs a medical foundation that researches foetal health, believes that scientific advances will allow more and more women to have children late in life. ''The process of taking women in their thirties and storing their eggs for when they get older will get easier and become more popular,'' he says.

Such heartening news will, of course, offer little consolation to the thousands of fortysomething women who face the agony and heartbreak of discovering they may have left it too late. Some plough their savings into IVF (privately it costs about £3,000 per cycle), others resort to alternative therapies such as acupuncture.

France's First Lady, Carla Bruni, is said to be desperate to have a child with Nicolas Sarkozy. At 41 (the French President is 54), there's no telling if she'll manage it and the couple are reportedly considering adoption.

Nobody is saying it's easy. The miscarriage rate is higher in older women, as is the risk of having a disabled child. And however healthy and fit a woman may feel at 40, the cruel biological truth is that the quality of her eggs declines significantly in her late thirties, and even faster in her early forties. Added to that, men of 35 and older are 50 per cent less likely to conceive a baby with a similarly fertile female partner than men who are younger than 35, according to fertility guru Zita West.

Yet despite these overwhelmingly dismal statistics, a startling number of older women do realise their dreams of motherhood, many of them with no medical intervention at all. And this paradox isn't just a Hollywood phenomenon (see page 2), partly fuelled by energetic cycles of IVF. According to "Mothers 35 Plus", a UK website devoted to late motherhood, the number of women giving birth over the age of 40 has doubled in 10 years.

Professor Nicolaides, whose own grandmother had a child at 53, takes a refreshingly positive – if unconventional – view. ''The risks of late motherhood are completely exaggerated,'' he says, sweeping me into his handsome, wood-panelled office, where spotlit shelves are lined with his collection of ancient Greek pottery. ''There's an increased risk of Down's syndrome but the vast majority of women have normal babies at 40 and completely normal pregnancies.''

He attributes the late motherhood trend to women going ''into the professions'' and becoming intolerant and short-fused. ''You become stroppy like me!'' he says, eyes twinkling merrily (Nicolaides is divorced with two children). ''You develop your own routines and you don't tolerate fools!"

For those older women even-tempered enough to pursue both work and motherhood, the challenge is not necessarily carrying their pregnancy to full term, or even the birth itself, it's getting pregnant in the first place. Many never make it to Professor Nicolaides's clinic.

Instead, they visit Zita West, who runs a private fertility clinic that combines Western medicine with complementary therapies. ''I'm seen as a last-chance saloon,'' she says. ''Most of these women have been told there's no hope. They arrive at my clinic in floods of tears.''

West, a warm-hearted mother of two who trained as a midwife and acupuncturist, believes that the negative voices of authority can become dangerously self-fulfilling. ''Although I have a medical background, I feel the news that's delivered to women is quite brutal,'' she says. ''Having a baby is a deep burning desire for many women. And if you're told that your ovaries are withered and geriatric, it has a huge impact. Yet women age biologically at different rates. Some women over 40 may have the ovarian age of women of 35 and a 35-year-old may be more fertile than a woman 10 years younger.''

West, who has helped clients as old as 44 conceive naturally, believes that the approach to fertility is often over medicalised and fails to examine the whole picture, whether it's emotional health, diet, stress levels or exercise. ''Having sex naturally works better than IVF for women in their forties,'' she says. ''And I'm a great believer in the body/mind connection. Wherever you put your energy, things start to happen.''















關(guān)鍵詞: 女性 健康 花朵 生育
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