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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-08-26
核心提示:What it Takes to Make you Successful in Starting a Small Business 怎樣才能成功的開始你自己的創(chuàng)業(yè) Not everyone is cut out to strike out on their own as an entrepreneur and a business owner. If you don't have the characteristics necessary to be a smal

    What it Takes to Make you Successful in Starting a Small Business


    Not everyone is cut out to strike out on their own as an entrepreneur

    and a business owner. If you don't have the characteristics necessary to be a small business owner, chances are your small business will not succeed. You also need a good environment in which to start your business. Some countries are better places for entrepreneurial success than others.


    Best Places in the World for Entrepreneurship


    Although the United States is one of the top countries in the world for entrepreneurs, it isn't the top country. New Zealand is the best country for entrepreneurs with the U.S. ranking second. Canada is third with Australia placing fourth,based on a 2007 survey in FSB, published by Geoff Lewis in his article, Who in the World is Entrepreneurial? There are 43 other countries listed in this article in order of their climate regarding entrepreneurship.

    對企業(yè)家來說,美國雖然是世界上最好的國家之一,但是并不是創(chuàng)業(yè)的最佳國家。根據(jù)2007年Geoff Lewis在FSB上發(fā)表的調(diào)查文章顯示,最佳的創(chuàng)業(yè)國家中排名第一的是新西蘭,美國位居第二。加拿大名列第三,澳大利亞第四。這篇文章還列出了有創(chuàng)業(yè)氣氛的其他43個國家。

    Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs


    Successful small business owners have many and varied characteristics. Only some of them will be mentioned here.


    1.A successful entrepreneur is motivated by personal and family considerations.


    The number of small businesses in the U.S. is growing very rapidly. By far, small businesses employ more people than large businesses and export the vast majority of products. Many people are motivated by the flexibility provided to them if they own a small business. They may have children or elderly parents to care for. They may even want to put adult children or elderly parents on the payroll and have a true family business. There are many reasons that individuals consider a small business besides the profit motive.


    2.A desire for independence and a strong sense of initiative are usually characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.


    Large organizations where you have to answer to someone else are often stifling to an entrepreneurial personality. Entrepreneurs desire independence and have a sense of initiative that make them want to use their own abilities to the greatest extent possible. They are willing to work long, hard hours to make their business succeed. Large organizations often frustrate them.


    3.Successful entrepreneurs react quickly to change.


    Change both inside and outside the company affects small businesses quicker than larger businesses. Entrepreneurs have to react quickly and effectively to change to take advantage of opportunities and deal with threats. If an entrepreneur isn't capable of quick action, change can have a negative effect on operations and profitability.


    4.Entrepreneurs are dedicated to their businesses.


    Successful entrepreneurs are very dedicated to their businesses. They have invested so much time, energy, and emotion into their business that they want to be sure that it is successful. They differ from managers in large companies because they are working for themselves rather than working for the shareholders.


    If you possess these characteristics, you should have the personality that it takes to be successful in starting your own business.


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