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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-11-24
核心提示:Why we dream continues to elude us. Scientists have proven we need to dream. When robbed of their dreams, rats die within four weeks. We also know that at seven months a fetus is dreaming, its muscles and eye movements giving the tell-tale signs of

    Why we dream continues to elude us. Scientists have proven we need to dream. When robbed of their dreams, rats die within four weeks.

    We also know that at seven months a fetus is dreaming, its muscles and eye movements giving the tell-tale signs of REM (or rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. But what happens before seven months? When do our dreams begin?

    Research published in Chaos, a journal of The American Institute of Physics, provides the first attempt at an answer.

    Mathematicians analyzed the brainwaves of a fetal sheep in utero, at 15-weeks. The brain signals at that stage are quite complex, set against noise that is difficult to dampen. But using sophisticated mathematics, scientists discerned a pattern of cortical activation and deactivation, cycling every five to ten minutes - this, the scientists note, is a crude precursor to the longer cycles of REM and non-REM sleep.

    We can only guess at the content-do sleep dream of electric androids? But the study shows that dreamlike sleep develops before rapid eye movements. And the discovery may give researchers new insight into the purpose of sleep and dreams.





    數(shù)學家分析了子宮內15周的綿羊胎兒的腦波。對比那些難于減弱的噪音信號,這個時期的腦波信號已經非常復雜。但是通過使用復雜的數(shù)學計算,科學家們發(fā)現(xiàn)了 一種皮質激活和去活的模式,這種活動每隔5到10分鐘循環(huán)一次?茖W家們注意到,這種腦波活動模式就是周期更長的快速眼動睡眠(REM)和非快速眼動睡眠 (non-REM)的粗略前身。


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