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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-01-25
核心提示:聽君一席話,勝讀十年書。 比爾蓋茨回答了關(guān)于美國工作被外包、青年從業(yè)人員在經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)下要如何應(yīng)對等問題,不知他對普羅大眾的建議會不會讓你受益非淺?點(diǎn)擊查看比爾蓋茨的十大人生定律(圖) 比爾蓋茨的金玉良言 We invited our viewers to send us video questions,

    "聽君一席話,勝讀十年書。" 比爾蓋茨回答了關(guān)于美國工作被外包、青年從業(yè)人員在經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)下要如何應(yīng)對等問題,不知他對普羅大眾的建議會不會讓你受益非淺?點(diǎn)擊查看比爾蓋茨的十大人生定律(圖)


    We invited our viewers to send us video questions, iReports for you.And I'll get to a couple of them. This one from a woman named Hillary Ohm of Colville, Washington. She said she recently lost her job because Microsoft stopped contracting with her company because they didn't havea worldwide workforce, something like that.

    1. What do you think about the outsourcing of U.S. jobs? And do you think that this trend will continue in the future for Microsoft and its vendors?


    Well, Microsoft employs a higher percentage of people in the U.S. bya large amount than the portion of our sales that are in the U.S.


    We're a global company, and you've got to have salespeople and greatengineers from around the world contributing to those products.


    But we're a company whose labor base is overwhelmingly here. in theUnited States. And so issues like the quality of education are very important. You know, that's why I believe in that issue. Actually, the company gives a lot to those issues.


    And so, you know, actually, Microsoft, so far, has been able to beincrease employment. And so as a contributor to additional economicactivity. Part of that is because we do have worldwide sales, worldwidepresence. That means we're not exposed just to the one economy.


    We have another I-Report question from Mark Merritt of Aurora, Colorado.

    2. As a young professional, with the economy the way it is, what doyou feel is the best method to stay above water and not lose hope?

    作為一個年青的專業(yè)人員,在這樣的經(jīng)濟(jì)環(huán)境中, 你認(rèn)為要脫離困境,保持希望的最好方法是什么?

    Well, I think people are being more careful about using credit cards and getting into debt.


    I'm hopeful that people will invest in themselves, that is, get more education, because that's the thing that has the highest payoff, notjust economically, but in terms of the contribution you can make and interms of having a job that's stimulating and enjoyable for your entirelife. And, so, you know, if somebody thinking about going back toschool, even though, in the short run, that's -- that's hard for them,I would encourage them to do it.


    Bill Gates, thanks for all the work you do , and thanks for joining us.

    Thank you.

關(guān)鍵詞: 職場 比爾蓋茨 金玉良言
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