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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-03-29
核心提示:Pagodatree Flower Bud 槐米 Pagodatree Pod 槐角 Pale Butterflybush Flower 密蒙花 Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit 覆盆子 Pangolin Scales 穿山甲 Panicled Fameflower Root 土人參 Paniculate Swallowwort Root 徐長卿 Papaya 番木瓜 Papermulberry Fruit 楮實子 Parsla

Pagodatree Flower Bud 槐米
Pagodatree Pod 槐角
Pale Butterflybush Flower 密蒙花
Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit 覆盆子
Pangolin Scales 穿山甲
Panicled Fameflower Root 土人參
Paniculate Swallowwort Root 徐長卿
Papaya 番木瓜
Papermulberry Fruit 楮實子
Parslane Herb 馬齒莧
Patience Dock Root 牛西西
Peach Seed 桃仁
Pearl 珍珠
Pedate Pinallia Jackinthepulpit Rhizome 天南星
Pedunculate Acronychia Wood 沙塘木
Peking Euphorbia Root 京大戟
Pepper 胡椒
Pepper Wort Herb 田字草
Peppermint 薄荷
Pepperweed Seed / Tansymustard Seed 葶藶子
Perfoliote Knotweed Herb 杠板歸
Perilla Fruit 紫蘇子
Perilla Leaf 紫蘇葉
Perilla Stem 紫蘇梗
Persimmon Calyx and Receptacle 柿蒂
Pevuvian Apple Herb 冰粉
Pharbitis Seed 牽牛子
Philippine Flemingia Root 千金拔
Philippine Violet Herb 紫花地丁
Phoenix Tree Seed 梧桐子
Pillbug 鼠婦蟲
Pilose Asiabell Root /Moderate Asiabell Root/Szechwon Tangshen Root 黨參
Pine Leaf 松毛
Pine Nodular Branch 油松節(jié)
Pine Pollen 松花粉
Pinellia Tuber 半夏
Pink Herb 瞿麥
Pink Plumepoppy Herb 博落回
Pink Reineckea Herb 吉祥草
Pipe fish  海龍
Plant Soot 百草霜
Plantain Herb 車前草
Plantain Seed 車前子
Platycladi Seed 柏子仁
Platycodon Root 桔梗
Poisonous Buttercup Herb 石龍芮
Pokeberry Root 商陸
Pomegranate Rind 石榴皮
Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root 附子
Prepared Salt 秋石
Pricklyash Peel 花椒
Prince's-feather Fruit 水葒花子
Prince's-feather Herb 葒草
Puberulous Glochidion Herb 算盤子
Pubescent Holly Root 毛冬青
Pubescent Pepper Herb 毛蒟
Puff-ball 馬勃
Pumice 浮石
Pummelo Peel 化橘紅
Puncturevine Caltrop Fruit 蒺藜
Purple Lythrum Herb 千屈菜
Purpleflower Crotalaria Herb 農(nóng)吉利
Purpleflower Holly Leaf  四季青
Purslane Speedwell Herb 仙桃草
Pyrite 自然銅
Pyrolusite 無名異
Pyrrosia Leaf 石韋
Quartz 白石英
Radde Anemone Rhizome 竹節(jié)香附
Radish Seed 萊菔子
Raisin Tree Seed 枳具子
Ramie Root 苧麻根
Rangooncreeper Fruit 使君子
Realgar 雄黃
Red Ochre 代赭石
Red Paeony Root 赤芍
Red Psychotria Leaf 山大顏
Red-Knees Herb 辣蓼
Reed Rhizome 蘆根
Rehmannia Root 地黃
Remote Lemongrass Herb 蕓香草
Rhesus Macaque Bezoar 猴棗
Rhubarb 大黃
Rice Bean 赤小豆
Rice-grain Sprout 谷芽
Ricepaperplant Pith 通草
Rivier Giantarum Rhizome 魔芋
Romanet Grape Root 野葡萄
Rose 玫瑰花
Rose Mallow Root 地桃花
Rosewood Heart Wood 降香
Roughhaired Holly Root 崗梅根
Round Cardamom Fruit /Java Amomum Fruit 白豆蔻
Rush 燈心草
Rust-coloured Crotalaria Herb 假地蘭
Safflower 紅花
Saffron 西紅花
Sago Leaf 鳳尾蕉葉
Sal Ammoniac 硇砂
Sampson St. John'swort Herb 元寶草
Sanchi 三七
Sandalwood 檀香
Sappan Wood 蘇木
Sargentgloryvine Stem 大血藤
Sarmentose Pepper Herb 假蒟
Savoury Rhododendron Leaf 烈香杜鵑
Sawtooth Oak Bark 橡木皮
Saxifraga 虎耳草
Scabrous Doellingeria Rhizome and Root 東風菜
Scabrous Elephantfoot Herb 地膽頭
Scabrous Mosla Herb 石薺苧
Scandent Schefflera Stem and Leaf 七葉蓮
Scarlet Kadsura Root 黑老虎根
Scorpion 全蝎
Sea Horse 海馬
Sea-ear Shell 石決明
Seaweed 海藻
Semen Nelumbinis 蓮子
Semi-pinnated Brake Herb 半邊旗
Senna Leaf 番瀉葉
Sensitiveplat Herb 含羞草
Serpoletleaf Sandwort Herb 小無心菜
Serrate Chloranthus Root 及己
Serrate Gtorybower Herb 三對節(jié)
Sessile Stemona Root/Japanese Stemona Root/Tuber Stemona Root 百部
Sessileflower Acanthopanax Bark 短梗五加
Sevenlobed Yam Rhizome / Foochow Yam Rhizome 綿萆解
Sharpleaf Galangal Fruit 益智仁
Sheepear Inula Herb 羊耳菊
Shepherdspurse Herb 薺菜
Shiny Cinquefoil Root 翻白葉
Shinyleaf Pricklyash Root 兩面針
Shorthairy Antenoron Herb 金線草
Shortleaf Kyllinga Herb 水蜈蚣
Shortstalk Monkshood Root/Pendulous Monkshood Root  雪上一只蒿
Shorttube Lycoris Bulb 石蒜
Shouliang Yam Rhizome 薯莨
Shrubalthea Bark 川槿皮
Siberian Cocklour Fruit 蒼耳子
Silktree Albizzia Bark 合歡皮
Simple Glorybower Root 臭茉莉
Simpleleaf Shrub Chastetree Fruit 蔓荊子
Sinense Knotweed Rhizome 蜈蚣七
Single Roxburgh Rose Fruit 刺梨果
Sinkiang Arnebia Root /Redroot Gromwell Root 紫草
Sinkiang Fritillary Bulb 伊貝母
Skyblue Broomrape Herb 列當
Slender Dutchmanspipe Root 青木香
Slenderstyle Acanthopanax Bark 五加皮/南
Small Centipeda Herb 鵝不食草
Smallfruit Fig Aerial Root 榕須
Smallfruit Rose Root 小果薔薇
Snake Slough 蛇蛻
Snakegourd Fruit 瓜蔞
Snakegourd Seed 瓜蔞仁
Snow Lotus Herb 雪蓮花
Snow of June Herb 六月雪
Snowbell-leaf Tickclover Herb 廣金錢草
Soda-apple Night-shade Herb 天茄子
Songaria Cynomorium Herb 鎖陽
South Dodder Seed / Chinese Dodder Seed 菟絲子
Sowthistle Tasselflower Herb 一點紅
Soybean Germinated  大豆黃卷
Spanishneedles Herb / Railway Beggarticks Herb 鬼針草
Spiderflower Seed 白花菜子
Spike Aletris Herb 粉條兒菜
Spina Date Seed 酸棗仁
Spiny Amarauth Herb or Root 刺莧菜
Spreading Hedyotis Herb 白花蛇舌草
Sri Lanka Pouzolzia Herb 霧水葛
Stalactite 鐘乳石
Star Anise 八角茴香
Starwort Root 銀柴胡
Stiff Silkworm 僵蠶
Stone-like Omphalia 雷丸
Stringy Stonecrop Herb 垂盆草
Striped Crotalaria Herb 豬屎豆
Suberect Spatholobus Stem 雞血藤
Suffrutescent Securinega Twig 葉底珠
Sulphur 硫黃
Sun Euphorbia Herb 澤漆
Sunflower Receptacle 向日葵
Sunset Abelmoschus Root 黃蜀葵
Swamp Mahogany Leaf 大葉桉葉
Sweet Basil Herb 羅勒
Sweet Broomwort Herb 冰糖草
Sweet Osmanthus Flower 桂花
Sweet Wormwood Herb 青蒿
Sweetscented Oleander Leaf 夾竹桃葉
Sword Jackbean Seed 刀豆子
Swordlike Atractylodes Rhizome / Chinese Atractylodes Rhizome 蒼術
Szechuan Lovage Rhizome 川芎
Szechuan Melandium Root 瓦草
Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit 川楝子


關鍵詞: 中草藥 名稱
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