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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-06
核心提示:H block 工字型大廈 habitation 居住 hair crack 發(fā)絲裂縫;毛細裂縫 hairline finish 幼紋面 hairpin turn 急轉(zhuǎn)彎 half D room 半間D字型住房 half joint 半接頭 half landing 樓梯平臺 half unit 半個單位 half-bay shop 半間鋪位 half-brick wall 半磚墻;半磚厚墻

H block 工字型大廈
habitation 居住
hair crack 發(fā)絲裂縫;毛細裂縫
hairline finish 幼紋面
hairpin turn 急轉(zhuǎn)彎
half D room 半間D字型住房
half joint 半接頭
half landing 樓梯平臺
half unit 半個單位
half-bay shop 半間鋪位
half-brick wall 半磚墻;半磚厚墻
half-interlocking-type building 半連環(huán)型樓宇
Half-yearly Report on Parking Spaces in Housing Authority Rental Estates, Home
Ownership Scheme and Flatted Factory 《房委會租住屋 、居屋苑及分層工廠大廈停車位半年報告》
halloysite 多水高嶺石;敘永石
hand-dug caisson 手挖沉箱;人工挖掘沉箱
hand-dug caisson construction 手挖沉箱建造工程
handing-over of site 移交地盤
handrail 扶手
harbour salutation 海港淤積
hard and soft landscaping 園景建筑及種植花木
hard core squatter 留居寮屋的居民
hard impervious material 堅硬不透水物料
hard landscaping 園景建筑工程
hard rock tunnel boring machine 巖石隧道鉆挖機
hard surface treatment 硬面防護處理方法
hard wood ground 硬木板地
hardboard 硬質(zhì)纖維板
hardcore 碎石墊層;硬底層;“石角”
hardened concrete 硬化混凝土
hardship limit 困難戶入息限額
hardwood flooring 硬木地板
harmony 1 block (Option 1) 和諧一型大廈(第1款)
harmony 1-person annex block 和諧式一人單位附翼大廈
harmony 2 block (Option 1) 和諧二型大廈(第1款)
harmony 3 block 和諧三型大廈
harmony 3A block (Option 1) 和諧三A型大廈(第1款)
harmony annex block 和諧式附翼大廈
harmony block 和諧式大廈
harmony range block 和諧系列大廈
harmony rural block 和諧鄉(xiāng)村式大廈
harmony transfer block 和諧式轉(zhuǎn)作居屋大廈
hasp and staple 搭扣與鎖環(huán);“門牛”
hatchway 升降口
"hau to" “后土”
haul bridge system 工地運料天橋系統(tǒng)
haul road 運料路;拖運材料的道路
haulage device 拖曳設備;運輸設備
hazardous slope 危險斜坡
H-beam H形梁;工字梁
head lessee 總契承租人
head of breakwater 防波堤堤頭
head of household 戶主
headroom 通行高度;凈空;凈空高度
headwall 端墻
headway 凈空高度
hearth 壁爐地面
heat insulating tile 隔熱磚
heat insulation method 隔熱方法
heat shield 隔熱屏障
heater 加熱器;熱水爐
heating system 暖氣系統(tǒng)
heavily landscaped 遍植花木
heavy compaction plant 重型固土機
heavy duty double action floor spring 耐損雙開門腳鉸鏈
heavy foundation 重型基礎;重型地基
heavy industrial area 重工業(yè)區(qū)
hectare [ha] 公頃
heel 基跟;柱腳
height above mean sea level 海拔
height gauge 高度計;測高規(guī)
height restriction 高度限制
helicopter landing pad 直升機升降坪
herbaceous plant 草本植物
herringbone drain 梳式排水渠;魚骨式排水渠
hessian binding 麻包保護層
heterogeneous material 不均勻物質(zhì);非均質(zhì)物質(zhì)
"heung" [formed by villages] 鄉(xiāng)〔由多個村組成〕
hierarchy of covered walkway system 分層有蓋行人道系統(tǒng)
high land-price policy 高地價政策
high mast lighting 高桅照明裝置
high pressure grouting 高壓灌漿
high voltage cable 高壓電纜
high water 高潮
high water mark 高潮位
high yield reinforcement 高屈服點鋼筋
high-bay floodlight 墻頭泛光燈
higher high water 高高潮
higher low water 高低潮
higher-value use 較高價值用途
highest tender 出價最高的投標書;最高價投標
high-level reservoir 高地水庫
highly decomposed granite 高度風化花崗巖;高度風化花崗巖層
highly decomposed volcanic rock 高度風化火山巖;高度風化火山巖層
highly stressed 高度受力
highly weathered granite 高度風化花崗巖;高度風化花崗巖層
highly weathered volcanic rock 高度風化火山巖;高度風化火山巖層
high-rise block 多層大廈;高樓大廈
high-rise development 向高空發(fā)展
high-speed pictorial presentation 高速顯圖
hiking trail 遠足徑
hillside 山坡;山腰
hinterland 腹地
historical and archaeological site 歷史及考古地點
history of instability 過去不穩(wěn)定記錄;過去不穩(wěn)定歷史
History of Rates in Hong Kong, The 《香港差餉的歷史》
hoarding 圍板;臨時圍籬
hoarding permit 圍板許可證
hod 灰砂斗;砂漿桶
hoist 吊重機;起重機
holder base plate 支座墊板
holdfast 錨釘;“磨耳”
holding 土地
holding down bolt 地腳螺栓;定位螺栓
hole micrometer 測孔千分尺
hollow block construction 空心磚結(jié)構(gòu)
hollow concrete block 空心混凝土磚
hollow core flush door 空心門;空心平面門
hollow section 空心截面;空心管;“通”
hollow section steel fence 空心鋼欄
Home Financing Allowance 居所資助津貼
Home Financing Scheme 居所資助計劃
home for the aged 安老院
home help service centre 家務助理服務中心
home industry 家庭式工業(yè)
Home Ownership Balloting System 居屋計劃抽簽系統(tǒng)
Home Ownership Centre 居者有其屋中心〔居屋中心〕
Home Ownership Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 居者有其屋小組委員會〔香港房屋委員會〕
Home Ownership Fund 居者有其屋計劃基金
Home Ownership Operating Account 自置居所計劃運作帳目
Home Ownership Scheme [HOS] [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 居者有其屋計劃〔居屋計劃〕〔香港房屋委員會〕
Home Ownership Scheme block 居屋大廈
Home Ownership Scheme equivalent flat 相等居屋的單位;與居屋相若的單位
Home Ownership Scheme estate 居者有其屋計劃屋苑;居屋苑
Home Ownership Scheme estate granted at nil premium 不計地價居者有其屋計劃屋苑
Home Ownership Scheme flat 居者有其屋單位;居屋單位
Home Ownership Scheme/public rental housing transfer 居屋與租住公屋互換用途
Home Purchase Allowance 自置居所津貼
Home Purchase Assistance Scheme 購樓資助計劃
Home Purchase Loan Scheme [HPLS] 自置居所貸款計劃〔置居貸款計劃〕
Home Purchase Scheme 自置居所資助計劃
Home Starter Loan Scheme 首次置業(yè)貸款計劃
homeport 船籍港;“灣頭”
homogeneous compaction of fill slope 填土斜坡的均等壓實度
homogeneous environment 同質(zhì)環(huán)境
homogeneous floor tile 過底地磚
homogeneous layer 均質(zhì)層
honeycomb structure 蜂窩結(jié)構(gòu)
honeycomb weathering 蜂窩狀風化
honeycombed concrete 蜂窩混凝土;“黃蜂竇”
Hong Kong 1980 Grid 香港1980方格網(wǎng)
Hong Kong 80 Geodetic Datum 1980年香港大地測量基準
Hong Kong and Mainland Cross-Boundary Major Infrastructure Co-ordinating
Committee 香港與內(nèi)地跨界大型基建協(xié)調(diào)委員會〔基協(xié)會〕
Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies 香港物業(yè)管理公司協(xié)會
Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited 香港建屋貸款有限公司
Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method [HK--BEAM] 香港建筑環(huán)境評審法
Hong Kong Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 建筑小組委員會〔香港房屋委員會〕
Hong Kong Construction Association Limited 香港建造商會有限公司
Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union 香港建造業(yè)總工會
Hong Kong Control Survey System 香港控制測量系統(tǒng)
Hong Kong Division [Rating and Valuation Department] 港島區(qū)估價事務科〔差餉物業(yè)估價署〕
Hong Kong Geographical Association 香港地理學會
Hong Kong Government Local Professional Surveyors' Association 香港政府本地專業(yè)測量師協(xié)會
Hong Kong Grid System 香港方格網(wǎng)制
Hong Kong Helicopter Flying Chart 香港直升機航空圖
Hong Kong Home Ownership Scheme Council 香港居屋議會
Hong Kong Housing Authority 香港房屋委員會
Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協(xié)會
Hong Kong Industrial Estates Corporation 香港工業(yè) 公司
Hong Kong Industrial Estates Corporation Board 香港工業(yè) 公司管理局
Hong Kong Institute of Architects [HKIA] 香港建筑師學會
Hong Kong Institute of Housing 香港房屋經(jīng)理學會
Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects 香港園林建筑師學會
Hong Kong Institute of Planners 香港規(guī)劃師學會
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 香港測量師學會
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 香港工程師學會
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Scheme "A" Training 香港工程師學會計劃A訓練
Hong Kong Island West Development Statement 港島西發(fā)展綱領
Hong Kong Model Housing Society 香港模范屋宇會
Hong Kong Outline Plan 香港發(fā)展綱略
Hong Kong People's Council on Public Housing Policy [PCPHP] 香港公共房屋政策評議會〔公屋評議會〕
Hong Kong Planning Area 香港設計區(qū)
Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines [HKPSG] 香港規(guī)劃標準與準則
Hong Kong Port Development Board 香港港口發(fā)展局
Hong Kong Principal Datum 香港主水平基準
Hong Kong Property Review 19XX 《香港物業(yè)報告19XX》
Hong Kong Property Review Quarterly Supplement 香港物業(yè)檢討報告每季補編
Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies Association Limited 香港地產(chǎn)代理商協(xié)會有限公司
Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Limited 香港平民屋宇有限公司
hopper 漏斗;裝料斗
horizontal alignment 水平線向;平面線形
horizontal and vertical reference points 平面及高程參考點
horizontal angle 平面角
horizontal area 水平面積
horizontal clearance 水平凈空
horizontal co-ordinate 平面坐標
horizontal curve 橫向曲線
horizontal diameter 橫向直徑
horizontal dimension 水平尺寸
horizontal distance 平距
horizontal drainage channel 水平排水孔
horizontal guide face 水平導面
horizontal movement 水平位移
horizontal plan drawing 平面圖則
horizontal restrain 橫向約束
horizontal section 水平截面;水平切面
horizontal sliding gate 橫向滑動閘
horizontal surface 水平表面
hornblende 角閃巖;角閃石
horticultural practice 園藝實務
horticultural use 園藝用途
hose reel 喉轆
hose reel door 喉轆箱門
hose reel nozzle box 消防喉噴嘴箱
hostel accommodation 宿舍單位
hostel-type housing for senior citizens 院舍式長者住屋
hot rolled bar and steel wire 熱軋鋼筋及鋼線
hot rolled steel bar 熱軋鋼筋條
hourly car park 時租停車場
house entitlement 屋宇權(quán)益
house lot 屋宇地段;屋地
house lot owner 屋地業(yè)權(quán)人
house number 門牌;樓宇門牌號數(shù)
house site 屋地
house unit 房屋單位
household 家庭;住戶
household expenditure 住戶開支
household expenditure survey 住戶開支統(tǒng)計調(diào)查
household expenses 住戶開支
household formation 家庭組織
household in hardship 困難戶
household income 家庭總?cè)胂?
household pattern 家庭組織模式;住戶組織模式
household preference survey 住戶意向調(diào)查
household refuse 家居垃圾
household size 家庭人數(shù);住戶人數(shù);家庭組別
household size distribution pattern 家庭組別分布模式
household size pattern 家庭組別模式
Housing Authority Bi-monthly 《房委會雙月刊》
Housing Authority funded item 房委會款項支付項目
Housing Authority List of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Contractors 《房委會空氣調(diào)節(jié)及通風系統(tǒng)承辦商名冊》
Housing Authority List of Building Contractors 《房屋委員會承建商名冊》
Housing Authority List of Electrical Contractors 《房委會電業(yè)承辦商名冊》
Housing Authority List of Fire Services and Water Pump Contractors 《房委會消防裝置及水泵承辦商名冊》
Housing Authority List of Lift and Escalator Contractors 《房委會升降機及自動梯承辦商名冊》
Housing Authority Monthly Digest of Statistics 《房委會每月統(tǒng)計資料》
Housing Authority Quarterly Statistic Report 《房委會每季統(tǒng)計報告》
Housing Authority's Standing Committee 房屋委員會常務小組委員會
housing benefit 房屋福利;房屋資助
housing block 公屋大廈
Housing Bureau [Government Secretariat] 房屋局〔政府總部〕
Housing Capital Work Fund 房屋建設工程基金
housing category 安置類別
housing class grade officer 房屋職系人員
housing cluster 屋
housing cost 住屋費用
housing demand category 房屋需求類別
Housing Department 房屋署
Housing Department Civil Engineering Design Manual 《房屋署土木工程設計手冊》
Housing Department Engineering Specialists Review Committee 房屋署工程專家覆審小組委員會
Housing Department Hotline 房署熱線
Housing Department information kiosk 房署資訊站
Housing Department Standard Drawing 房屋署標準圖則
housing expenditure 住屋開支
Housing Fixed Penalty Ticket System 房屋署定額罰款通知書制度
Housing Information Centre 房屋事務詢問處
housing land 房屋用地
Housing Loan Scheme 購屋貸款計劃
Housing Management Professional Staff Consultative Committee 房屋管理專業(yè)人員協(xié)商委員會
Housing Manager 房屋經(jīng)理
Housing Managers Registration Board 房屋經(jīng)理注冊管理局
housing mix 家庭組合;房屋類別組合;房屋組合
housing offer 配屋建議
Housing Officer 房屋事務主任
housing platform 建屋地臺
housing policy 房屋政策
housing potential 建屋發(fā)展?jié)撡|(zhì)
Housing Progress Committee [Housing Department] 房屋建設進度委員會〔房屋署〕
Housing Project Action Team 房屋工程行動小組
Housing Scheme for Local Government Officers 本地公務員住屋計劃
housing stock 現(xiàn)有公屋單位數(shù)目
Housing Strategy Computer Model 房屋策略電腦模擬系統(tǒng)
Housing Strategy Division [Housing Bureau] 房屋策略部〔房屋局〕
Housing Strategy Review 房屋策略檢討
housing subsidy 購屋資助
Housing Subsidy Appeals Panel 公屋住戶資助上訴小組
Housing Subsidy Panel 公屋住戶資助小組
Housing Subsidy Policy 公屋住戶資助政策
housing type 房屋類別
housing unit 房屋單位
How to Apply for a Small House Grant 《如何申請批準建造小型屋宇》
How to Conduct Searches of Land Records 《怎樣查閱土地記錄》
H-pile 寬緣工字鋼樁;H形鋼樁
hut 小屋;木屋
hut-busting operation 木屋掃蕩行動
hut-prone area 木屋黑點地區(qū);僭建木屋黑點地區(qū)
hut-to-hut check 逐戶調(diào)查
hydrant 消防栓;消防龍頭
hydrant outlet 消防龍頭出口
hydrant programme 裝設消防龍頭計劃
hydrated lime 水化石灰;熟石灰
hydraulic excavator 液壓式挖土機
hydraulic fill 水力填土
hydraulic jack 液壓千斤頂
hydrogeology 水文地質(zhì)學
hydroseeded area 噴草區(qū);噴草帶
hydroseeding 噴草;草籽植草
hydroseeding mix 混合噴草草種
hydroseeding solution 噴草漿
hydrostatic state of stress 靜水應力狀態(tài) 


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