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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-16
核心提示:asymmetry 不對(duì)稱(現(xiàn)象) at maximum temperature 保溫 atmospheric conditions 大氣狀態(tài) atmospheric conditions humidity 大氣濕度 atmospheric conditions pressure 大氣壓力 atomic bond 原子鍵 atomization 霧化 atomized suspension technique AST法,(亞硫

asymmetry 不對(duì)稱(現(xiàn)象)
at maximum temperature 保溫
atmospheric conditions 大氣狀態(tài)
atmospheric conditions humidity 大氣濕度
atmospheric conditions pressure 大氣壓力
atomic bond 原子鍵
atomization 霧化
atomized suspension technique AST法,(亞硫酸鹽廢液)霧化回收法
atomizer 噴霧器;霧化器
attachment 附件
attapulgate 無(wú)水硅酸鋁礦石
attenuant 稀釋劑;衰減器
attenuation 衰減作用
attrition mill 磨碎機(jī);磨漿機(jī)
auger method (for sampling pulp) (紙漿取樣)鈷取法
Austrian pine(Pinus nigra Ahr.) 南歐黑松
autoclave 高壓釜,高壓鍋
auto cut-out 自動(dòng)斷路(器)
automatic control 自動(dòng)控制
automatic control electric feed 電控自動(dòng)裝料
automatic control feed 自動(dòng)進(jìn)料,自動(dòng)喂料
automatic control felt guide 毛毯自動(dòng)校正器
automatic control felt stretcher 毛毯自動(dòng)張緊器
automatic control flashing apparatus 自動(dòng)閃蒸設(shè)備
automatic control fraction collector 自動(dòng)分選機(jī)
automatic control guide(roll) 自動(dòng)導(dǎo)輥
automatic control knife grinde 自動(dòng)磨刀機(jī)
automatic control line 自動(dòng)線
automatic control logging 自動(dòng)記錄
automatic control operation 自動(dòng)操作
automatic control pick-up 自動(dòng)遞紙裝置,自動(dòng)引紙裝置
automatic control plant 自動(dòng)化工廠;自動(dòng)化車間
automatic control pressure controller 壓力自動(dòng)控制器
automatic control pressure vent 自動(dòng)排氣閥
automatic control production 自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)
automatic control proportioning and metering device 自動(dòng)配漿箱
automatic control regulating box 自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)箱
automatic control tegulatingdevice 自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)裝置
automatic control regulator 自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)器
automatic control set-up box machine 自動(dòng)制盒機(jī)
automatic control sheet counting device 自動(dòng)數(shù)紙裝置
automatic control sheet
feeder 自動(dòng)續(xù)紙器
automatic control sheet handling machine 自動(dòng)碼紙機(jī)
automatic control sorter 自動(dòng)選紙機(jī)
automatic control stoker 自動(dòng)加煤器
automatic control stuff box 自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)箱
automatic control temperature controller 溫度自動(dòng)控制器
automatic control tip time service 自動(dòng)定時(shí)轉(zhuǎn)換
automatic control valve 自動(dòng)閥
automatic control wire guide (roll) 自動(dòng)校網(wǎng)器,自動(dòng)校網(wǎng)輥
automatically feed 自動(dòng)進(jìn)料的,自動(dòng)喂料的
automation 自動(dòng)化
automobile storage bag 汽車輪胎包裝用紙袋
auto-oxidation 自動(dòng)氧化
auto-panel 自動(dòng)控制批示板
autc-slice 真空刮刀
auto tire wrap 汽車輪胎包裝用紙
autumn wood 晚材,秋材
auxiljaries 輔助裝置
auxiliary air 補(bǔ)給空氣,二次風(fēng)
auxiliary air caustization 輔助苛化
auxiliary air causticizer 輔助苛化器
auxiliary air equipment 輔助裝置
auxiliary air screen 輔助篩
auxiliary air separator 輔助分離器
auxiliary air sizing agent 輔助施膠劑
auxiliary air strainer 輔助濾帶;輔助篩漿機(jī)
available alkali 有效堿
available alkali capacity 有效容量
available alkali chlorine 有效氯
available alkali crosssection 有效截面
average fiber length 纖維平均長(zhǎng)度
average fiber lengthincrement 平均增量
average fiber length moisture(of pulp bales) 成捆漿板平均水分含量
average fiber length pressure 平均壓力
average fiber length temperature 平均溫度
average fiber length velocity 平均速度
avometer 安伏歐計(jì),萬(wàn)能(電)表,三用電表
axial 軸向
axial bond 主鍵;軸鍵
axial flow pump 軸流泵
axis 軸
Aylesford refiner (實(shí)驗(yàn)室用)Aylesford盤(pán)磨機(jī)(英國(guó)制)
azo compounds 偶氮化合物
azo compounds dye(stuff) 偶氮染料
absorbing board 吸收紙板
accordion board 手風(fēng)琴紙板
acoustic(al) board 隔音紙板
advertisement board 廣告招貼用紙板
air-dried board 風(fēng)干紙板
album board 相冊(cè)紙板
alkaline-proof soap box board 肥皂包裝用抗堿紙板
ammunition board 彈筒紙板
antique board 仿古紙板
anti-tarnish board 防銹紙板
art board 銅版紙板
artist board 繪畫(huà)紙板
artist's illustration board 繪畫(huà)紙板
asbestos board 石棉紙板
asbestos asbestos board 石棉洋灰板
asphalt board 瀝青紙板,防潮紙板
automobile board 汽車用紙板
auto(mobiole) panel board 汽車儀表盤(pán)紙板
abrasive coater 砂紙涂布機(jī)
air brush coater 氣刷涂布機(jī)
air blade coater 氣刀涂布機(jī)
air doctor coater 氣刀涂布機(jī)
air knife coater 氣刀涂布機(jī)
arch bed brush coater 刷式拱形涂布機(jī)
asphalt coater 瀝青涂布機(jī)
acid cooking 酸法蒸煮
alkaline cooking 堿法蒸煮
actic acid 乳酸
actic acid method (紙板施膠度)
abrasive paper 砂紙
abrasive base paper 砂紙?jiān)?
absorbent paper 吸水紙
absorbing paper 吸水紙;吸收紙
account book paper 帳簿紙
accunting machine paper 計(jì)算機(jī)用紙
acid free paper 無(wú)酸紙
acid proof paper 耐酸紙
acid resistant paper 耐酸紙
acoustic paper 隔音紙
actinometer paper 溴化銀印相紙
active paper 吸濕紙
adding machine paper 計(jì)算機(jī)紙
address label paper 地址標(biāo)簽紙
adhesive paper 膠粘紙
advertising paper 廣告紙,招貼紙
agate paper 仿大理石紙
agate marble paper 仿大理石紙
age resistant paper 耐老化紙
air paper 航空信紙
air dried paper 風(fēng)干紙
air filtration paper 空氣濾紙
air knife coated paper 氣刀涂布紙
air mail paper 航空信紙
air proof paper 不透氣紙
air tight paper 氣密紙
alabaster paper 名片紙
album paper 相紙
albumenized paper 蛋白膠紙
albumin paper 蛋白膠紙
aligning paper 地圖紙
alkali-proof paper 耐堿紙
all rag paper 全棉纖維紙
all wood paper 全木漿紙
allogator imitation paper 仿鱷皮紙
alpha paper 西班牙草漿制成的紙張
aluminum paper 鋁紙
aluminum casting paper 鋁襯紙
aluminum coated paper 鋁涂布紙
aluminum foil backing paper 鋁箔襯紙
aluminum laminated paper 鋁箔夾層紙
amber laid paper 琥珀條紋紙
ammunition paper 彈藥筒紙
amplitude response recording paper 頻率感應(yīng)記錄紙
analytical filter paper 分析化學(xué)用濾紙
angle paper 斜面紙
angle-cut paper 斜截面紙
angular paper 斜角紙
animal trb-sixed paper 動(dòng)物膠表面施膠紙
anti-acid paper 耐酸紙
anti-acid manila paper 耐酸馬尼拉紙
anti-corrosion paper 防蝕紙
anti-falsification paper 防偽造紙
anti-fungicide paper 防霉紙
anti-fusion paper 服裝剪裁用紙
anti-rust paper 防銹紙
antique paper 低光澤紙,仿古紙
antique book paper 仿古書(shū)籍紙
antique eggshell paper 粗糙表面仿古紙
antique glazed paper 低光澤紙
antique printing paper 仿古印刷紙,低光澤印刷紙
antiseptic paper 殺菌紙
apricot paper 粉紅色水果包裝紙
aquare(le) paper 水彩圖畫(huà)紙
archival paper 檔案紙
armature paper 絕緣紙
aromatic paper 香料紙
arsenical paper 含砷紙
art paper 美術(shù)紙
art cover paper 美術(shù)裝飾紙
atr drawing paper 水彩畫(huà)紙
atr poster paper 美術(shù)廣告紙;美工宣傳紙
articulating paper 牙科用紙
artificial leather paper 人造革紙
asbestos paper 石棉紙
asbestos diaphragm paper 石棉隔膜紙
asbestos (electrical) insulating paper 石棉(電)絕緣紙
asbestos wall paper 石棉壁紙
aseptic paper 消毒紙,防腐紙
ashless paper 無(wú)灰紙
ashless filter paper 無(wú)灰濾紙
asphalt paper 防潮紙
asphalt base paper 瀝青紙
asphalt coated paper 瀝青涂布紙
asphalt laminated paper 層壓防潮紙,瀝青紙
asphalt moisture proof paper 防潮紙,瀝青紙
asphalt saturated paper 防潮紙,瀝青紙
asphalt sheathing paper 涂布防潮紙,瀝青涂布紙
asphalting 防潮紙,瀝青紙
asthma paper 防喘紙
altas paper 地圖紙
autochion printing paper 彩色印刷紙
autocopy paper 壓感復(fù)寫(xiě)紙
autograph paper 紀(jì)念冊(cè)紙
autographic register paper 自動(dòng)(劃線)記錄紙
autographic transfer paper 復(fù)印紙
automobile-bag paper 汽車袋用紙
autotype paper 復(fù)制紙,影印紙
avenized paper 食品包裝紙
azure laid (writing) paper 藍(lán)條紋書(shū)寫(xiě)紙
acid process 酸法(制漿)
acid sulfite process 酸性亞硫酸鹽法制漿
activated carbon oxidation process (廢水處理)活性炭氧化法
activated sludge process (廢水處理)活性污泥法
aerobic process 需氧廢水處理法
alkafide (pulping) process 含硫化物氣相快速蒸煮
alkali-oxygen process 氧堿法制漿
alkali-oxygen sulfite process 堿性亞硫酸鹽法制漿
alkaline process 堿法(制漿)
ammonium bisulfite process 亞硫酸氫銨法制漿
anaerobic process 厭氧廢水處理法
Arbiso process 亞硫酸鈉法(制漿)
atomized suspension process (廢液)噴霧燃燒回收
automatically controlled continuous process 邊續(xù)自控過(guò)程
abaca pulp 馬尼拉麻漿,焦麻漿
acid semichemical pulp 酸法半化學(xué)漿
acid sulfite pulp (酸性)亞硫酸鹽紙漿
acid sulfite semichemical pulp (酸性)亞硫酸鹽半化學(xué)漿
air dried pulp 風(fēng)干漿
alkaline pulp 堿法漿
alkaline semichemical pulp 堿法半化學(xué)漿
alpha pulp a纖維素紙漿
acid sulfite pulping 酸性亞硫酸鹽法制漿
alkaline pulping 堿法制漿
alkqaline pulping with amine 加胺堿法制漿
ammonia pulping 氨法制漿
ammonia base sulfite pulping 亞硫酸銨法制漿
ammonia explosion pulping 氨爆破法制漿
ammonium hydroxide pulping 氫氧化銨制漿
Adka saveall Adka飄浮白水回收機(jī)
Arledter saveall Arledter飄浮、沉淀聯(lián)合作用白水回收機(jī)
absorbent tissue 吸水薄紙
absorption tissue 吸水薄紙
acid-free tissue 防蝕紙
anti-tarnish tissue 防銹紙
AACC American Association for Contamination Control美國(guó)污染控制協(xié)會(huì)的縮寫(xiě)
AAM acrylamide丙烯酰胺的縮寫(xiě)
AAN amino acetonitrile氨基乙腈的縮寫(xiě)
AAT accelerated aging test加速老化試驗(yàn)的縮寫(xiě)
A.& T. acceptance and transfer驗(yàn)收與移交的縮寫(xiě)
A.& T. assemble and test裝配與測(cè)試的縮寫(xiě)
ab. absolute絕對(duì)的縮寫(xiě)
abb. abbreviation縮寫(xiě),略語(yǔ)的縮寫(xiě)
abb. 德abbidung圖例的縮寫(xiě)
ABC automatic boiler control (system)鍋爐自控系統(tǒng)的縮寫(xiě)
ABCM Association of British Chemical Manufacturers英國(guó)化學(xué)制造商協(xié)會(huì)的縮寫(xiě)
aber. aberration偏差;象差的縮寫(xiě)
ABIPC Abstract Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry《IPC文摘(通報(bào))》
ABR acryl butadiene rubber丙烯醛基丁二烯橡膠的縮寫(xiě)
abr. abridged; abridgement刪節(jié)的縮寫(xiě)
abs. absolute絕對(duì)的縮寫(xiě)
abs.alc. absolute alcohol無(wú)水酒精的縮寫(xiě)
abstr. abstract摘要,文摘的縮寫(xiě)
abt. about約的縮寫(xiě)
A.C.,a.c. alternating current交流電的縮寫(xiě)
A.C. 拉Ante Christum紀(jì)元前的縮寫(xiě)
Ac. acetic;acetate;acetone alicyelic醋酸基;醋酸酯;丙酮脂環(huán)(族)的縮寫(xiě)
ac. acre英畝的縮寫(xiě)
Acad. Academy學(xué)院的縮寫(xiě)
ACC automatic combustion control燃燒自控系統(tǒng)
AA atomic absorption原子吸收的縮寫(xiě)
ABS acrylonitrile-buladrene styrene丙烯腈一丁;烯一苯乙烯的縮寫(xiě)
ACAR angular correlation of annihilation radiation消除輻射的角相關(guān)性的縮寫(xiě)
AM acrylamide丙烯酰胺
AOX adsorbable organic halides可吸附的有機(jī)鹵化物的縮寫(xiě)
AP plkali pulp堿法紙漿的縮寫(xiě)
APAM anionic polyacrylamide陰離子型聚丙烯酰胺的縮寫(xiě)
ASB aerotion stabilization basin穩(wěn)定曝氣池的縮寫(xiě)
AST activated sludge treatment活性污泥處理
APP 金光集團(tuán)的縮寫(xiě)
APRIL FINE PAPER 蘇州工業(yè)園區(qū)亞太紙品有限公司的司標(biāo)
AKZO NOBEL 依卡化學(xué)品公司的司標(biāo)
ANDRITZ 安德里茲公司的縮寫(xiě) (造紙機(jī)械生產(chǎn)商)
ARACRUZ 智利“鸚鵡”牌漂白硫酸鹽闊葉木漿 


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