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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-22
核心提示:Six-Party Talk (DPRK Nuke Talk) 六方會談 (朝鮮核問題會談) Three Greens 三綠 China-US Mediation Center 中美調(diào)停中心 Stable and Rapid Economic Growth Without Fluctuations 穩(wěn)定快速無大起大落的經(jīng)濟增長 Sui Generis 獨特的 Transitional Grace Period 過

  Six-Party Talk (DPRK Nuke Talk) 六方會談 (朝鮮核問題會談)

  Three Greens 三綠

  China-US Mediation Center 中美調(diào)停中心

  Stable and Rapid Economic Growth Without Fluctuations 穩(wěn)定快速無大起大落的經(jīng)濟增長

  Sui Generis 獨特的

  Transitional Grace Period 過渡時期優(yōu)惠期

  Conform to WTO Spirits and Agreements 遵循WTO精神和條款

  Steer the Big Ship of China's Economy 掌控中國經(jīng)濟的大船

  Cross Retaliation 交叉報復

  Nullification and Impairment (利益的)喪失和減損

  Show Magnanimity 采取高姿態(tài)

  City Development Surcharge 城市建設附加費

  Nnless Parties Have Agreed Otherwise 除當事人另有約定的以外

  Joint and Several Lliability 連帶責任

  Four Major Tasks: Restructure State Firms, Promote the Non-State Sector, Optimize Industrial Mix and Absorb More Investment 四項任務:重組國有企業(yè),促進非公有行業(yè),優(yōu)化工業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu),吸收更多投資

  A Fair, Equitable and Non-discriminary Multilateral Trading System 公平、公正、非歧視的多邊貿(mào)易體制

  All disputes shall, first of all, be settled amicably by negotiation. 一切爭端應首先通過友好會談進行解決。

  The arbitration fee shall, in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration, be borne by the losing party. 根據(jù)仲裁規(guī)則,仲裁費用應由敗訴方承擔。

  The Seller shall not, without the buyer's consent, discuss the Contract or any provision thereof to any person or any third parties. 未經(jīng)買方同意,賣方不得將合同或合同的任何規(guī)定透漏給任何人或任何第三方。

  If, after thirty days from the commencement of such informal consultations, the Parties fail to resolve amicably a contract dispute, either Party thereto may require that the dispute be submitted to arbitration for resolution. 在非正式協(xié)商開始30天后,如果雙方仍不能友好地解決合同爭端,任何一方可以要求將爭端提交仲裁解決。


關(guān)鍵詞: 商務 詞匯
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