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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-01-11
核心提示:梅 enzyme 厭食癥 anorexia 嘔吐( 吞咽 ) vomiting ( swallowing ) 塵細(xì)胞 dust cell 壽命( 預(yù)期壽命 ) lifespan ( life expectancy ) 夢游 sleepwalking 對(duì)偶基因 allele 對(duì)偶基因( 對(duì)偶基因 ) allelomorphic gene ( allele ) 對(duì)掌拇肌 opponens pollicis 慣用右手(

梅   enzyme

厭食癥   anorexia

嘔吐( 吞咽 )   vomiting ( swallowing )

塵細(xì)胞   dust cell

壽命( 預(yù)期壽命 )   lifespan ( life expectancy )

夢游   sleepwalking

對(duì)偶基因   allele

對(duì)偶基因( 對(duì)偶基因 )   allelomorphic gene ( allele )

對(duì)掌拇肌   opponens pollicis

慣用右手( 用手習(xí)慣 )   right-handed ( handedness )  

慣用左手( 用手習(xí)慣 )   left-handed ( handedness )

槌骨( 中耳 )   malleus / hammer ( middle ear )

滲透   osmosis

滲透膜(差異性滲透膜) permeable membrane( differentially permeable membrane )

滲透調(diào)節(jié)   osmoregulation

滲透壓   osmotic pressure

瘧疾   malaria

睡眠   sleep

碳   carbon

碳水化合物,醣類   carbohydrate

碳水化合物的消化   carbohydrate digestion

種( 生物學(xué) )   species ( biology )

種子骨   sesamoid bone

管腔( 吸收 )   lumen ( absorption )

精子   sperm

精子( 精子 )   spermatozoon / spermartozoa ( sperm )

精子發(fā)生( 精子 )   spermatogenesis ( sperm )

精小管( 睪丸 )   seminiferous tubule ( testis )

精神分裂癥   schizophrenia

精液( 前列腺 )   semen ( prostate glalnd )

精液( 前列腺 )   seminal fluid ( prostate gland )

精囊( 前列腺 )   seminal vesicle ( prostate gland )

維生素   vitamin

維生素A   vitamin A

維生素B12   vitamin B12

維生素B1   vitamin B1

維生素B2   vitamin B2

維生素B6   vitamin B6

維生素C   vitamin C

維生素D   vitamin D

維生素E   vitamin E

維生素K   vitamin K

維薩里   Vesalius , Andreas

腐敗( 防腐劑 )   septic ( antiseptic )

雌性激素   female sex hormone

膀胱   bladder

腿后腱   hamstring

蒙塔古   Montagu , Lady Mary

蜘蛛膜下腔( 腦脊髓液 )   subarachnoid space ( cerebrospinal fluid )

蜘蛛膜( 腦脊髓膜 )   arachnoid layer ( meninx )

輔助T細(xì)胞( T細(xì)胞 )   helper T cell ( T cell )

遠(yuǎn)曲小管( 腎小管 )   distal convoluted tubule( renal tubule )

遠(yuǎn)視   long sight / far sight

遠(yuǎn)視( 遠(yuǎn)視 )   hypermetropia / hyperopia ( long sight )

遠(yuǎn)端的( 近端的 )   distal ( proximal )

銅   copper

骰骨( 跗骨 )   cuboid ( tarsal )

鼻   nose

鼻中隔( 鼻 )   nasal septum ( nose )

鼻孔( 鼻 )   nostril ( nose )

鼻骨( 顏面骨 )   nasal bone ( facial gone )

鼻腔   nasal cavity

鼻竇炎( 竇 )   sinusitis ( sinus )

適應(yīng)性免疫( 免疫系統(tǒng) )   adaptive immunity ( immune system )

劍突( 胸骨 )   xiphoid process ( sternum )

噴嚏( 咳嗽 )   sneeze ( coughing )

彈力蛋白( 結(jié)構(gòu)蛋白 )   elastin ( structural protein )

彈力軟骨   elastic cartilage

影像( 視覺 )   image ( vision )

德國麻疹   German measles

德國麻疹( 德國痲疹 )   rubella ( German measles )

摩根   Morgan , Thomas

摩納德   Monod , Jacques

暫齒( 乳齒 )   deciduous teeth ( milk teeth )

樞鈕關(guān)節(jié)   hinge joint

歐斯塔基奧   Eustachio , Bartolommeo

漿液( 漿膜 )   serous fluid ( serous membrane )

漿細(xì)胞( B細(xì)胞 )   plasma cell ( B cell )

漿膜   serous membrane

潛意識(shí)的( 意識(shí) )   subconscious ( consciousness )

潮氣量( 總肺活量 )   tidal volume ( total lung capacity )

熱原( 發(fā)燒 )   pyrogen ( fever )

熱能( 能 )   heat energy ( energy )

熱攝影術(shù)   thermography 

熱攝影照片( 熱攝影術(shù) )   thermograph ( thermography )

瘢痕組織( 組織 )   sear tissue ( tissue )

皺眉肌   corrugator supercilii

皺縮( 滲透 )   crenation ( osmosis )

致密骨   compact bone

膜( 質(zhì)膜 )   membrane ( plasma membrane )

膝( 樞鈕關(guān)節(jié) )   knee ( hinge joint )

膝置換( 人工關(guān)節(jié) )   knee replacement ( artificial joint )

膝蓋反射( 牽脹反射 )   knee-jerk reflex / patellar reflex ( stretch reflex )

膝蓋骨( 髕骨 )   kneecap ( patella )

膠原( 結(jié)構(gòu)蛋白 )   collagen ( structural protein )

蔗糖( 糖 )   cane sugar / sucrose ( sugar )

蔗糖梅( 小腸 )   sucrase ( small intestine )

蝶骨( 顱 )   sphenoid bone ( cranium )

復(fù)合式骨折( 骨折 )   compound fracture ( fracture )

復(fù)制   replication

調(diào)節(jié)血糖   blood sugar regulation

調(diào)節(jié)   accommodation

豌豆骨( 腕骨 )   pisiform ( carpal )

豎毛肌( 雞皮疙瘩 )   arrector pili ( goose pimple )

質(zhì)子 ( 原子 )   proton ( atom )

質(zhì)膜   plasma membrane

踝( 樞鈕關(guān)節(jié) )   ankle ( hinge joint )

輪廓乳頭( 味雷 )   circumvallate papilla ( taste bud )

鋅   zinc

鋇餐   barium meal

鞍狀關(guān)節(jié)   saddle joint

鞏膜( 眼睛 )   sclera ( eye )

頜骨   jaw

頜下腺( 唾液腺 )   submandibular gland ( salivary gland )

魯克斯   Roux , Pierre

齒列( 牙齒 )   dentition ( tooth )

齒式( 牙齒 )   dental formula ( tooth )

齒周韌帶( 堊質(zhì) )   peridontal ligament ( cement )

齒阜( 前臼齒 )   cusp ( premolar )

齒槽( 堊質(zhì) )   tooth socket ( cement )

齒質(zhì)   dentine

齒齦( 牙齒 )   gum ( tooth )

凝血因子( 凝固 )   clotting factor ( coagulation )

凝乳梅   rennin

凝固   coagulation

凝集   agglutination

器官   organ

噬骨細(xì)胞( 骨 )   osteoclast ( bone )

學(xué)習(xí)( 行為 )   learning ( behaviour )

導(dǎo)鈣素( 維生素D )   calciferol (vitamin D )

橫紋( 心肌 )   striated ( cardiac muscle )

橫結(jié)腸( 結(jié)腸 )   transverse colon ( colon )

橫膈   diaphragm

橋腦( 腦干 )   pons ( brain stem )

樹突( 神經(jīng)元 )   dendrite ( neuron)

橢球關(guān)節(jié)   ellipsoidal joint

橢圓囊( 球囊 )   utricle ( saccule )

機(jī)械性受器   mechanoreceptor

機(jī)械抵抗   mechanical resistance

橈神經(jīng)   radial nerve

橈骨   radius

橈側(cè)屈腕肌( 手部屈肌 )   flexor carpi radialis ( flexor of the hand )

橈動(dòng)脈( 動(dòng)脈 )   radial artery ( brachial artery )

淀粉   starch

濃度   concentration

濃縮( 染色體 )   condense ( chromosome )

濃縮的( 濃度 )   concentrated ( concentration )

激素,荷爾蒙   hormone

激素避孕藥( 避孕用具 )   hormonal contraceptive ( contraceptive )

篩骨( 顱 )   ethmoid bone ( cranium )

糖   sugar

糖尿病   diabetes

糖解   glycolysis

膳食纖維質(zhì)   dietary fibre

蕈狀乳頭( 味蕾 )   fungiform papilla ( taste bud )

親水的( 磷脂 )   hydrophilic ( phospholipid )

輸血   blood trans-fusion

輸卵管   Fallopian tube

輸尿管   ureter

輸精管( 睪丸 )   vas deferens ( testis )

遺傳   heredity

遺傳工程   genetic engineering

遺傳特征( 遺傳 )   inherited characteristic ( heredity )

遺傳病   genetic disorder

遺傳密碼   genetic code

遺傳學(xué)( 遺傳 )   genetic ( heredity )

錳   manganese

錐細(xì)胞( 光受器 )   cone ( photoreceptor )

隨意肌( 骨骼肌 )   voluntary muscle ( skeletal muscle )

隨機(jī)分配   random assortment

閾值( 刺激 )   threshold level ( stimulus )

霍奇金   Hodgkin , Dorothy

霍普金斯   Hopkins , Frederick Gowland

霍亂   cholera

靜水壓   water potential

靜脈   vein

靜脈曲張   varicose vein

靜脈瓣( 靜脈 )   vein valves ( vein )

頰肌   buccinator

頰腔( 口 )   buccal cavity ( mouth )

頸( 頭 )   neck ( head )

頸夾肌( 頭最長肌 )   splenius cervicis ( longissimus capitis )

頸神經(jīng)( 脊神經(jīng) )   cervical nerve ( spinal nerve )

頸神經(jīng)叢( 脊神經(jīng) )   cervical plexus ( spinal nerve )

頸動(dòng)脈   carotid artery

頸椎   cervical vertebra

頸靜脈   jugular vein

頸闊肌   platysma

頻率( 聽覺 )   frequence ( hearing )

頭   head

頭夾肌( 頭最長肌 )   splenius capitis ( longissimus capitis )

頭狀骨( 腕骨 )   capitate ( carpal )

頭骨   skull

頭最長肌   longissimus capitis

鮑氏囊   Bowman’s capsule

鮑林   Pauling , Linus

鮑曼爵士   Bowman , Sir William

褶皺( 胃 )   ruga / rugae ( stomach )

嬰兒   infant

嬰兒期( 嬰兒 )   infancy ( infant )

濕疹   eczema

營養(yǎng)   nutrition

營養(yǎng)不良   malnutrition

營養(yǎng)素   nutrient

營養(yǎng)缺乏病   deficiency disease

環(huán)狀肌( 蠕動(dòng) )   circular muscle ( peristalsis )

環(huán)狀軟骨( 喉 )   cricoid cartilage ( larynx )

環(huán)椎( 頸椎 )   atlas ( cervical vertebra )

環(huán)軸關(guān)節(jié)   pivot joint

環(huán)境   environment

癌癥   cancer

瞳孔( 虹膜 )   pupil ( iris )

磷   phosphorus

磷脂   phospholipid

磷脂膽僉( 磷脂 )   phosphatidyl choline ( phospholipid )

糞便( 結(jié)腸 )   faeces ( colon )

糙皮癥   pellagra

縫匠肌   sartorius

總肺活量   total lung capacity

縱走肌( 蠕動(dòng) )   longitudinal muscle ( peristalsis )

翼肌( 嚼肌 )   pterygoid ( masseter )

聲帶   vocal cord

聯(lián)合神經(jīng)元   association neuron

聯(lián)絡(luò)區(qū)   association area

臂神經(jīng)叢( 脊神經(jīng) )   brachial plexus ( spinal nerve )

臀大肌   gluteus maximus

臀位生產(chǎn)   breech birth

臀部( 臀大肌 )   buttocks ( gluteus maxinus )

膿( 吞噬細(xì)胞 )   pus ( phagocyte )

膽汁   bile

膽汁的產(chǎn)生   bile production

膽固醇   cholesterol

膽紅素( 膽汁 )   bilirubin ( bile )

膽管( 膽囊 )   bile duct ( gall bladder )

膽管系統(tǒng)( 膽囊 )   biliary system (gall bladder )

膽囊   gall bladder

膽鹽( 膽汁 )   bile salts ( bile )

避孕用具   contraceptive

邁爾霍夫   Meyerhof , Otto

鎂   magnesium

闌尾( 盲腸 )   appendix ( caecum )

隱性基因( 隱性對(duì)偶基因 )   recessive gene ( recessive allele )

隱性對(duì)偶基因   recessive allele

顆粒性白血球   granulocyte

顆粒層( 表皮 )   granular layer ( epidermis )

黏液( 黏膜 )   mucus ( mucous membrane )

黏膜   mucous membrane

儲(chǔ)存維生素   vitamin storage

儲(chǔ)存礦物質(zhì)   mineral storage

叢( 脊神經(jīng) )   plexus ( spinal nerve )

擴(kuò)散   diffusion

檸檬酸循環(huán)( 克列伯氏循環(huán) )   citric acid cycle ( Krebs cycle )

濾泡   follicle

臍( 臍帶 )   umbilicus ( umbilical cord )

臍帶   umbilical cord

薦神經(jīng)( 脊神經(jīng) )   sacral nerve ( spinal nerve )

薦神經(jīng)叢( 脊神經(jīng) )   sacral plexus ( spinal nerve )

薦骨   sacurm

薦椎( 薦骨 )   sacral vertebra ( sacrum )

軀干   trunk

軀體神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)   somatic nervous system

轉(zhuǎn)送核糖核酸   transfer RNA

轉(zhuǎn)送核糖核酸( 核糖核酸 )   t RNA ( RNA )

轉(zhuǎn)移( 癌癥 )   metastasize ( cancer )

轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)蛋白   transport protein

轉(zhuǎn)錄( 蛋白質(zhì)合成 )   transcription ( protein synthesis )

轉(zhuǎn)譯( 蛋白質(zhì)合成 )   translation ( protein synthesis )

鎖骨( 胸帶 )   clavicle / collarbone ( pectoral girdle )

鎖骨下動(dòng)脈( 肱動(dòng)脈 )   subclavian artery ( brachial artery )

鎖骨下靜脈( 肱靜脈 )   subclavian vein ( brachial vein )

離子( 離子化合物 )   ion ( ionic compound )

離子化合物   ionic compound

離子鍵( 化學(xué)鍵 )   ionic bond ( chemical bond )

雜食者   omnivore

雙合子雙胞胎( 異卵只胞胎 )   dizygotic twins ( fraternal twins )

雙胞胎( 多胎妊娠 )   twins ( multiple pregnancy )

雙重循環(huán)( 循環(huán)系統(tǒng) )   double circulation ( circulatory system )

雙眼視覺   binocular vision

雙焦鏡( 遠(yuǎn)視 )   bifocal glasses ( long sight )

只螺旋( 去氧核糖核酸 )   double helix ( DNA )

雙醣( 碳水化合物 )   disaccharide ( carbohydrate )

雙關(guān)節(jié)( 關(guān)節(jié) )   double-jointed ( joint )

雞皮疙瘩   goose pimple / goose bump

鞭毛   flagellum / flagella

額肌   frontalis

額骨( 顱 )   frontal bone ( cranium )

顏色缺陷( 色盲 )   colour deficient ( colour blindness )

顏面( 頭 )   face ( head )

顏面神經(jīng)   facial nerve

顏面骨   facial bone

顎   palate

髁狀關(guān)節(jié)( 橢球關(guān)節(jié) )   condyloid joint ( ellipsoidal joint )

松質(zhì)骨( 海綿骨 )   cancellous bone ( spongy bone )

傘( 輸卵管 )   fimbria / fimbriae ( Fallopian tube )

跖肌( 跟腱 )   plantaris ( Achilles tendon )

跖骨   metatarsal

咽鋇( 鋇餐 )   barium swallow ( barium meal )

壞血病   scurvy

羅斯   Ross , Ronald

藥物   drug

邊緣系統(tǒng)( 情緒 )   limbic system ( emotion )

關(guān)節(jié)   joint / articulation

關(guān)節(jié)炎   arthritis

關(guān)節(jié)鏡檢查( 內(nèi)視鏡檢查 )   arthroscopy ( endoscopy )

類固醇   steroid

類風(fēng)濕性關(guān)節(jié)炎( 關(guān)節(jié)炎 )   rheumatoid arthritis ( rathritis )

髂骨( 骨盆帶 )   ilium ( pelvic girdle )

髂動(dòng)脈( 股動(dòng)脈 )   iliac artery ( femoral artery )

髂靜脈( 股靜脈 )   iliac vein ( femoral vein )

嚼肌   masseter

懸雍垂( 顎 )   uvula ( palate )

礦物質(zhì)   mineral

竇   sinus

竇房結(jié)   sinoatrial nlde

竇狀隙( 肝細(xì)胞 )   sinusoid ( hepatocyle )

繼發(fā)性反應(yīng)( 免疫反應(yīng) )   secondary response ( immune response )

蠕動(dòng)   peristalsis

觸覺   touch

譫妄( 發(fā)燒 )   delirium ( fever )

鐙骨( 中耳 )   stapes / stirrup ( middle ear )

響度( 聽覺 )   loudness ( hearing )

攝食   ingestion

蘭德施泰納   Landsteiner , Karl

鐮刀狀細(xì)胞性貧血   sickle-cell

鐵   iron

囊( 滑液關(guān)節(jié) )   capsule ( synovial joint )

囊胚腔( 胚胞 )   blastocoele ( blastocyst )

聽神經(jīng)( 毛細(xì)胞 )   auditory nerve / cochlear nerve ( hair cell)

聽骨( 中耳 )   ear ossicle ( middle ear )

聽診器   stethoscope

聽覺   hearing

顫抖   shivering

纖毛   cilium / cilia

纖維性顫動(dòng)( 心臟病發(fā)作 )   fibrillation ( heart attack )

纖維素   cellulose

纖維蛋白( 凝固 )   fibrin ( coagulation )

纖維蛋白原( 血漿 )   fibrinogen ( blood plasma )

纖維軟骨   fibrous cartilage

顯性基因( 顯性對(duì)偶基因 )   dominant gene ( dominant allele )

顯性對(duì)偶基因   dominant allele

顯微照片( 顯微鏡檢查 )   micrograph ( microscopy )

顯微鏡( 顯微鏡檢查 )   microscopy ( microscopy )

顯微鏡檢查   microscopy

髓   pulp

髓腔( 髓 )   pulp cavity ( pulp )

髓質(zhì)( 腎上腺 )   medulla ( adrenal gland )

髓質(zhì)( 腎 )   medulla ( kidney )

髓質(zhì)( 腦干 )   medulla ( brain stem )

髓磷脂( 軸突 )   myelin ( axon )

體液免疫   humoral immunity

體細(xì)胞   somatic cell

體循環(huán)   systemic circulation

體溫( 溫度調(diào)節(jié) )   body temperature ( thermoregulation )

體溫過低( 溫度調(diào)節(jié) )   hypothermia ( thermoregulation )

鱗狀縫( 骨縫 )   squamous suture ( suture )

驗(yàn)血   blood test

癲癇   epilepsy

鹽基對(duì)   base pair

鹽基   base

鹽酸( 胃液 )   hydrochloric acid ( gastric juice )

鹽類( 化學(xué)鍵 )   salts ( chemical bond )

齲齒   tooth decay

齲齒( 齲齒 )   dental caries ( tooth decay )

腭骨( 顏面骨 )   palatine bone ( facial bone )

髕骨   patella

顱   cranium

顱骨( 顱 )   cranial bone ( cranium )

顱腔( 腔 )   cranial cavity ( cavity )

髖( 杵臼關(guān)節(jié) )   hip ( ball-and-docket joint )

髖骨( 骨盆帶 )   coxal bone / hip bone ( pelvic girdle )

髖帶( 骨盆帶 )   hip girdle ( pelvic girdle )

髖置換( 人工關(guān)節(jié) )   hip replacement ( artificial joint )

顳下頜關(guān)節(jié)( 頜骨 )   temporomandibular ( jaw )

顳肌( 嚼肌 )   temporalis ( masseter )

顳骨( 顱 )   temporal bone ( cranium )

顴骨( 顏面骨 )   cheedbone / zygomatic bone ( facial bone )


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