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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-02-23  來源:譯言網(wǎng)
核心提示:2011國際化學年活動正式啟動于1月28日,它會借助全世界的化學學會、院校和機構來增加公眾對“化學滿足了世界需求”的認識,增加年輕人對化學的興趣以,催生公眾對化學創(chuàng)造性未來的熱情。講座,展覽和親自動手實驗,會告訴你化學研究是如何解決全球性的棘手問題,比如說食品、水、健康、能源和運輸。點擊 2011國際化學年(IYC2011)網(wǎng)站可查詢到你所在地區(qū)的活動和細節(jié)。

If it stinks, it's chemistry—that's one memory trick some smart-aleck high-school students might recommend to identify the core sciences. But chemistry goes far beyond noxious fumes. It serves as the backbone of our modern society and is essential for a sustainable future and an improved standard of living for all.

To bring that message to people of all ages, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have designated 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry, or IYC2011. It happens to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Marie Curie's Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Officially launched on January 28, IYC2011 will rely on the help of chemical societies, academies and institutions worldwide to increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs; boost interest of young people in chemistry; and generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry. Lectures, exhibits and hands-on experiments will explore how chemical research can help solve vexing global problems related to food, water, health, energy and transportation. Check the IYC2011 website for details and activities in your area.

As for Scientific American , we've got a series of articles planned that will explore the cutting edge of chemistry and nanotechnology. The special package will appear in a fall print issue, although you will be able to see early versions on our Web site.

We have also partnered with NBC Learn, which has begun its Chemistry NOW project in conjunction with the National Science Foundation. It features educational videos and other content about chemistry in everyday life. For Valentine's Day, NBC Learn takes a look at the chemistry of chocolate, explaining why the treat is so irresistible thanks in part to its ideal melting temperature and mood-lifting compounds.


為了向所有年齡段的人傳達這一信息,純凈與應用化學國際聯(lián)盟(IUPAC, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry )和聯(lián)合國教科文組織(UNESCO)把2011年指定為國際化學年(IYC2011)。它正好和居里夫人獲得諾貝爾化學獎100周年相一致。

2011國際化學年活動正式啟動于1月28日,它會借助全世界的化學學會、院校和機構來增加公眾對“化學滿足了世界需求”的認識,增加年輕人對化學的興趣以,催生公眾對化學創(chuàng)造性未來的熱情。講座,展覽和親自動手實驗,會告訴你化學研究是如何解決全球性的棘手問題,比如說食品、水、健康、能源和運輸。點擊 2011國際化學年(IYC2011)網(wǎng)站可查詢到你所在地區(qū)的活動和細節(jié)。


我們也同 NBC learn 合作,NBC learn 已經(jīng)和美國國家基金會一起啟動了“此刻化學”活動(Chemistry NOW project) 。這個活動以關于日常生活中化學的教育性視頻和其他內(nèi)容為特色。對于情人節(jié),NBC learn 關注了巧克力中的化學,解釋了我們對其如此難以抗拒的原因部分是因為它理想的熔化溫度和情緒提升的化合物。

NBC Learn的網(wǎng)站地址


關鍵詞: 2011 化學 國際化學年
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