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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-02-23  來(lái)源:Natural News

Yes, you really can eat your way to happiness, but perhaps not in the way you might first imagine. By "happiness," I mean lasting happiness, not the fleeting kind of sensory happiness that might be experienced from sucking the cream filling out of a twinkie. And that's the distinction that really matters here: When I talk about happiness, I'm talking about sustainable happiness, not a brief moment of spurious excitement that soon reverses itself and leads to depression.

You see, a lot of people try to eat their way to happiness by eating the "instant joy" foods like ice cream, donuts, cookies and yes, even twinkies. Sugar can, indeed, make us momentarily uplifted because this refined molecule temporarily boosts blood sugar and actively alters brain chemistry. But like any drug, the depression after it wears off is far worse than the brief happiness it appeared to give us. And in the worst cases, we sometimes fall into a pattern of treating that mental rut with yet another hit of sugar to try to keep the happiness going.

This downward cycle of sugar dependence leads us to long-term obesity, diabetes and depression.

As author Timothy Brantley says in The Cure: Heal Your Body, Save Your Life: "How did these foods affect their moods? Food Group A (Standard American Diet). The subjects all had radical energy fluctuations, staying in a cycle of having to manipulate to produce quick energy after a radical drop. The subjects all remarked that they never realized how addicted they were to sugar and other stimulants, like caffeine, simply to function. The roller-coaster effect on their energy swung them into high and low moods, and many of them got sick consistently."

The Standard American Diet is obviously not the solution we're looking for. But what works better?

Foods for long-term happiness
Fortunately, there are a huge number of other foods that promote long-term happiness. That's what this article is about: Sharing with you the good news on foods that can support healthy moods and promote a positive outlook on life for the rest of your life.

And I have to say that list starts with omega-3 oils. High-quality omega-3s provide one of the most powerful and sustainable boosts to healthy moods of any commonly-available food.

Read up on omega-3s at

You can get omega-3 oils from fish, quality marine oil supplements like Moxxor, chia seeds, flax seeds and other quality nutritional supplements.

Beware of grocery store foods that claim to be "made with omega-3s" because the actual quantity of omega-3 oils in those foods is usually so tiny that it hardly matters to your daily nutritional intake.

Enjoy healthy nuts
Pecans are extremely beneficial to supporting not just healthy moods but healthy brain function as well. It's the oils in the nuts that do the trick. Read more at

Other nuts can also be strongly supportive of healthy moods in the long term: Almonds, pistachios, macadamia nuts and walnuts all have powerful health-supporting properties that affect brain function and therefore mood experiences, too. Eat more raw nuts and you'll create better brain balance for the long term!

Adaptogens and green tea
Green tea seems to provide a subtle mood lift without all the problems of typical stimulants. Just make sure you're getting decaffeinated green tea, and check your source to make sure it doesn't suffer from fluoride contamination (some green tea products grown in certain countries have been known to carry a lot of fluoride).

Adaptogenic herbs are also very, very good at helping your neurology better handle stress. This can often translate into an easier day, reduced stress and improved moods. Adaptogens include ginseng, ashwagandha, rhodiola, cordyceps mushroom and many others.

Learn more about adaptogens at NaturalPedia_http://www.natural...

Herbal tonics for mood support
While we're in the realm of herbs, there are several herbal tonic products that are well known to help support healthy moods. St. John's Wort has been clinically shown to work as well as antidepressant drugs to ease symptoms of depression. I usually take it with dandelion or yellow dock to provide additional liver support.

Learn more about St. John's Wort at NaturaPedia_http://www.naturalpedia...

Several Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal formulas are also known to help support healthy moods. Chinese herbs are always used in combination, never in isolation, but one herb that's found in many mood-supporting formulas is Bupleurum.

The history and use of this herb is quite fascinating. Check it out here_http://www.naturalpedia...

Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies
In addition to the omega-3 oils, nuts and herbs mentioned here, focus on consuming large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables. You simply cannot over-eat fresh fruits and vegetables, so eat all you want. They're loaded with mood-lifting nutrients that can also help prevent cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Be sure to buy organic produce wherever possible!

What to avoid
This section can be summed up in just two words: Sugar, Caffeine.

Seriously. If you want to maintain healthy moods, it's crucial to avoid refined sugar and caffeine from all sources. That means no caffeinated coffee, no donuts, no cookies, no Pepsi, etc.

These two chemicals do more to destroy healthy moods in the long term than probably any other chemicals in the food supply. And yet, ironically, they are precisely the two chemicals that people reach for to try to get short-term mood lifts.

They do provide short-term boosts, much like a drug. Heroin might make you feel good in the short term, too, but it's highly addictive and causes huge health problems over the long haul. Sugar and caffeine are similarly addictive and problematic; except they're legal and you don't inject them with a syringe. (Well, at least I hope not.)

If you suffer from mood swings or depression right now, the first and most important change you need to make in your diet is to eliminate refined sugars and caffeine. The second change to make is to start bringing in mood-enhancing health foods such as omega-3s, raw nuts and lots of fresh produce.

But the really important step is to find new ways to enjoy your feed by expanding your experience of all the amazing tastes to be found in the universe of foods provided by Mother Nature. If you've never tried raw food cuisine, definitely check it out at a local raw food restaurant (or find a raw food chef in your area). You'll be amazed at the new spectrum of tastes and sensory experiences provided by raw foods -- and you'll experience huge long-term health benefits from the raw foods, too!

Stay happy with healthy foods
Yes, food can make you happy, but only if you focus on consuming health-enhancing foods that are natural, non-refined and packed with nutrients. Don't compromise your mental experience of life by turning to sugar, caffeine and other short-term stimulants. Or if you're on those right now, find ways to slowly transition off them while embracing some of the healthier choices I've covered here.

In the long term, you'll discover that healthy foods = healthy moods.

But give it time: It may take 30 days of eating right before you really feel the full effects with improved mood. Foods are not isolated chemicals that kick in right away. Transitioning to a healthier body and brain with healthy food takes some time. But it's time well spent. After all, you get to eat your way to a more positive outlook on life. And that sounds kinda fun anyway, doesn't it?




如同《救命療法》(The Cure: Heal Your Body, Save Your Life) 一書的作者提摩西布朗特利在書中提到的一樣:這些食物如何影響人們的情緒?采用一般美式飲食的人,體力時(shí)好時(shí)壞,并且必須反復(fù)地補(bǔ)充低落的能量。他們都未發(fā)現(xiàn)自己已經(jīng)過(guò)于依賴糖分及咖啡因等刺激物。大幅波動(dòng)的體力也使得他們的情緒忽起忽落,很多人因此不斷地生病。



首先要介紹的就是 ω-3。優(yōu)良的 ω-3 可以提供比其它食物更好的能量,而且持續(xù)更久。

前往 NaturalPedia 即可獲得更多有關(guān) ω-3 的信息

你可以從魚類、Moxxor 等高質(zhì)量的魚油補(bǔ)充品以及奇異子 (Chia Seed)、亞麻籽等營(yíng)養(yǎng)補(bǔ)充品中獲取優(yōu)良的 ω-3。

要當(dāng)心一般商場(chǎng)中聲稱「以 ω-3 制成」的食品,這些食品中的 ω-3 含量實(shí)際上可能非常少,對(duì)你的每日營(yíng)養(yǎng)素?cái)z取量沒什么幫助。



綠茶可以穩(wěn)定情緒,避免一般刺激物可能造成的問(wèn)題。只是必須確定其中不含咖啡因或是受到氟化物污染 (已知某些國(guó)家出產(chǎn)的綠茶制品含有大量的氟化物)。

適應(yīng)原藥草 (Adaptogenic Herb) 則非常有益于神經(jīng)系統(tǒng),可以幫助紓解壓力,增進(jìn)生活質(zhì)量及正面能量。常見的適應(yīng)原包括人蔘、南非醉茄 (Ashwagandha)、紅景天 (Rhodiola) 及冬蟲夏草 (Cordyceps) 等。

前往 NaturalPedia 即可獲得更多有關(guān)適應(yīng)原的信息

既然我們已經(jīng)提到中藥,那就來(lái)談?wù)撘阎梢跃S持正面情緒的藥膳食補(bǔ)。臨床上已經(jīng)證實(shí)貫葉連翹 (St. John’s Wort) 的效用和抗憂郁癥藥物一樣,可以減輕憂郁癥的癥狀。我通常會(huì)將其與蒲公英或是皺葉酸模 (Yellow Dock) 一起服用,以保護(hù)肝臟。

前往 NaturalPedia 即可獲得更多有關(guān)貫葉連翹的信息

許多傳統(tǒng)的中藥配方都有助于維持正面能量。中藥通常是幾種藥草混合在一起使用,從來(lái)不會(huì)單獨(dú)使用。很多用來(lái)維持正面能量的配方都含有柴胡 (Bupleurum)。


除了 ω-3、堅(jiān)果及中藥之外,大量食用新鮮的水果及蔬菜也是很好的選擇。新鮮的水果及蔬菜可以愛吃多少就吃多少;其中豐富的營(yíng)養(yǎng)素除了可以提升正面能量之外,也有助于預(yù)防癌癥、心臟疾病及糖尿病等疾病。但是請(qǐng)盡可能購(gòu)買有機(jī)的水果及蔬菜。




它們確實(shí)可以帶來(lái)短暫的快樂,就像毒品一樣。海洛因也可以讓你在一時(shí)之間感到非?旎,但是它非常容易上癮,而且長(zhǎng)期使用會(huì)造成嚴(yán)重的健康問(wèn)題。糖分及咖啡因具有相似的成癮性及問(wèn)題 ─ 除了它們合法且不需要使用針頭注射以外。

如果你經(jīng)常情緒不穩(wěn)或是患有憂郁癥,首先最重要的就是在你的飲食中避免含有精制糖分及咖啡因的食物。第二則是食用可以改善情緒的健康食品,如 ω-3、生堅(jiān)果及大量的生鮮蔬果。




但是羅馬不是一天造成的:你可能需要維持正確的飲食習(xí)慣長(zhǎng)達(dá) 30 天之后心情才會(huì)開始有所改變;天然食物并不像化學(xué)藥劑一樣可以立即見效。以健康飲食改善身體及大腦健康需要一些時(shí)間,但是一切都是值得的;只要吃得正確,你會(huì)人生的看法也會(huì)更積極正面,聽起來(lái)不是很棒嗎?


關(guān)鍵詞: 食物 情緒 快樂 短暫 長(zhǎng)久
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