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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2014-12-03  來源:食品翻譯中心
核心提示:號稱餐飲界奧斯卡(Oscars)的2014年度圣培露(S. Pellegrino)全球50家最佳餐廳(World's 50 Best Restaurants)榜單近日出爐,Rene Redzepi經(jīng)營的Noma餐廳重登榜首。那么,亞洲的頂級廚師表現(xiàn)如何呢?
 While Rene Redzepi's Noma restaurant reclaimed its title as the top spot at the unveiling of the annual S. Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants, the culinary world's version of the Oscars, how did Asia's top chefs fare?

號稱餐飲界奧斯卡(Oscars)的2014年度圣培露(S. Pellegrino)全球50家最佳餐廳(World's 50 Best Restaurants)榜單近日出爐,Rene Redzepi經(jīng)營的Noma餐廳重登榜首。那么,亞洲的頂級廚師表現(xiàn)如何呢?

In all, eight restaurants from Asia and Australia made the top 50, down from nine in the previous year. Most of those who made the list moved up on the ranking, while the list shut out two major culinary centers: China and India.


Nahm, the region's top restaurant which serves traditional Thai cuisine in Bangkok by Australian chef David Thompson, moved to No. 13, up 19 places from last year's list. Meanwhile, Les Creations de Narisawa, a Tokyo mainstay on the list in recent years with it sophisticated Japanese-French hybrid cuisine, came in at No. 14, up from last year's No. 20. Narisawa, led by Yoshihiro Narisawa, was the top-ranked Asian restaurant on the list in 2012 and 2013.

Nahm是一家位于曼谷的高級餐廳,主要供應(yīng)傳統(tǒng)泰式美食,由澳大利亞廚師戴維·湯普森(David Thompson)掌勺,今年它的排名上升19個(gè)名次,至第13位。同時(shí),近年來東京餐館界的明星──以復(fù)雜的日法混合菜式聞名的Les Creations de Narisawa排名上升至第14位,去年排名第20位。日本名廚成澤由浩(Yoshihiro Narisawa)掌舵的Narisawa餐廳分別于2012和2013年連續(xù)蟬聯(lián)亞洲最佳餐廳。

Gaggan, a Bangkok restaurant by Gaggan Anand that marries molecular gastronomy techniques with Indian food, made its debut on the list at No. 17. The restaurant was given 'highest new entry award' for its showing.


Amber, Hong Kong's top French spot led by Richard Ekkebus, came in at No. 24, up 12 spots from 2013. And Attica, the lone representative from Australia, ranked 32nd, down from its No. 21 debut in 2013.

由Richard Ekkebus執(zhí)掌的香港頂級法式餐廳Amber位居排行榜第24位,較2013年上升了12個(gè)名次。唯一一家澳大利亞餐廳──Attica排名第32位,2013年為第21位。

Singapore boasted two on the list: Restaurant Andre at No. 37 (up from No. 38 last year) and Waku Ghin re-entered the list at No. 50.

新加坡的兩家餐廳Restaurant Andre和Waku Ghin榜上有名,分別排在第37位(去年為第38位)和第50位。

The order of appearance of Asia's top restaurants wasn't a surprise -- already, the spinoff Asia's 50 Best Restaurant list was revealed in February and placed Nahm on the top of its region. But the global list wasn't revealed until Monday evening in London at a red-carpet event that brought the 50 chefs together for a big party and unveiling.

亞洲頂級餐廳排名并不讓人意外,因?yàn)閬喼?0家最佳餐廳(Asia's 50 Best Restaurant)已在2月份公布,Nahm名列榜首。但是,直到周一晚間在倫敦舉辦的紅毯之夜,全球排名的神秘面紗才得以摘下。當(dāng)時(shí)有50位名廚參與了這場揭幕盛宴。

For the culinary world, the annual unveiling of the list is the biggest event on the foodie calendar and a mention on the list will boost business and prestige. Organized by U.K-based 'Restaurant' magazine since 2004, the list is created annually from the votes of over 936 chefs, food writers and other culinary insiders separated into 26 separate regions. Each region has 36 members, who each cast seven votes. At least three votes must be outside of the member's own region.


Long criticized for its bias towards Europe and the U.S., the list remains dominated by restaurants in the West. Noma unseated last year's top-ranked El Celler de Can Roca from Spain, which fell to second place. Osteria Francescana in Italy ranked third, followed by U.S. restaurants Eleven Madison Park and Coi. The highest-ranking restaurant outside of Europe or the U.S. was seventh-ranked D.O.M., in São Paulo, Brazil.

雖然榜單中對于歐洲和美國的青睞長期以來遭受非議,但今年排名的大贏家仍是西方國家。Noma戰(zhàn)勝了去年排名首位的西班牙餐廳El Celler de Can Roca再次奪冠,El Celler de Can Roca屈居第二。位于意大利的酒館餐廳(Osteria Francescana)排名第三,隨后為美國餐廳Eleven Madison Park和Coi。除去歐洲和美國地區(qū)之外,位于巴西 保羅的頂級餐廳D.O.M.排名第七。

Asia's restaurants are gaining representation, but China and India were shut out of this year's ranking. Mr. & Mrs. Bund, a French restaurant headed by Paul Pairet in Shanghai, was No. 43 in 2013, but didn't make the 2014 list. No Indian restaurant has appeared on the list since 2006. And never has a restaurant serving Chinese cuisine cracked the top 50.

亞洲餐廳正竭力表現(xiàn)的更加完美,但今年中國和印度的餐廳卻未能躋身前50。法國名廚Paul Pairet在上海開設(shè)的創(chuàng)意法國菜餐廳Mr. &Mrs. Bund 2013年排在第43位,2014年卻未能上榜。印度餐廳則從2006年以來在榜單上就無蹤跡可循。同時(shí),全球排名前50的餐廳中從未出現(xiàn)過中餐餐廳的名字。

關(guān)鍵詞: 餐飲界 餐廳
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