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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-01-11
第八十三條 專利權(quán)人依照專利法第十五條的規(guī)定,在其專利產(chǎn)品或者該產(chǎn)品的包裝上標(biāo)明專利標(biāo)記的,應(yīng)當(dāng)按照國務(wù)院專利行政部門規(guī)定的方式予以標(biāo)明。
Article 83 Where the patent holder indicates a patent mark on the patented product or on the package of that product in accordance with Article 15 of the Patent Law, he/it shall do so in accordance with the method provided by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.

第八十四條 下列行為屬于假冒他人專利的行為:
Article 84 Any of the following acts shall be the act of passing the patent to another person:

(1) without permission, marking the patent number of another person on the product produced or sold by himself/itself or on the package of that product;

(2) without permission, using the patent number of another person in the advertisement or other propaganda materials, thus causing people to mistake the technology involved with the other person's patented technology;

(3) without permission, using the patent number of another person in the contract, thus causing people to mistake the technology involved in the contract with the other person's patented technology;

(4) forging or altering the patent certificate, patent documents or patent application documents of another person.

第八十五條 下列行為屬于以非專利產(chǎn)品冒充專利產(chǎn)品、以非專利方法冒充專利方法的行為:
Article 85 Any of the following acts shall be the act of passing an unpatented product off as patented product or passing an unpatented process off as patented process:

(1) producing or selling an unpatented product marked with a patent mark;

(2) after a patent right has been declared invalid, continuing to mark a patent mark on the product produced or sold by himself;

(3) declaring an unpatented technology in the advertisement or other propaganda materials to be a patented technology;

(4) declaring an unpatented technology in the contract to be a patented technology;

(5) forging or altering the patent certificate, patent documents or patent application documents.

第八十六條 當(dāng)事人因?qū)@暾垯?quán)或者專利權(quán)的歸屬發(fā)生糾紛,已請求管理專利工作的部門處理或者向人民法院起訴的,可以請求國務(wù)院專利行政部門中止有關(guān)程序。
Article 86 Where a party concerned, in case of a dispute due to the ownership of a right of patent application or a patent right, has requested the department for the administration of patent work for disposal or has initiated a lawsuit to the people's court, he may request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to suspend relevant procedures.

Anyone who requests suspension of relevant procedures in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall submit the written request to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, and affix the copies of relevant acceptance documents by the department for the administration of patent work or the people's court.

After the disposal decision made by the department for the administration of patent work or the judgment made by the people's court has been enforced, the party concerned shall fulfill the formalities for recovering relevant procedures in the administrative department for patent under the State Council. Where, within 1 year as of the date of requesting suspension, a dispute relating to the ownership of the right of patent application or the patent right has still not been settled, and it is necessary to continue to suspend relevant procedures, the person making the request shall request an extension of the suspension within this time limit. Where he has not requested the extension at the expiry of the time limit, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall recover relevant procedures at its own discretion.

第八十七條 人民法院在審理民事案件中裁定對專利權(quán)采取保全措施的,國務(wù)院專利行政部門在協(xié)助執(zhí)行時中止被保全的專利權(quán)的有關(guān)程序。保全期限屆滿,人民法院沒有裁定繼續(xù)采取保全措施的,國務(wù)院專利行政部門自行恢復(fù)有關(guān)程序。
Article 87 Where the people's court has ordered to adopt preservative measures over a patent right in the trial of a civil case, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall suspend relevant procedures for the preserved patent right when assisting in its enforcement. Where, at the expiry of the preservation period, the people's court has not ordered to continue to adopt the preservative measures, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall recover relevant procedures at its own discretion.

第八章 專利登記和專利公報
Chapter VIII Patent Registration and Patent Gazette

第八十八條 國務(wù)院專利行政部門設(shè)置專利登記簿,登記下列與專利申請和專利權(quán)有關(guān)的事項:
Article 88 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall maintain a Patent Register in which the following matters relating to a patent application and patent right shall be registered:

(1) grant of the patent right;

(2) devolution of the right of patent application or the patent right;

(3) pledge, preservation and cancellation of the patent right;

(4) record of contracts on the license for exploitation of a patent;

(5) invalidation of the patent right;

(6) termination of the patent right;

(7) recovery of the patent right;

(8) compulsory license for exploitation of the patent;

(9) changes on the name, nationality or address of the patent holder.

第八十九條 國務(wù)院專利行政部門定期出版專利公報,公布或者公告下列內(nèi)容:
Article 89 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall publish the Patent Gazette at regular intervals, publishing or announcing the following:

(1) the bibliographic data contained in patent applications;

(2) the abstract of the specification of an invention or utility model, the drawings or photographs of a design and its brief explanation;

(3) the request for substantial examination of an application for a patent for invention and any decision made by the administrative department for patent under the State Council to proceed at its own discretion to examine as to substance an application for a patent for invention;

(4) declassification of secret patents;

(5) rejection and withdrawal of an application or an application deemed to be withdrawn for a patent for invention after its publication;

(6) grant of the patent right;

(7) invalidation of the patent right;

(8) termination of the patent right;

(9) devolution of the right of patent application or a patent right;

(10) record of contracts on the license for exploitation of a patent;

(11) pledge, preservation and cancellation of the patent right;

(12) grant of compulsory license for exploitation of the patent;

(13) recovery of a patent application or patent right;

(14) changes on the name or address of the patent holder;

(15) notification to the party concerned whose address is unknown;

(16) rectifications made by the administrative department for patent under the State Council;

(17) other relevant matters.

The specifications, appended drawings and patent claims of inventions or utility models shall be separately published in full by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.

第九章 費 用
Chapter IX Fees

第九十條 向國務(wù)院專利行政部門申請專利和辦理其他手續(xù)時,應(yīng)當(dāng)繳納下列費用:
Article 90 For filing an application for a patent with or fulfilling other related formalities in the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the following fees shall be charged:

(1) application fee, additional fee for application, publishing and printing fee;

(2) fee for substantial examination of an application for a patent for invention and re-examination fee;

(3) patent registration fee, fee for announcement and printing, fee for maintaining the application and annual fee;

(4) fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for claiming the right of priority, fee for requesting recovery of rights, fee for requesting extension of time limit, fee for the retrieval report on the patent for utility model;

(5) fee for requesting invalidation, fee for requesting suspension of procedures, fee for requesting compulsory license, fee for requesting a ruling on exploitation fee of a compulsory license.

The standards for the payment of all fees enumerated in the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by the administrative department for price under the State Council jointly with the administrative department for patent under the State Council.

第九十一條 專利法和本細(xì)則規(guī)定的各種費用,可以直接向國務(wù)院專利行政部門繳納,也可以通過郵局或者銀行匯付,或者以國務(wù)院專利行政部門規(guī)定的其他方式繳納。
Article 91 The fees provided in the Patent Law and in these Rules may be paid directly to the administrative department for patent under the State Council or remitted by bank or post, or be paid by other means stipulated by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.

Where a fee is remitted by bank or post, the correct application number or patent number and the names of the paid fees shall be indicated in the remittance slip submitted to the administrative department for patent under the State Council. In case of any inconsistency with the provisions in this Paragraph, it shall be deemed that the payment formalities have not been fulfilled.

Where the fees are directly paid to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the date when the payment was made shall be regarded as the payment date. Where the fees are remitted by post, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark shall be regarded as the payment date. Where the fees are remitted by bank, the date of actual remittance by the bank shall be regarded as the payment date; however, if the period from the remittance date to the date of receipt by the administrative department for patent under the State Council has exceeded 15 days, the date of receipt by the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall be regarded as the payment date unless the post office or the bank has issued an attestation.

Where any patent fee is over-paid, re-paid or wrongly paid, the party concerned may, within 1 year as of the payment date, claim a refund to the administrative department for patent under the State Council.

第九十二條 申請人應(yīng)當(dāng)在收到受理通知書后,最遲自申請之日起2個月內(nèi)繳納申請費、公布印刷費和必要的附加費;期滿未繳納或者未繳足的,其申請視為撤回。
Article 92 The applicant shall, after receipt of the notification of acceptance of the application, pay the application fee, publishing and printing fee and necessary additional fee at the latest within 2 months as of the application date. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.

The applicant who claims the right of priority shall pay the fee for claiming the right of priority at the same time with the payment of the application fee. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the right of priority shall be deemed to have not been claimed.

第九十三條 當(dāng)事人請求實質(zhì)審查、恢復(fù)權(quán)利或者復(fù)審的,應(yīng)當(dāng)在專利法及本細(xì)則規(guī)定的相關(guān)期限內(nèi)繳納費用;期滿未繳納或者未繳足的,視為未提出請求。
Article 93 Where a party concerned requests substantial examination, recovery of right or re-examination, the relevant fee shall be paid within the time limit for such requests as provided respectively by the Patent Law and these Rules. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the request shall be deemed to have not been made.

第九十四條 發(fā)明專利申請人自申請日起滿2年尚未被授予專利權(quán)的,自第三年度起應(yīng)當(dāng)繳納申請維持費。
Article 94 Where an applicant for a patent for invention has not been granted a patent right within 2 years as of the application date, he/it shall pay a fee for the maintenance of the application as of the third year.

第九十五條 申請人辦理登記手續(xù)時,應(yīng)當(dāng)繳納專利登記費、公告印刷費和授予專利權(quán)當(dāng)年的年費。發(fā)明專利申請人應(yīng)當(dāng)一并繳納各個年度的申請維持費,授予專利權(quán)的當(dāng)年不包括在內(nèi)。期滿未繳納費用的,視為未辦理登記手續(xù)。以后的年費應(yīng)當(dāng)在前一年度期滿前1個月內(nèi)預(yù)繳。
Article 95 When the applicant fulfills the formalities of patent registration, he/it shall pay a fee for patent registration, a fee for announcement and printing and the annual fee for the year in which the patent right was granted. The applicant for a patent for invention shall pay each year's fee for maintaining the application in lump sum, excluding the year when the patent right is granted. Where such fees have not been paid at the expiry of the time limit, the formalities of patent registration shall be deemed to have not been fulfilled. The subsequent annual fees shall be paid in advance within a month before the expiry of the preceding year.

第九十六條 專利權(quán)人未按時繳納授予專利權(quán)當(dāng)年以后的年費或者繳納的數(shù)額不足的,國務(wù)院專利行政部門應(yīng)當(dāng)通知專利權(quán)人自應(yīng)當(dāng)繳納年費期滿之日起6個月內(nèi)補繳,同時繳納滯納金;滯納金的金額按照每超過規(guī)定的繳費時間1個月,加收當(dāng)年全額年費的5%計算;期滿未繳納的,專利權(quán)自應(yīng)當(dāng)繳納年費期滿之日起終止。
Article 96 Where the annual fee of the application or the annual fee for subsequent years after the patent has been granted is not paid in due time by the patent holder, or the fees are not fully paid, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the patent holder to rectify the insufficiency within 6 months as of the expiry of the time limit within which the annual fee was to be paid, and at the same time pay a surcharge, the amount of which to be calculated by charging an additional 5% of the total amount of the annual fee for that year for each month exceeding the provided payment date. Where the fees have not been paid at the expiry of the time limit, the patent right shall be terminated as of the expiry of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid.

第九十七條 著錄事項變更費、實用新型專利檢索報告費、中止程序請求費、強制許可請求費、強制許可使用費的裁決請求費、無效宣告請求費應(yīng)當(dāng)自提出請求之日起1個月內(nèi),按照規(guī)定繳納;延長期限請求費應(yīng)當(dāng)在相應(yīng)期限屆滿之日前繳納;期滿未繳納或者未繳足的,視為未提出請求。
Article 97 The fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for the retrieval report on the patent for utility model, fee for requesting the suspension of procedures, fee for requesting compulsory license, fee for requesting a ruling on exploitation fee of a compulsory license and fee for requesting invalidation shall be paid as stipulated within 1 month as of the date on which such request is made. The fee for requesting the extension of time limit shall be paid prior to the date of expiry of the corresponding time limit. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the request shall be deemed to have not been made.

第九十八條 申請人或者專利權(quán)人繳納本細(xì)則規(guī)定的各種費用有困難的,可以按照規(guī)定向國務(wù)院專利行政部門提出減繳或者緩繳的請求。減繳或者緩繳的辦法由國務(wù)院專利行政部門商國務(wù)院財政部門、國務(wù)院價格管理部門規(guī)定。
Article 98 Where an applicant or patent holder has difficulties in paying the various fees provided in these Rules, he/it may, in accordance with relevant provisions, submit a request to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, asking for a reduction or postponement of the payment. The measures for the reduction and postponement of the payment shall be stipulated by the administrative department for patent under the State Council through discussion with the financial department under the State Council and the administrative department for price under the State Council.

第十章 關(guān)于國際申請的特別規(guī)定
Chapter X Special Provisions on International Application

第九十九條 國務(wù)院專利行政部門根據(jù)專利法第二十條規(guī)定,受理按照專利合作條約提出的專利國際申請。
Article 99 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, in accordance with Article 20 of the Patent Law, accept the international applications for patent filed in accordance with Patent Cooperation Treaty.

The conditions and procedures for international applications for patent which are filed in accordance with Patent Cooperation Treaty and designated as China (hereinafter referred to as "international application"), to enter the National Phase in China, shall be subject to the provisions in this Chapter;

where there are no relevant provisions in this Chapter, they shall be subject to the relevant provisions in the Patent Law and other Chapters of these Rules.

第一百條 按照專利合作條約已確定國際申請日并指定中國的國際申請,視為向國務(wù)院專利行政部門提出的專利申請,該國際申請日視為專利法第二十八條所稱的申請日。
Article 100 An international application on which the international application date has been determined in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty and which has designated China shall be deemed to be an application filed to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, and the international application date shall be deemed to be the application date mentioned in Article 28 of the Patent Law.

Where, in the International Phase, an international application or the designation of China in the international application is withdrawn or is deemed to have been withdrawn, the effectiveness of the international application shall be terminated in China.

第一百零一條 國際申請的申請人應(yīng)當(dāng)在專利合作條約第二條所稱的優(yōu)先權(quán)日(本章簡稱“優(yōu)先權(quán)日”)起20個月內(nèi),向國務(wù)院專利行政部門辦理國際申請進入中國國家階段的下列手續(xù);
Article 101 The applicant of an international application shall, within 20 months as of the priority date mentioned in Article 2 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (which is referred to as "priority date" in this Chapter), fulfill the following formalities for the international application to enter the National Phase in China to the administrative department for patent under the State Council;

where the international application has selected China within 19 months as of the priority date and the selection continues to be effective, the applicant of the international application shall, within 30 months as of the priority date, fulfill the following formalities for the international application to enter the National Phase in China to the administrative department for patent under the State Council:

(1) submit the written declaration of the international application to enter the National Phase in China; the international application number shall be indicated in the declaration, and the type of patent right which is required to be obtained, the name of the invention-creation, the name of the applicant, the address of the applicant and the name of the inventor shall be indicated in Chinese; the above-mentioned contents shall be consistent with the records in the International Bureau;

(2) pay the application fee, additional fee for application and publishing and printing fee provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 90 of these Rules;

(3) submit the Chinese translation of the words in the specification, the patent claim, and the appended drawings and of the abstract of the international application which is filed in a language other than Chinese; or submit a copy of the abstract in the international publishing document if the international application is filed in Chinese;

(4) submit a copy of the appended drawing if there is any in the international application; and submitting copies of the drawings appended to the abstract in the international publishing document if the international application is filed in Chinese.

Where the applicant fails to fulfill the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China within the time limit provided in the preceding paragraph, he/it may, after paying the fee for extending the time limit, fulfill the formalities prior to the expiry of a corresponding period of 22 or 32 months commencing from the priority date.

第一百零二條 申請人在本細(xì)則第一百零一條第二款規(guī)定的期限內(nèi)未辦理進入中國國家階段手續(xù),或者在該期限屆滿時有下列情形之一的,其國際申請在中國的效力終止:
Article 102 Where the applicant fails to fulfill the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China within the time limit provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 101 of these Rules, or in case of any of the following circumstances at the expiry of this time limit, the effectiveness of his/its international application in China shall be terminated:

(1) the international application number is not indicated in the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China;

(2) the application fee or the publishing and printing fee provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 90 of these Rules or the fee for extending the time limit provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 101 of these Rules has not been paid;

(3) the international application is filed in a language other than Chinese but the Chinese translation of the specification and the patent claim of the original international application is not submitted.

Where the effectiveness of an international application in China has been terminated, the provisions in Paragraph 2 of Article 7 of these Rules shall not be applied.

第一百零三條 申請人辦理進入中國國家階段手續(xù)時有下列情形之一的,國務(wù)院專利行政部門應(yīng)當(dāng)通知申請人在指定期限內(nèi)補正:
Article 103 Where the applicant falls under any of the following circumstances when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the applicant to rectify his/its application within a specified time limit:

(1) the Chinese translation or the copies of the abstract have not been submitted;

(2) the copies of the appended drawings or of the drawings appended to the abstract have not been submitted;

(3) the name of the invention-creation, the name of the applicant, the address of the applicant or the name of the inventor is not indicated in Chinese in the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China;

(4) the content or format of the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China is not in conformity with relevant provisions.

Where the applicant has not rectified his/its application at the expiry of the time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.

第一百零四條 國際申請在國際階段作過修改,申請人要求以經(jīng)修改的申請文件為基礎(chǔ)進行審查的,申請人應(yīng)當(dāng)在國務(wù)院專利行政部門作好國家公布的準(zhǔn)備工作前提交修改的中文譯文。
Article 104 Where an international application has been amended in the International Phase, and the applicant requests examination on the basis of the amended application documents, the applicant shall submit the amended Chinese translation before the administrative department for patent under the State Council has completed the preparation of national publication.

Where the Chinese translation is not submitted within this period, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall not take the amendment requested by the applicant in the International Phase into account.

第一百零五條 申請人辦理進入中國國家階段手續(xù)時,還應(yīng)當(dāng)滿足下列要求:
Article 105 The applicant shall also, when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, meet the following requirements:

(1) he/it shall designate the name of the inventor in the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China if the inventor has not been designated in the international application;

(2) he/it shall, if, in the International Phase, having fulfilled the formalities on the change of the applicant in the International Bureau, provide the certified documents proving that the applicant after the change enjoys the right of application;

(3) he shall, when necessary, provide the certified documents proving that the applicant enjoys the right of priority if he is not the same person as the applicant of the earlier application (which is regarded as the basis of the right of priority), or if he changes his name after filing the earlier application;

(4) he/it shall make a statement in the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China, and shall, within 2 months as of the date when he/it fulfills the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, submit relevant certified documents provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 31 of these Rules if the invention-creation involved in the international application is under any of the circumstances enumerated in Item (1) or Item (2) of Article 24 of the Patent Law, and a declaration was made when the international application was filed.

Where the applicant fails to meet the requirements in Item (1), Item (2) and Item (3) of the preceding paragraph, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the applicant to make a rectification within the specified time limit.

Where the contents in Item (1) or (2) have not been rectified at the expiry of the time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn; where the contents in Item (3) have not been rectified at the expiry of the time limit, the right of priority shall be deemed to have not been claimed.

Where the applicant fails to meet the requirements in Item (4) of Paragraph 1 of this Article, his/its application shall not be subject to Article 24 of the Patent Law.

第一百零六條 申請人按照專利合作條約的規(guī)定,對生物材料樣品的保藏已作出說明的,視為已經(jīng)滿足了本細(xì)則第二十五條第(三)項的要求。
Article 106 Where the applicant has made a statement on deposit of the sample of biomaterial in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty, he/it shall be deemed to have met the requirements in Item (3) of Article 25 of these Rules.

The applicant shall state in the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China the documents recording the matters on the deposit of the sample of the biomaterial and the specific location of the record in the documents.

Where the matters on the deposit of the sample of the biomaterial have been recorded in the specification of the international application originally filed by the applicant, but have not been stated in the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China, he/it shall make a rectification within 4 months as of the date when he/it fulfills the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China.

Where no rectification has been made at the expiry of the time limit, the biomaterial shall be deemed to have not been submitted for deposit.

Where the applicant submits the receipt of deposit and the viability proof on the sample of the biomaterial to the administrative department for patent under the State Council within 4 months as of the date when he/it fulfilled the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, he/it shall be deemed to have submitted them within the time limit provided in Item (1) of Article 25 of these Rules.

第一百零七條 申請人在國際階段已要求一項或者多項優(yōu)先權(quán),在進入中國國家階段時該優(yōu)先權(quán)要求繼續(xù)有效的,視為已經(jīng)依照專利法第三十條的規(guī)定提出了書面聲明。
Article 107 Where the applicant has claimed one or more rights of priority in the International Phase, and claimed the right(s) of priority to continue to be effective at the time of entering into the National Phase in China, the written declaration shall be deemed to have been made in accordance with Article 30 of the Patent Law.

Where the applicant has any written errors in the written declaration for the right of priority made in the International Phase or does not indicate the application number of the earlier application, he/it may, when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, make a request for a correction or indicate the application number of the earlier application.

Where the applicant has made a request for a correction, he/it shall pay a fee for requesting the correction of the right of priority.

Where the applicant has submitted the copies of the earlier application documents in the International Phase in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty, he/it needs not to submit the copies of the earlier application documents to the administrative department for patent under the State Council when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China.

Where the applicant fails to submit the copies of the earlier application documents in the International Phase, the administrative department for patent under the State Council may, when considering it necessary, notify the applicant to supplement them within a specified time limit.

Where the applicant has not supplemented them at the expiry of the time limit, his/its right of priority shall be deemed to have not been claimed.

Where the right of priority is deemed to have not been claimed in the International Phase and this information has been announced by the International Bureau, the applicant may, when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, request with justified reasons the administrative department for patent under the State Council to recover its claim for the right of priority.

第一百零八條 在優(yōu)先權(quán)日起20個月期滿前要求國務(wù)院專利行政部門提前處理和審查國際申請的,申請人除應(yīng)當(dāng)辦理進入中國國家階段手續(xù)外,還應(yīng)當(dāng)依照專利合作條約第二十三條第二款規(guī)定提出請求。
Article 108 Where an applicant requests before the expiry of a period of 20 months as of the priority date the administrative department for patent under the State Council to dispose of and examine the international application in advance, he/it shall, in addition to fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, make the request in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

Where the International Bureau has not transmitted the international application to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the applicant shall submit a copy of the confirmed international application.

第一百零九條 要求獲得實用新型專利權(quán)的國際申請,申請人可以在辦理進入中國國家階段手續(xù)之日起1個月內(nèi),向國務(wù)院專利行政部門提出修改說明書、附圖和權(quán)利要求書。
Article 109 For an international application for the patent right for utility model, the applicant may, within 1 month as of the date when he/it fulfills the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, make a request to the administrative department for patent under the State Council for amending the specification, appended drawings and patent claim.

The international application for the patent right for invention shall be subject to Paragraph 1 of Article 51 of these Rules.

第一百一十條 申請人發(fā)現(xiàn)提交的說明書、權(quán)利要求書或者附圖中的文字的中文譯文存在錯誤的,可以在下列規(guī)定期限內(nèi)依照原始國際申請文本提出改正:
Article 110 Where the applicant discovers any diction errors in the Chinese translation of the submitted specification, patent claim or appended drawings, he/it may, within the following provided time limit, make a request for a correction in accordance with the original international application:

(1) before the administrative department for patent under the State Council has completed the preparation of national publication;

(2) within 3 months as of the receipt of the notification sent by the administrative department for patent under the State Council on the entry of the application for a patent for invention into the stage of substantial examination.

Where the applicant is to correct errors in the translation, he/it shall make a written request, submit the corrected page of the translation and pay the provided fee for correcting the translation.

Where the applicant is to correct the translation as required in the notification of the administrative department for patent under the State Council, he/it shall, within a specified time limit, fulfill the formalities provided in Paragraph 2 of this Article;

where the provided formalities have not been fulfilled at the expiry of the time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.

第一百一十一條 對要求獲得發(fā)明專利權(quán)的國際申請,國務(wù)院專利行政部門經(jīng)初步審查認(rèn)為符合專利法和本細(xì)則有關(guān)規(guī)定的,應(yīng)當(dāng)在專利公報上予以公布;
Article 111 For an international application claiming the patent right for invention, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, if considering it to be in conformity with relevant provisions in the Patent Law and these Rules after the preliminary examination, publish it in the Patent Gazette;

where the international application is filed in a language other than Chinese, the Chinese translation of the application documents shall be published.

Where an international application claiming for the patent right for invention is internationally published by the International Bureau in Chinese, it shall be subject to Article 13 of the Patent Law as of the date of international publication;

where it is published by the International Bureau in a language other than Chinese, it shall be subject to Article 13 of the Patent Law as of the date of publication by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.

For an international application, "publication" mentioned in Articles 21 and 22 of the Patent Law means the publication provided in Paragraph 1 of this Article.

第一百一十二條 國際申請包含兩項以上發(fā)明或者實用新型的,申請人在辦理進入中國國家階段手續(xù)后,依照本細(xì)則第四十二條第一款的規(guī)定,可以提出分案申請。
Article 112 Where an international application contains two or more inventions or utility models, the applicant may, after fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, file a division of application in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 42 of these Rules.

Where, in the International Phase, when the international retrieval entity or international preliminary examination entity considers the international application is not in conformity with the requirement of singularity provided in the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the applicant does not pay the additional fee as provided, thus causing some parts of the international application to not undergo international retrieval or international preliminary examination, or when entering the National Phase in China, the applicant requires the above-mentioned parts to be regarded as the basis of examination, and the administrative department for patent under the State Council considers the singularity of the invention has been well-judged by the international retrieval entity or the international preliminary examination entity, it shall notify the applicant to pay the fee for recovering singularity within a specified time limit.

Where the said fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the parts in the international application which have not undergone retrieval or international preliminary examination shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.

第一百一十三條 申請人依照本細(xì)則第一百零一條的規(guī)定提交文件和繳納費用的,以國務(wù)院專利行政部門收到文件之日為提交日、收到費用之日為繳納日。
Article 113 Where the applicant submit the documents or pay the fees in accordance with Article 101 of these Rules, the date when the administrative department for patent under the State Council receives the documents shall be regarded as the submission date, and the date when it receives the fees shall be regarded as the payment date.

In case of any delay in the mail delivery of a submitted document, and if the applicant has proven within 1 month as of his/its discovery of the delay that the document to be delivered has been sent by mail 5 days before the expiry of the time limit provided in Article 101 of these Rules, the document shall be deemed to be received on the date of the expiry of the time limit.

However, the time for the applicant to provide the proof shall not be later than 6 months after the expiry of the time limit provided in Article 101 of these Rules.

The applicant may submit documents to the administrative department for patent under the State Council in accordance with Article 101 of these Rules by facsimile. Where the applicant submits a document by facsimile, the date when the administrative department for patent under the State Council receives the facsimile shall be regarded as the submission date.

The applicant shall, within 14 days as of the date when he/it sent the facsimile, submit the original version of the facsimile to the administrative department for patent under the State Council. Where the original version has not been submitted at the expiry of the time limit, the document shall be deemed to have not been submitted.

第一百一十四條 國際申請要求優(yōu)先權(quán)的,申請人應(yīng)當(dāng)在辦理進入中國國家階段手續(xù)時繳納優(yōu)先權(quán)要求費;未繳納或者未足額繳納的,國務(wù)院專利行政部門應(yīng)當(dāng)通知申請人在指定的期限內(nèi)繳納;期滿仍未繳納或者未足額繳納的,視為未要求該優(yōu)先權(quán)。
Article 114 Where the right of priority is claimed in an international application, the applicant shall, when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, pay the fee for claiming the right of priority; if the said fee has not been paid or fully paid, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the applicant to make the payment within a specified time limit; where it has still not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the right of priority shall be deemed to have not been claimed.

第一百一十五條 國際申請在國際階段被有關(guān)國際單位拒絕給予國際申請日或者宣布視為撤回的,申請人在收到通知之日起2個月內(nèi),可以請求國際局將國際申請檔案中任何文件的副本轉(zhuǎn)交國務(wù)院專利行政部門,并在該期限內(nèi)向國務(wù)院專利行政部門辦理本細(xì)則第一百零一條規(guī)定的手續(xù);
Article 115 Where, in the International Phase, an international application is refused by a relevant international entity to grant an international application date on it or is declared to be deemed to have been withdrawn, the applicant may, within 2 months as of his/its receipt of the notice, request the International Bureau to transfer the copy of any document in the file of the international application to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, and fulfill the formalities provided in Article 101 of these Rules in the administrative department for patent under the State Council within this period.

The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, after receiving the documents transmitted by the International Bureau, re-examine whether the decision made by the international entity is correct.

第一百一十六條 基于國際申請授予的專利權(quán),由于譯文錯誤,致使依照專利法第五十六條規(guī)定確定的保護范圍超出國際申請的原文所表達(dá)的范圍的,以依據(jù)原文限制后的保護范圍為準(zhǔn);
Article 116 Where, for the patent right granted upon the international application, the protection scope determined in accordance with Article 56 of the Patent Law has exceeded the scope expressed in the original text of the international application due to errors in the translation, the protection scope which is limited on the basis of the original text shall prevail;

while if the protection scope is narrower than the scope expressed in the original text of the international application due to the same reason, the protection scope at the time of authorization shall prevail.

第十一章 附 則
Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions

第一百一十七條 經(jīng)國務(wù)院專利行政部門同意,任何人均可以查閱或者復(fù)制已經(jīng)公布或者公告的專利申請的案卷和專利登記簿,并可以請求國務(wù)院專利行政部門出具專利登記簿副本。
Article 117 Any person may, upon approval by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, inspect or copy the files of the published or announced patent applications and the Patent Register, and may request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to issue a copy of the Patent Register.

The files of patent applications which are deemed to have been withdrawn or which have been rejected or actively withdrawn, shall not be preserved after the expiry of 2 years as of the date on which such applications cease to be valid.

The files of patent rights which have been abandoned or invalidated or terminated shall not be preserved after expiry of 3 years as of the date on which such patent rights cease to be valid.

第一百一十八條 向國務(wù)院專利行政部門提交申請文件或者辦理各種手續(xù),應(yīng)當(dāng)使用國務(wù)院專利行政部門制定的統(tǒng)一格式,由申請人、專利權(quán)人、其他利害關(guān)系人或者其代表人簽字或者蓋章;
Article 118 Any application document which is submitted to, and any formalities which are fulfilled in the administrative department for patent under the State Council, shall use the unified format prepared by the administrative department for patent under the State Council which shall be signed or sealed by the applicant, the patent holder, any other interested person or his/its representative.

Where any patent agency is entrusted, such agency shall affix its stamp.

Where a change of the name of the inventor, the name, nationality or address of the applicant or the patent holder, or the name or address of the patent agency, or the name of the patent agent is requested, a request for a change in the bibliographic data shall be made to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, and the supporting documents with reasons for the change shall be affixed.

第一百一十九條 向國務(wù)院專利行政部門郵寄有關(guān)申請或者專利權(quán)的文件,應(yīng)當(dāng)使用掛號信函,不得使用包裹。
Article 119 The documents relating to a patent application or patent right which are mailed to the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall be mailed by registered letter, not by parcel.

For any document (not including any application document submitted for the first time) submitted to and any formalities fulfilled in the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the application number or the patent number, the title of the invention-creation, and the name of the applicant or the patent holder shall be indicated.

One letter may contain documents relating to one application only.

第一百二十條 各類申請文件應(yīng)當(dāng)打字或者印刷,字跡呈黑色,整齊清晰,并不得涂改。
Article 120 Any application document shall be typed or printed. All the characters shall be in black ink, neat and clear, and none of them shall be altered.

The appended drawings shall be made in black ink with the aid of drafting instruments. The lines shall be uniformly thick and well-defined, and shall not be altered.

The written request, specification, patent claim, appended drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.

The script of application documents shall run horizontally. Only one side of each sheet shall be used.

第一百二十一條 國務(wù)院專利行政部門根據(jù)專利法和本細(xì)則制定專利審查指南。
Article 121 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall formulate the guidelines for patent examination in accordance with the Patent Law and these Rules.

第一百二十二條 本細(xì)則自2001年7月1日起施行。1992年12月12日國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)修訂、1992年12月21日中國專利局發(fā)布的《中華人民共和國專利法實施細(xì)則》同時廢止。
Article 122 These Rules shall enter into force on July 1, 2001. The Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China which was revised on December 12, 1992 upon approval of the State Council and promulgated by the Patent Office of China on December 21, 1992 shall be nullified at the same time.

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