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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-06-20
核心提示:How food is prepared important to health: study Last Updated: 2007-05-07 12:00:10 -0400 (Reuters Health) By Anne Harding 研究表明烹飪方式對(duì)健康有重要影響 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - By relying more on steaming, boiling and stewing to cook foods and u
How food is prepared important to health: study
Last Updated: 2007-05-07 12:00:10 -0400 (Reuters Health)
By Anne Harding

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - By relying more on steaming, boiling and stewing to cook foods and using acidic marinades on meat cooked with dry heat, people may be able to stay healthier, a New York City researcher suggests.

These strategies will reduce the amount of advanced gycation end products (AGEs), or glycotoxins that people consume with their food says Dr. Helen Vlassara of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. With her colleagues, Vlassara has found that the more AGEs healthy people eat, the greater their levels of inflammation and oxidative stress.
美國(guó)紐約大學(xué)西奈山醫(yī)學(xué)院的Helen Vlassara博士說(shuō),這些方法將會(huì)減少人們所吃食物中晚期糖化終產(chǎn)物(AGEs)的含量。Vlassara和的她的同事們發(fā)現(xiàn),健康的人攝入越多的晚期糖化終產(chǎn)物,體內(nèi)出現(xiàn)炎癥和氧化應(yīng)激的程度就約嚴(yán)重。

"It is time that we pay more attention to these toxic substances ... because they are extremely abundant in our foods as we have developed them today," Vlassara told Reuters Health. "They do cause inflammation and they tend to accumulate in the body. Over a long time the constant low-grade inflammation can lead to organ damage and disease."

Vlassara points out that inflammation plays a key role in a host of increasingly common aging-related illnesses, including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and heart disease.

AGEs are produced by the interaction of sugars with proteins and certain fats, and are found in animal foods. Cooking foods for a longer time at a higher temperature, in the absence of water, significantly boosts their AGE content, as does processing them.

AGEs are also a byproduct of normal metabolism, but high levels are found in people with diabetes and heart disease, Vlassara and her team note in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. As people age they may be less able to clear AGEs from their bodies, they add, while kidney disease also makes it more difficult for people to excrete glycotoxins.
Vlassara和她的研究隊(duì)伍在美國(guó)《Journal of Gerontology》雜志上撰文指出,AGEs還是正常新陳代謝的副產(chǎn)品,糖尿病和心臟病人體內(nèi)的這種物質(zhì)的含量就比較高。隨著人們衰老,清楚體內(nèi)AGEs的能力就會(huì)下降。與此同時(shí),腎臟病也會(huì)使人們更加難以將AGEs排出體外。

She and her colleagues had previously shown that diabetic individuals who ate a diet low in AGEs had lower levels of molecules involved in inflammation. The researchers have also found that aging mice have less oxidative stress and insulin resistance -- and live longer -- when they consume a low-AGE diet.

To understand whether the amount of AGEs healthy people consume might be related to their level of inflammation, Vlassara and her colleagues looked at 172 healthy men and women. One group of study participants were younger than 45, while the others were over 60.

The more AGEs people ate, the researchers found, the higher their blood levels of two types of AGEs in their blood. Consumption of AGEs also correlated directly with key indicators of inflammation and oxidative stress.

People can reduce their AGE consumption, and possibly their risk of disease, by using high temperatures to cook foods less frequently, and cutting down on processed foods, Vlassara and her team note.

Anyone concerned about AGE consumption should try to cook with water as often as possible, for example using boiling, steaming or stewing, rather than frying, Vlassara said in an interview. But people do not need to abstain from barbecue or grilling entirely; "moderation is the message, not eliminating something completely from the diet," she added. And marinating foods in lemon juice, vinegar or other acidic substances before cooking them with dry heat greatly reduces AGE formation, Vlassara noted.

Extrapolation from findings in both animals and humans suggests it's conceivable that people could extend their lives by reducing AGE consumption, she adds; to date, one of the only other interventions that has stretched lifespan in mammals is severe restriction of calorie intake.

"Our study shows that this can be done just by changing moderately the way we cook," Vlassara said. "In other words, we do not have to suffer any calorie restriction."

SOURCE: Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, April 2007.
關(guān)鍵詞: 烹飪 健康
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