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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-06-05
核心提示:什么使得雞蛋對于一個人的健康無例外地重要?每個雞蛋都含有在健身活動之后協(xié)助恢復(fù)肌肉的必要的營養(yǎng)素和豐富的蛋白質(zhì)來源。必要的營養(yǎng)素是正常的身體機能所需要的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì),但這些特殊的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)不是身體所產(chǎn)生的,因而是從食物中得到的、必要的營養(yǎng)素。 雞蛋含有總共

    雞蛋含有總共 13 種必要的營養(yǎng)素。根據(jù)大小,一個雞蛋大約有 75 卡路里的熱量:45 卡路里來自脂肪,25 卡路里來自蛋白質(zhì)、剩下的 5 卡路里來自碳水化合物。因為這樣的脂肪比例被包含在蛋黃之內(nèi),如果你關(guān)注你的腰圍和膽固醇的話,你可以從你準(zhǔn)備的任何雞蛋中輕松地去掉蛋黃。美國餐飲協(xié)會在許多食譜中建議用兩個蛋白替代一個全蛋。如果你沒有準(zhǔn)備去掉蛋黃,你可以使用四個蛋白和兩個蛋黃制備一個煎蛋卷或者攪炒雞蛋。它會節(jié)省你 120 卡路里和 10 克的脂肪。隨著你的味蕾適應(yīng)新的味道,你可以去掉另一個蛋黃。因為在一個人的膳食中少量的脂肪是必要的,你可以每周若干次在你制備任何一盤菜中保留一個蛋黃。拉斯維加斯的健身教練蒂埃里·托馬斯解釋說,“蛋白中的蛋白質(zhì)是生物體可利用的和同化作用的以及保養(yǎng)和恢復(fù)肌肉所需要的蛋白質(zhì)來源。平均一個雞蛋含有 7-8 克蛋白質(zhì)。如果你試圖降低你的脂肪攝入,可以去掉整個蛋黃或者部份蛋黃,因為蛋黃幾乎是 100% 的脂質(zhì)。”在 上能夠找到托馬斯。
    許多名人例如杰西卡·阿爾芭和詹尼弗·加納已經(jīng)知道在關(guān)注他們體重的時候吃蛋白雞蛋餅?梢圆扇「鞣N方式制作雞蛋:魔鬼蛋,雙面煎的,煎蛋卷風(fēng)格的,以及煮透的。你可以在這些制做方法的每一種方法中開發(fā)幾個品種,這樣你就不會讓你的菜單變得單調(diào)。例如,你可以利用紅/綠辣椒、蘑菇、紅蔥頭、西紅柿和一個小花椰菜作為裝飾,以及低脂奶酪、低脂酸奶油和沙司來制作煎蛋卷。你也可以用菠菜、太陽曬干的西紅柿和一點點小山羊奶酪制作煎蛋卷——完全不同的味道。甚至在你匆匆忙忙的時候還有更好的,試著用 3 個炒蛋白和 1 個帶有黃色柿子椒、新鮮菠菜、低脂羊乳酪的蛋黃混合——另一盤低脂的美味。將煮熟的雞蛋大量保持在冰箱里,家庭成員可以零食它們。還可以用低脂的油炸面包丁、一把培根片、低脂的菠菜沙拉醬、少量的向日葵的種子和幾個煮熟的蛋白與一個蛋黃制作菠菜沙拉——美味和新鮮的沙拉。
    最后,雞蛋含有比其他食物還便宜一些的高營養(yǎng)價值。通常,你可以花 0.99 - 1.25 美元買一打雞蛋,大約每餐 0.25 到 0.31 美元(在一次消費三個雞蛋時)。

    What makes an egg important to one's fitness routine? Each egg contains essential nutrients and an excellent source of protein to assist in repairing and building muscle after workouts and fitness activities. Essential nutrients are nutrients that are required for normal body functioning but these particular nutrients are not produced by the body therefore it is “essential” that they are obtained from food.

    An egg contains all 13 essential nutrients. Depending on the size, an egg is roughly 75 calories; 45 calories come from fat, 25 calories from protein, and 5 calories from carbohydrates. Because the percentage of fat is contained within the egg yolk you can easily eliminate the yolk from any eggs you are preparing if you’re watching your waistline or cholesterol. The American Dietetic Association suggests substituting two egg whites for one whole egg in many recipes. If you’re not ready to eliminate the yolks you can prepare an omelet or egg scramble using four whites and two yolks. It will save you 120 calories and 10 grams of fat. As your taste buds become acclimated you can eliminate another yolk. Since a small amount of fat is needed in one’s diet you can retain one yolk in any dish you’re preparing a couple of times per week. Las Vegas fitness trainer, Thierry Thomas, explains, "The protein in egg whites is the most bio-available and assimilative sources of protein and necessary in maintaining and building muscle. An average egg contains 7-8 grams of protein. Discard the yolk or a portion of it if you're trying to lower your fat intake, as the yolk is almost 100% lipid." Thomas can be reached at

    Celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Jennifer Garner have been known to eat egg white omelets when watching their weight. Eggs can be prepared in a variety of ways: deviled eggs, over-easy, omelet style, scrambled, and hard-boiled. Within each of these preparation methods you can develop several varieties so you won’t become bored with your menu. For example, you can prepare an omelet using red/green pepper, mushrooms, red onion, tomatoes, and a little broccoli - garnish with low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and salsa. You can also prepare an omelet with spinach, sun dried tomatoes, and a little goat cheese - totally different flavor. Even better yet when you’re in a hurry, try 3 scrambled egg whites and 1 yolk mixed with yellow bell pepper, fresh spinach, and low fat feta cheese - another tasty low fat dish. Hard-boiled eggs are great to keep in the refrigerator so family members can snack on them. Spinach salads can be prepared with low fat croutons, a handful of bacon bits, low-fat spinach salad dressing, a small handful of sunflower seeds, and a couple of hardboiled egg whites with 1 yolk – a tasty fresh salad.

    Lastly, eggs contain a high nutrient value yet inexpensive compared to other foods. Often, you can purchase eggs for $.99 – $1.25 per dozen which is approximately .25 – .31 per meal (when consuming three eggs at one time).


關(guān)鍵詞: 健康食品 雞蛋
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