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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-08-13  來源:BBC
核心提示:歡迎收聽BBC Learning English–Audio Programmes 音頻精選。在本期《經(jīng)典菜肴》中,讓我們來"品嘗"一下三明治。這個可以算是最簡單的英國"菜",名字來源于18世紀英國的貴族三明治伯爵四世。據(jù)說當時他特別喜歡打撲克,兩片面包夾著肉片成了他喜歡吃的點心,既能填飽肚子,又不會弄臟手和他的撲克牌。后來他的朋友們都學他點這道菜,三明治的名字也就叫開了。那么現(xiàn)在英國人對三明治的看法是什么?哪些三明治最暢銷呢?

About this script
Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made which may not be reflected here.

Tomi: My name is Tomi, Tomi Studholm. We are the Breadman on Bewick Street in Soho Central London.
Helen & Tomi: Can I have a fish finger. With poppy? Do you want it grilled? No I'll have it for lunch and I will probably eat it in the studio. That's 2 pounds.

Willliam: Helen, where were you buying your sandwich just then?
Helen: 你沒聽到嗎?我是今天早上在倫敦市中心的Bewick Street 市場里買的。
William: I could really do with a sandwich in today's programme.
Helen: I thought so. 本期Delicious Dishes 節(jié)目的主題就是三明治。
William: First let's hear from writer Bee Wilson speaking on BBC Radio 4's Food Programme. She's going to give us a little background on the history of the sandwich in Britain.

Really from the late 18 century onwards, it was becoming the universal food in British society right from the beginning. It was the food of the rich as well as the poor. In 1789, a commentator said that the British royal family always carried sandwiches with them, when travelling. But on the other hand, on the opposite of the scale, you have the very poorest people in society, eating the sandwich as the most basic meal of them all.

Helen: 三明治從18世紀末起就可以算是全英國最普通的食品了。It became the universal food in British society.
William: It was said that the Royal Family always carried sandwiches with them when they were travelling.
Helen: 外出旅行的時候,英國皇室總會帶上三明治。I think they must have had very posh fillings in them.
William: I would have thought so. But you don't have to be a royal to have a sandwich. For the poorest people in society, it was the most basic meal of them all.
Helen: 是的。因為三明治的做法非常簡單,原材料也很容易準備,所以就成了窮人們最基本的食品most basic meal.
William: To make a simple ham sandwich, all you need are two slices of bread, a bit of butter and a slice of ham. You can do it quickly and cheaply.
Helen: 不過很多人也選擇從店里買三明治。一家知名超市的食品采購部主任Simon Twigger 是這樣分析的。

I'm Simon Twigger, I'm the head of fresh food buying at Sainsbury's. The amount of time people have for lunch is less than 30 minutes, so one of the trends we've seen is that the Sandwich is coming back into popularity.

William: So we live in a very stressful world, don't you think, Helen?
Helen: Yeah, sounds like it. Only 30 minutes for lunch. 時間就是金錢,現(xiàn)在上班族平均每天只有30 分鐘的午餐時間。
William: Going to the shops and buying a sandwich to eat at your desk is now the norm for many office workers.
Helen: 在辦公桌前邊吃飯邊干活eat at your desk 已經(jīng)成了很多人的習慣, it's the norm for many office workers. 三明治是最方便的,也是最適合這種工作方式的食品。
William: So what kind of sandwiches are popular with people?
Helen: Let's find out. 你知道BLT 是什么樣的三明治嗎?

If you look at the top ten selling sandwiches in the UK today, they are very similar to the top ten selling sandwiches five years ago. With the classic favourite of bacon lettuce and tomato, BLT, chicken salad, which is the top selling sandwich now, prawn mayonnaise, cheese variants and ham variants still dominating the top ten positions.

William: So we've just heard Chris Thomas from Buckingham Foods who specialises in sandwich mass production.
Helen: 大家聽到BLT 是什么嗎?BLT 是一個縮寫,代表bacon, lettuce and tomato. Bacon 就是培根咸肉片,lettuce 生菜葉,tomato 番茄。由這三樣原料做成的三明治就簡稱為BLT.
William: There are other top sellers too – chicken salad.
Helen: 雞肉色拉三明治chicken salad.
William: Prawn mayonnaise.
Helen: 蝦仁蛋黃醬三明治prawn mayonnaise.
William: And sandwiches with different types of cheese or ham are still very popular.
Helen: 奶酪cheese 和火腿肉ham 為主的各類三明治也很暢銷。我早上買的迷你炸魚條三明治銷路也不錯,這家三明治店的店主Tomi 認為這是因為它令人產(chǎn)生懷舊的感覺。

It's like a traditional English thing, innit (isn't it)? I am not 100% sure why, I think it reminds people of their childhood.

Helen: Oh, look at the time, it's coming up to one o'clock.
William: Well Helen, we'd better wrap up and get something to eat.
Helen: I would have loved to share my fish finger sandwich with you, but
not today. I'm afraid it was too good to share!
Willam: Oh ok! Well no worries, I fancy a BLT anyway.
Helen: 好了,如果你想了解更多的英語學習節(jié)目請隨時登陸 Bye!
William: Bye bye!

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