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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-18
核心提示:If you are contemplating a diet if you are considering a health eating plan for your life you need to make certain that you include drinking the proper amount each and every day in the calculation. Without ingesting an appropriate amount of water on

If you are contemplating a diet — if you are considering a health eating plan for your life — you need to make certain that you include drinking the proper amount each and every day in the calculation. Without ingesting an appropriate amount of water on a daily basis you will never be able to obtain the full benefits of any sort of diet. Indeed, in the absence of the right quantity of water each day, you really will not have established a solid healthy eating program for your life.

In the final analysis if you truly are interested in not only losing weight and keeping weight off but also in living a long, enjoyable and healthy life, you need to pay attention to what and how you eat — and drink.

The Essentials of Water

In considering the makeup of the typical human body, most scientists agree that it is comprised of upwards to ninety percent water. Indeed, water is the most significant component making up the body of every human being living and breathing on planet Earth.

Every organ and other structure within the human body from bones to muscles depend upon a plentiful supply of water to function appropriately. Sadly, in this day and age, most people in most countries around the world simply do not drink enough water each day to properly hydrate the body. The lack of proper hydration — the failure to ingest enough water — actually can have dire and lasting consequences for a typical human being.

How Much is Just Enough Water

Many people bandy around the suggestion that a person should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each and every day. On some level this truly is a useful suggestion. Indeed, if a person actually did drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each and every day, he or she likely would see an improvement in his or her health. (Most people simply do not consume this much water on a daily basis.)
In reality, when it comes to the proper amount of water to drink on a daily basis, a person would be wise to think of the eight 8-ounce glass goal to be the baseline for healthy consumption. In other words, every adult (and teenage children) should ingest eight glasses of water daily.

However, for many people the eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily goal simply is not enough. For example, if a person weighs more than 160 pounds, he or she will need to consume more water on a daily basis to satisfy the operational needs of his or her body. Logically and scientifically, a larger body needs more water to operate and run in an efficient and healthy manner.

Many experts suggest that beyond the base amount of eight 8-ounce glasses a day, a person who weighs in at over 160 pounds should divide his or her gross weight in half and drink that many ounces of water each and every day. For example, if a person weighs in at 200 pounds, he or she should drink 100 ounces of water a day. That would equate to about twelve and half standard glasses of water in day rather than the eight glasses which should be considered a consumption threshold for all healthy people.

In addition, if a person is physically active, he or she will need to consume an extra amount of water to make up for what is lost through rigorous exercise.












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