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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-09-08
核心提示:You are bombarded by TV (and other) advertising with millions of positive impressions about unhealthy foods every day. Your local grocery and fast food stores are stocked with thousands of items you should NEVER EAT! In fact, other than in ads and c

You are bombarded by TV (and other) advertising with millions of positive impressions about unhealthy foods every day.

Your local grocery and fast food stores are stocked with thousands of items you should NEVER EAT!

In fact, other than in ads and commercials, who's telling you these highly processed products are good for you? Ever read the labels? If not, perhaps you should!

Processed foods are not real human food, you know, the products that come in boxes, cans and bags, at best they are treats and at worst, they clog your insides and rob you of energy, your health and leave you with symptoms like weight, fatigue, headaches and so much more. Of course this is good for the folks that produce pharmaceuticals.

If you shopped the perimeter of the market (and you should) in the fresh produce and wellness sections looking for natural grains (NOT Wheat), legumes, dairy (NOT Milk) and free range meats and avoided the isles containing processed and packaged foods which happens to be all the isles, you would eat food your body actually could process and utilize and you would look, feel much healthier.

But we are a fast food nation.
Look at what a health hazard North Americas favourite foods products present to their population?

1. Hamburgers
Considered a "high risk" food because of the poor health standards under which they are manufactured. The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction of the meat which need to be treated with chemicals. Putrefaction causes meat to turn green which is then dyed with red chemicals to appear fresh. Unless marked otherwise, hamburger will always contain red dyes.

Because burger parts all come from the animal, "pure beef" can be used on the label! Most hamburger contain the flavour enhancer, MSG (monosodium glutamate) which causes headaches, allergic reactions and more. MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and evidence suggests it will ultimately make you fat when consumed.

The beef industry is the largest user of antibiotics in the world to offset the dangerous bacteria housed in its meats. This has resulted in the growing resistance to antibiotics. Ground beef is more likely to harbour life-threatening E-coli than any other food. Hamburgers are the single biggest food item that inflicts the most damage on the American diet "Billions served" billions spent on doctor visits and hospital bills.

The hormones fed to cattle can make you fat through meat consumption.

A Cheeseburger contains more than 100% of your TOTAL daily recommended fat intake! Burger condiments like pickle, lettuce, tomato, etc. are all treated with cancer causing chemical sulfites that are used to maintain a false freshness in the vegetables. Most burgers contain 1090 mg of sodium! (45% of daily recommended Daily Value) and can promote water retention.

2. Hot Dogs
Like hamburgers, hot dogs are considered a "high risk" food because of the poor health standards under which they are manufactured. The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction in the meat which need to be treated with chemicals. Putrefaction makes meat turn green which is then dyed with red chemicals to appear fresh.

Because hot dog parts all come from the animal, "pure beef" or "100% turkey" can be used on the label! All hot dogs contain the flavour enhancer, MSG (monosodium glutamate) which causes headaches and allergic reactions. MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and will ultimately make you fat when consumed.

Hot dogs have nitrites which are thought to cause stomach cancer, leukemia, brain tumours, and bladder cancer. Fillers and non-meat binders used to hold hot dog meat together can be anything from cereal, non-fat dry milk, or soy which adds more carbohydrates and processed ingredients) Synthetic collagen casings are used to form the hot dogs. Highly carcinogenic. Contains up to 40% of its content in undisclosed saturated fats.

3. French Fries
French fries are very toxic. In order to make French fries, they must be cooked at high temperatures which cause the chemical, acrylimide to be released. Acrylimides are a known cancer causing agent that also causes nerve damage.

Potatoes are grown in the ground and have a higher pesticide absorption level than almost any other food product. Fries are cooked in oxidized oil that is re-used for weeks at a time!

Potatoes have a very high glycemic index meaning it turns to sugar very quickly in the body. Eating a baked potato (or equivalent quantity of French fries) is the sugar equivalent of a large piece of chocolate cake!

(6 cookies = serving size)

Predominantly made up of 23 grams of straight-line sugar.

Chocolate is LAST ingredient listed which means chocolate is the least of the ingredients. 370 empty calories with almost no nutritional benefits, you could eat 2 whole chicken breasts for the same amount of calories! 6 cookies have 12 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat and 40 carbs, more than 50% of your daily carbohydrate allowance in only 6 cookies.

Oreo cookies will set you up for craving more sugar within 3 hours or less. "Natural flavours" are manufactured chemicals to make Oreos taste like great chocolate cookies.

Highly processed foods have these flavour enhancers which are nothing more than carcinogenic chemicals with no natural flavours of their own. High sugar content. Sugar depletes our immune system, creates lots of inflammation and free radicals in the body.

5. Pizza
Commercial pizzas are made exclusively of 5 genetically modified foods: Cheese "food" (Contains only 10% cheese - it cannot even be called real cheese) Enriched white flour which has been bleached of natural vitamins and minerals but has been "enriched" by adding back a minuscule amount of synthetic vitamins. Tomato sauce made from tomato-like substances that produce their own pesticides, IN YOU

Wheat in the pizza crust is genetically modified. Contains cottonseed oil. Cotton is not a "food", therefore it can be sprayed with anything farmers want. The seed carries most of the poison of the cotton plant.

Pizza is baked at such a high temperature; the crust will form acrylimides which is a known cancer causing agent that can also cause nerve damage. Pepperoni & sausage toppings are "high risk" processed meats which add lots of nitrites, chemicals, preservatives, and saturated fats.

6. Soda - Soft Drinks - Pop
The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. On the Ph scale, it is very acidic and can dissolve a nail in about 4 days. High acid content in the body makes it very difficult to lose weight. Soda will leach the calcium out of your bones and promote osteoporosis.

There are 10-12 teaspoons of empty calorie sugar in one can of soda. Diet sodas with artificial sweeteners will promote sugar cravings because sweeteners are "sweeter" than sugar. Colorings used in sodas are cancer-causing.

Soda is called "liquid candy" because of the high sugar content. Like drinking a candy bar! High fructose corn syrup, a major ingredient: Is stored in the body as fat.

7. Chicken Tenders
(Usual serving size is 6)

Made from unusable chicken parts, rarely made from whole white meat. A typical 340 calorie serving is typically 50% fat. Heavily breaded for substance. Very high carbohydrate content.

Carcinogenic acrylimides are released in the high temperature frying. Can cause nerve damage and cancer. Contains the flavor enhancer, MSG (monosodium glutamate) which causes headaches and allergic reactions.

MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and will ultimately make you fat when consumed. Contains phosphates which make the body acidic, making it impossible to burn fat properly. You will store fat and not lose weight. Some chicken nuggets contain aluminum which is toxic to the brain and poisons the metabolism.

Deep fried in oxidized oil that is re-used for weeks at a time!

8. Ice cream
High in fat content. 1 serving (usually 4 ounces!) can provide as much as 50% of your recommended fat for the day. High in carbohydrates. 1 serving is almost 40% of your total recommended carb intake for the day.

High in sugar which promotes sugar cravings and causes skin to wrinkle. Full of hydrogenated and trans-fats which are unnatural and elevate cholesterol clog arteries create free radicals (which may cause cancer)

Hormones put into cows to increase milk production will slow your metabolism, and can cause breast and ovarian tumours, cysts and cancer.

9. Donuts
The average donut contains approximately 300 calories.

One donut provides more than 50% of your recommended daily carbohydrate intake.

High in salt content which will promote water retention.

Donuts are deep fried in oxidized oil that is re-used for weeks at a time! Oils at high temperatures developed rancidity and free radicals which can poison and slow your metabolism, seriously threaten your health and has high sugar content which promotes sugar cravings and ages skin.

10. Potato Chips: The # 1 Snack Food
North Americans today consume more potato chips than any other people in the world. As a world food, potatoes are second in human consumption only to rice. It takes 4 pounds of potatoes to make 1 pound of potato chips. Very calorie dense where a small 2 oz. bag has over 300 calories.

Potato chips are deep fried in oxidized oil that is re-used for weeks at a time! Deep fried at high temperatures which cause the chemical, acrylimide to be released. Acrylimides are a known cancer causing agent that also causes nerve damage.

When you eat 1 single serving bag of potato chips you may be eating up to 500 times more acrylamide than the maximum level allowed in drinking water. High in hidden saturated fats. High sodium/salt content promotes water retention.

Healthy chips? Like those containing olestra can be more dangerous to your health than regular chips.














2. 熱狗




3. 炸薯?xiàng)l




4. Oreo 餅干 排名第一的餅干




Oreo 餅干會(huì)讓你在三個(gè)小時(shí)內(nèi)渴望得到更多的甜食;瘜W(xué)物質(zhì)賦予了這種餅干如美味的巧克力般的“天然香味”。

5. 披薩














8. 冰激凌


含糖量高使身體對(duì)糖類需求的增加導(dǎo)致皮膚產(chǎn)生皺紋。大量非天然的氫化及反式脂肪使膽固醇升高,導(dǎo)致血管栓塞,產(chǎn)生氧自由基 (可能致癌)。


9. 炸面包圈





10. 炸薯片:頭號(hào)零食





關(guān)鍵詞: 健康 流行 食品
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