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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-15
核心提示:One good question you should not ask because you already know the answers. It is awkward to write or try to write on such topics as this, but let us face it, some people believe and others don't. There have to be a positive and negative side to anyt

    One good question you should not ask because you already know the answers.

    It is awkward to write or try to write on such topics as this, but let us face it, some people believe and others don't. There have to be a positive and negative side to anything and that makes it more interesting.

    But whether there is a God or no is something most people don't even want to talk about. God is a supreme being with various names in various cultures. Even in the English language, God has various names and someone with various names is said to be non-existent? Lets consider all odds

    Most people who do not believe in God will say everything happen by chance. Yeah they haven't researched more than Darwin and Darwin himself who brought about the theory of evolution was also thrown into confusion as to whether there tend to be intelligence in this chanced universe.

    The account of creation in most perspectives tend to point to God or a sort of god and basically, only evolution has since claim otherwise that it all happen on its own accord. If the entire universe come into existence on its own accord and without an intelligence in ordering and arranging things, how come everything seem to be arranged in a unique format? How come there are various species?

    Take a look at the earth; there tend to be various humans, behaviours and deeds and if there be no God, what is the essence of living right? Who then is going to judge all those “bad” folks? The law court cannot and will not in some cases judge the wealthy folks equally, “equity” is a difficult word to come by, and so who is going to judge those people? Who is going to reward those guys who live right?

    Some people refuse to believe in “God” due to various reasons, some due to the hardship they faced, and then they are like “if there is a God, why did he not help me out?” That's funny, because your situation is less than 0.5% of what most people have seen, have you never read, of people who died immediately they were given birth to, of people without limbs (yet they believe in God), others refuse to believe in God because of their beliefs, but if I believe that there is no such thing has “death”, that doesn't make it reality!

    Funny as it has become, most people who do not believe in the existence of “God” do believe there is “Devil”, so if there is darkness, wont there be light? There are so many powers lurking on earth and if you've never heard of any then maybe you might have to return to play with toys (its obvious you are a kid!). Those powers control so many things and whether you believe in them or not does not alter their existence, the question is where do hey come from? (I've not said they are from God), are they naturally occurring or its just by chance? You see, those powers are either of God or of Devil.

    Nowadays, with various happenings on earth, nobody need a magician to tell him/her that there are forces acting and that there is a supreme being that overseas everything. If indeed there is no God and there is no Devil, why are things drifting so badly? What give you the impression of good and bad, how do you know them, is it just a concept? And if after death nothing happens, where then do the word “spirit” come from?

    Please do not and never try to convince anybody about the existence of God and I'll tell you why. All humans (each and everyone of us) have inbuilt information of God even if you deny it, its just there!

    I've not said there is or there is no God but be a judge in this case and judge your own concepts!








    事情變得有趣的是,多數(shù)人不相信“上帝”的存在卻相信“惡魔”的存在, 所以如果有黑暗的存在,不是會有光明?在地球上有那么多的力量隱藏著,如果你從來沒有聽說過的話,或者你應(yīng)該回去玩玩具(很明顯你是小孩。D敲戳α靠刂浦敲炊嗟臇|西,不管你相不相信,都不會改變它們存在的事實(shí),問題是他們從哪里來?(我沒有說過他們來自上帝),他們是自然發(fā)生,還是偶然發(fā)生呢? 你應(yīng)該清楚,那些力量要么是上帝的,要么是惡魔的。

    現(xiàn)今,地球上發(fā)生著各種各樣的事,沒有人需要一個(gè)魔術(shù)師告訴他/她那里有外力的作用和有一個(gè)超自然的人監(jiān)督著所有的一切。假如真的沒有上帝,沒有惡魔,為什么事情變化會如此之大? 什么東西給了你好與壞的印象?你怎樣知道他們?這僅僅是一個(gè)概念?還有,如果死以后什么也不會發(fā)生,“靈魂”這個(gè)詞是怎樣來的?



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