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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-03-09
核心提示:It's not just the most physically demanding jobs that can lead to serious injuries. Working with a seemingly harmless mouse and keyboard can cause chronic injuries just as easily as hauling a load of cement. In fact, repetitive strain injuries such

    It's not just the most physically demanding jobs that can lead to serious injuries. Working with a seemingly harmless mouse and keyboard can cause chronic injuries just as easily as hauling a load of cement. In fact, repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel affect hundreds of thousands of American workers a year, and lead to tens of billions of dollars annually in workers comp claims, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


    Nelson Liu, a certified acupuncturist in Los Angeles, sees many of these disorders in his patients. "People who sit at desks and work on computers come to me with chronic pain in the shoulders, wrist, neck, and eyes, and they often result from the small, repetitive motions they do on the job every day," Liu tells Yahoo! HotJobs.

    Nelson Liu是洛杉磯的一位針灸師,他經常能在自己的病人中見到類似的問題。他說,“坐在桌子前從事電腦相關工作的人通常會在肩部、手腕、脖子和眼睛產生一些慢性病痛,通常都歸咎于他們日常工作中經常重復的小動作。”

    Common Injury Causes


    The top culprits of what experts call repetitive strain disorders include:


    * Sitting in an unnatural posture for a long time.


    * Not allowing recovery time.

    * Shallow breathing.


    * Repetitive motions, such as using the phone, typing with bent wrists and using a mouse.


    * Using force or pressure, such as pinching pens, gripping the mouse too hard, or pounding the keyboard.


    Even emotional stress can lead to strain and pain. "People are particularly stressed out right now, and often emotional stress turns to physical stress, which turns to worse posture, which turns to pain, which turns to more stress," says Wendy Young, a certified ergonomist in Houston and author of the e-book,

    甚至心理壓力也能導致壓迫和疼痛。Wendy Young是一位工作學學者,他說,“現(xiàn)在的人們壓力太大了,心理壓力經常轉化為生理上的壓力,這會導致人們采用更糟糕的工作姿勢,進而引起疼痛,又轉化為更大的壓力。”



關鍵詞: 避免 健康 隱患
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