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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-16
核心提示:I know, as soon as you saw the words easy and lose weight in the headline, you were ready to write this off as another one of those gimmicks or programs sound too good to be true and usually are. But bear with me and youll learn 3 strategies that I

    I know, as soon as you saw the words “easy” and “lose weight” in the headline, you were ready to write this off as another one of those gimmicks or programs sound too good to be true and usually are. But bear with me and you’ll learn 3 strategies that I guarantee will help you in your weight loss efforts.

    You’ve probably been conditioned to believe that weight loss had to be tied to countless hours at the gym, the latest supplement breakthroughs or eating nothing but celery stalks and tofu. Fortunately, dropping a couple dress sizes doesn’t take anything that drastic. What it does take is making some small changes in the behaviors that led to the addition of those unwanted pounds. Here are 3 lifestyle changes that will immediately help you lose that unwanted fat and get your body back.

    1.Stop Eating Out.Think back to when you were growing up. Do you remember what the dinner plates looked like? Now compare that to what the “plates” look like at O’Charleys, Applebees or any of the other chain restaurants. It’s no wonder we’re gaining weight. There are dozens of studies about eating out and they all lead to one conclusion: if you eat out, you overeat! Not only is it almost impossible to exercise effective portion control when you eat out, but you’re also compelled to get you money’s worth so you eat everything you’re served rather than stopping when you should.

    The bottom line is that those who eat out consume more calories than those that don’t. Take a break from eating out for the next six weeks and see how easily you can drop a dress size or even two. And you can use the money you saved eating at home to buy a couple of new outfits to showcase your improved body.

    2. Eat Smaller Portions.You don’t have to avoid the foods that you enjoy – you just can’t eat big servings of them. An easy way to do this is to use smaller plates for your meals. This will help you fell like you’re not depriving yourself while still exercising good judgment. And don’t think that just because something is on your plate, you have to eat it. As opposed to what your mother told you, you don’t have to ‘clean your plate.’ In fact - you shouldn’t. Eat slowly and stop when you aren’t hungry any more. You’ll quickly find that you can enjoy your favorite foods and your skinny jeans at the same time.

    3. Make Better Choices.I know I just said that you can eat the foods you enjoy and still lose weight, but that doesn’t mean overindulging on processed foods, candy, sodas and chips. The key is moderation. So when you go to the supermarket, do the bulk of your shopping around the perimeter of the store and spend less time in the isles. When you’re at work, keep health snacks handy so you don’t have to rely on the company’s vending machine for your energy boost. But most importantly, make good choices with the meals that don’t really matter. Your quality of life won’t dramatically improve if you choose a cheeseburger over a grilled chicken salad for lunch, so don’t do it. Save the times when you are going to choose foods that might be considered unsupportive for the meals that you really look forward to. Improving your choices will accelerate your weight loss and help you save unnecessary calories without really trying.

    Obviously, there is nothing magic about any of these three strategies other than the results that they produce. So start applying these three simple ideas and prepare to get your body back.


    也許你已經(jīng)習(xí)慣于相信減肥必須是與花費(fèi)無(wú)數(shù)時(shí)間在健身房,補(bǔ)充突破,或是除了芹菜莖和豆腐外什么也不吃聯(lián)系在一起的.而我介紹的方法的的確確只是讓你在那 些會(huì)導(dǎo)致你增加額外重量的行為上做些小改動(dòng).下面是三個(gè)在生活方式上的小改變,它們會(huì)馬上幫你減掉多余的脂肪,讓你的身材苗條回來(lái).

    1. 停止外出就餐.回 想你成長(zhǎng)的過(guò)程,你還記得那些餐盤看起來(lái)象什么嗎?現(xiàn)在,把那個(gè)比作在O’Charleys, applebees 或是其他的任何一家連鎖餐廳的盤子的樣子.這就不難得知我們?yōu)槭裁磿?huì)增加體重了.大量關(guān)于外出就餐的研究表明:如果你外出就餐的話,吃的過(guò)多是必然的!這 不僅僅是因?yàn)楫?dāng)你外出就餐的時(shí)候,幾乎不可能自制,而是你會(huì)被強(qiáng)迫去吃掉所有你點(diǎn)的東西,讓自己覺(jué)得劃得來(lái),而不是適可而止.


    2. 減少份量.你 不需要避免那些你喜歡的食物,只要你不吃大份量的就行.一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的方法就是用小盤子來(lái)吃飯.這將幫助你感到并沒(méi)有喪失自我,依舊有著好的判斷力.然而不要 認(rèn)為那僅僅是因?yàn)槟惚P子里有東西,你就必須吃完.就象反對(duì)你媽媽所說(shuō)的,你不需要"洗你的盤子"(舔的干干凈凈).事實(shí)上,你就是不應(yīng)該那樣.細(xì)嚼慢咽, 并且在你根本就不餓的時(shí)候停下來(lái),很快你就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)你能享用你喜歡的食物的同時(shí),緊身褲也能穿了.

    3. 做更好的選擇.我 知道,你能吃你喜歡的食物還能減肥就象我剛剛說(shuō)的,但這并不意味著過(guò)量的食用加工食品,糖果,碳酸飲料,炸土豆條.關(guān)鍵還在于適度.所以當(dāng)你去超市時(shí),饒 著商店的周界線買大部分你要買的,少花時(shí)間在狹小的范圍.當(dāng)你在工作的時(shí)候,隨手準(zhǔn)備健康的小食品,以便你不用依靠公司的自動(dòng)售貨機(jī)來(lái)提高精力.但是最重 要的是,在正餐的上做出正確的選擇,而做到這個(gè)不難.如果你選擇干酪漢堡包加烤雞沙拉做為午餐,就不能說(shuō)你的生活質(zhì)量得到大量的改善,所一不要那樣.把你 那些用來(lái)選購(gòu)并沒(méi)有考慮進(jìn)正餐的食物的時(shí)間節(jié)省下來(lái)吧.調(diào)整你的選擇將會(huì)促進(jìn)你減肥,幫你免去那些額外的熱量.



關(guān)鍵詞: 減肥 習(xí)慣
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