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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-10-31
核心提示:Be Kinder To Yourself: Enjoy A Deeper Sleep: Did you know it requires more energy to hold onto stress in your body than it does to let it go? Blow the stress out with your next breath. A twitter rejuvenation note. Are you stressed and tense or soft

Be Kinder To Yourself: Enjoy A Deeper Sleep:

Did you know it requires more energy to “hold onto” stress in your body than it does to let it go? Blow the stress out with your next breath. A twitter rejuvenation note.

Are you stressed and tense or soft and relaxed?

Of course, you needn’t read this article if you are already getting a fabulous nights sleep. Ah, but if you’re having trouble sleeping and feel stress and tension hiding in your body, then a good dose of “softening up” therapy may be just what you need.

Your personal mantra whilst reading this article and until your sleep improves is:

“my sleeps get better and better”

My Favorite Softening Up Therapy:

I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night of late. Luckily I quickly spotted that my body had a few tights spots which I knew were trapped pockets of stress. Stress and an overactive mind are a sure fire way to stop a great nights sleep.

What to do? The answer - I need to soften myself up ( for half an hour or so) before going to bed. Release the stress, loosen myself up and heh! presto, I’m relaxed and ready for a good nights sleep.

My favorite “softening up” therapy treatment is a self foot massage with warmed sesame oil and a few drops of the essential oil called vetiver. The thought of massaging your own feet might seem like a chore but in fact its not. The benefits are enormous. I guarantee your nervous system will thank you.

Soften Yourself Up Daily:

If feel stressed, tense and tight, then it may take a week or so until your body starts to respond and soften up.

But don’t wait until its too late. Even if you are feeling great “softening yourself up” is a great well being habit to add to your daily routine.

9 Delicious Ways To Soften Yourself Up For A Great Nights Sleep:

1. Soften your face:Are you “holding in” stress by frowning, squinting, clenching teeth, tight jaw, tense tongue or tight breathing? Release your tongue from the top of your mouth and allow it to float, feel your cheek and forehead muscles relax, open your mouth slightly which will release tension in your jaw and neck area. Close your eyes and relax your eye balls, eye lids, eye brows, ears, hair and scalp. Spend at least 5 minutes imagining every part of your head, letting go then softening. This is bliss, baby and it works.

2. Breathe into your belly to calm your nervous system:Your breath is an incredibly powerful tool that you can use anywhere, anytime. Short, quick, shallow breathes feed stress and stimulates your nervous system. Whilst breathing slowly from your belly calms your nervous system and relaxes you. In fact 70% of your breathing should be from your belly. It invites more oxygen into your body and removes old stale air from the bottom of your lungs. Breathing in and out from your belly will soften you up.

3. Sedate your nervous system by massaging the souls of your feet:Reflexology tells us that certain parts of your feet relate to certain organs and energy channels in your body. Gently massaging both your feet (souls, ankles, toes) with a warmed organic sesame oil for five to ten minutes can soften and relax many parts of your body. Of course you can use any organic oil you prefer such as coconut oil or almond oil. Adding a few drops of an essential oil like vetiver, sandalwood or lavender will add another therapeutic boost to your foot massage. To find out more read my article - You deserve a daily self massage:

4. Relax and soften your eyes with a yoga eye pillow:So much stress can enter your body via your eyes. What you see can easily disturb your internal energies. Staring for hours on end, at a computer screen can also stress your eyes and body. Treat your eyes to some deep relaxation by placing a yoga eye pillow over them for at least five minutes. Simply bring your awareness back into your body and breathe and let your body do the rest. Obviously you need to be lying down to do this. If you are keen to make your own yoga eye pillow here’s some tips.

5. Rejuvenate your energies with hand yoga:Hand Mudra’s are so simple and have an amazing effect on the human body by activating certain energy channels in your body. Here’s the rejuvenation hand mudra to soften your thoughts and pressure in your head: Place your left palm on left ear and right palm on right ear. Gently move your hands as if massaging your ears in a smooth circular motion. Repeat this circular motion in a counterclockwise direction for at least 3 minutes in total. Listen to the sounds of the ocean, focus on long slow breathing. If your mind is having trouble staying focused then give it something to do” I am calm and relaxed”. This simple hand mudra withdraws your senses from the outside world and pulls your scattered energies back into your body.

6. Think from your heart and not from your head with a heart mudra:Here’s a very simple way to get out of your head and back into your body. A heart yoga mudra. Push both palms of your hands together and place them over your heart area in prayer position. Make sure the thumbs are touching your heart chakra area. Now breathe into this area by bowing your head, closing your eyes and connecting to your quiet place inside. You will notice the longer you stay in this peaceful hand yoga posture the more energy will be directed away from your head and back into your body and heart. Never underestimate the power from something as simple as a heart mudra.

7. Laughter is an excellent de-stressor:Laughter is a theraputic tool that can boost your nervous system. Laugh for no reason or watch a very funny movie. Certainly avoid watching anything on TV that is serious, sad, depressing, upsetting or stressful to your nervous system. If it doesn’t make you smile then don’t watch it. Laugh yourself healthy with youtube video’s. Laughter is contagious so simply by watching laughter you will soon be laughing yourself. You always feels lighter and softer after laughing. Give it a try.

8. Breathe into your stressed bits.Where do you feel your stress? Stomach, neck, bottom or all over. Consciously breathe into your stressed bits and notice the stress dissolve with each exhale. Stress is tight and breathing into your stressed bits invites an openness which dissolves the tightness. Your body will become softer with each deep exhale. You can do this exercise sitting down or standing up. I also imagine the stressed energy leave my body out through the soles of my feet and back down into the earth.

9. Sound therapy nourishes your nervous system:Did you know that by playing The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss 11, that it physically has ability to revitalize you after times of stress and fatigue. Scientists have proven that it nourishes your central nervous system. Yahoo! You can read all about it right here if you don’t believe me: A simple solution for overburdened nerves: Soften yourself up with some soothing classical music.

學(xué)會善待自己: 享受一個甜美好覺吧!













1. 你的臉部肌肉:你時常會因為壓力過大而皺眉,瞇眼,咬牙,皺緊下巴,或者呼吸急促嗎?試著舒展你臉頰和前頭的肌肉,微微張開嘴巴,釋放在你下巴和脖子里積聚的壓力。試著閉起眼睛,放松你的眼球,眼瞼,眉毛,耳朵,頭發(fā)和頭皮。最后再花至少五分鐘的時間想象一下你頭部任何一個部分,讓它慢慢放松下來。你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)這個方法其實很有用。


3. 你的神經(jīng)添加一劑鎮(zhèn)定劑:按摩腳部:反射論告訴我們我們的腳步部和五臟六腑,氣脈都是息息相關(guān)的。用含有有機芝麻油給自己的腳做個按摩(從腳裸到腳趾),只需五到十分鐘,就能使你身上許多地方獲得放松。當(dāng)然,你可以選擇你自己喜歡的精油,比如椰子油和杏仁油。另外,你也可以加幾滴由蘭巖草,檀香或者是薰衣草提煉而成的精油,這能使你的腳部按摩取得更好的效果。要想了解更多這方面的信息,就點擊這里看看吧。.

4. 用“瑜伽眼睛枕”--給眼鏡睛也來個放松:你要知道,壓力也會通過你的眼鏡進入身體。你眼鏡所看到的東西會十分容易地擾亂你內(nèi)在的精氣神。如果你對著電腦屏幕數(shù)小時,那么你的眼鏡與身體一定會感到疲勞。這時候,你就需要給眼睛做個放松,把專為眼睛服務(wù)的瑜伽枕放在雙眼上,至少五分鐘。然后再深吸一口氣,讓身體得到放松,使你的精神徹底恢復(fù)。當(dāng)然,做這個放松的時候,人需要平躺下來。如果你對這個感興趣的話,可以點擊這里來看看更多有關(guān)這個“瑜伽眼睛枕”的使用小竅門。



7. 笑是個很好的抗壓劑:大笑十分具有功效,它能緩解你緊張的情緒,F(xiàn)在嘗試大笑一下吧,或許沒有理由,或許只是看了一部有趣的電影。盡量避免去看那些題材嚴(yán)肅,基調(diào)悲傷的電影吧。那會使你感到難過,憂傷。去找找Youtube上的有趣視頻吧,它才會讓你更健康。笑是極具感染力的。如果你看到周圍有人在大笑,下一個大笑的就會是你自己了。在大笑過后,你會感到自己一下子輕松不少。所以,還不趕快嘗試一下?




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