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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-12-01
核心提示:20s Prevent Aging What you do in your 20s is going to impact your skin in the future, says New York City dermatologist Jeannette Graf. Start using retinol at night to fight aging and minimize pores. We like DDF Retinol Energizing Moisturizer ($85).

20s Prevent Aging
"What you do in your 20s is going to impact your skin in the future," says New York City dermatologist Jeannette Graf. "Start using retinol at night to fight aging and minimize pores." We like DDF Retinol Energizing Moisturizer ($85). For daytime, sunscreen and mineral makeup are recommended. "Minerals work well with oily skin, have a natural SPF, and enhance the protective effect of antioxidant enzymes in the skin that help prevent fine lines and uneven tone," advises Graf. Try Shiseido Extra Smooth Sun Protection Cream SPF 36 ($27) and Neutrogena Mineral Sheers Powder Foundation ($12.99).

30s Keep the Glow
Even if you're able to get eight hours of sleep, you may still appear tired. "Undereye issues develop at this age," says makeup artist Brigitte Reiss-Andersen. "Pick a concealer with a warmer tone, which blends better and is less noticeable." To cover up unsightly dark circles and reduce puffiness, try Clinique All About Eyes Concealer ($15.50). Have you noticed that your skin is getting drier? "A lack of hydration affects the natural exfoliation process, causing it to slow down, which can make skin look dull," says Graf. When rubbed against wet skin, Blinc Resurf.a.stic Face stick ($40) exfoliates with diamond-shaped crystals as it hydrates with glycerin and cactus extract. Use it once or twice each week.

40s Get Even
"This is when you see more age spots, sun spots, and discoloration," says Graf. Add alpha hydroxy acids to your routine, and use a mask with algae to increase microcirculation and even out your skin. Try Dermalogica ChromaWhite TRx brightening regimen ($188) and H2O Plus Hydrating Marine Moisture Mask ($25). And if you aren't using a primer, it's time to get started. "Primers moisturize and smooth the skin," says Reiss-Andersen. "If they have a little shimmer, it makes your face brighter." For a flawless base, choose Make Up for Ever HD Microperfecting Primer ($32), available in six shades to correct every skin tone.

50s Soften Wrinkles
You may notice that your wrinkles have become more apparent and your skin is drying out. "The loss of hormones during menopause affects elasticity, firmness, and moisture levels," says Graf. "To resolve these issues, use products at night that increase collagen production." Try Darphin Prédermine Densifying Anti-Wrinkle Cream ($185). "You'll also see lips start to sag and shrink," she adds. Lancôme L'Absolu Rouge lipstick ($29) contains Pro-Xylane to boost moisture and plump out lines.

60+ Maintain Moisture
"Oil production drops dramatically at this age," says Graf. She recommends a cream with DHEA, like Rejuvenex Ultra RejuveNight ($39), which can enhance the moisturizer's effect on your skin. And when you apply makeup, "stay away from powders that can lodge in wrinkles," warns Reiss-Andersen. Try a liquid foundation like L'Oréal Paris Visible Lift Line-Minimizing & Tone-Enhancing Makeup ($14.25), which uses Pro-Retinol A and hyaluronic acid to smooth and hydrate skin.

20歲 防老化

“20歲所作的努力會影響你未來的肌膚”,紐約市皮膚科醫(yī)生Jeannette Graf說。“晚上開始用松香油收縮毛孔”。我們喜歡DDF松香油能量保溫霜(85美元)。白天則建議用防曬霜和礦物化妝品。“礦物質(zhì)對油性肌膚很好,含有天然SPF防曬成份,增強皮膚里抗氧化劑的保護作用,有助防止細紋和膚色不均”,Graf建議說。嘗試資生堂的SPF36防曬霜和露得清礦物隔離底粉(12.99美元)。

30歲 保持光澤

即使你可以保證每天8小時睡眠,你仍然可能看上去很疲憊。“這個年齡開始出現(xiàn)黑眼圈”,化妝師Brigitte Reiss-Andersen說。“選用溫和的遮瑕膏,可以混和更好,使黑眼圈不那么明顯”。要遮蓋難看的黑眼圈減少眼袋,試一下倩碧的全效眼部遮瑕膏(15.5美元)。有注意到自己的肌膚開始變得干燥嗎?“缺水影響了自然脫落過程,導(dǎo)致過程減緩,這樣使得皮膚看上去暗淡”,Graf說。當按摩滋潤的肌膚時,Blinc Resurf.a.stic Face面貼膜通過鉆石樣的晶體脫落,因為它與甘油和仙人掌提取物水合。可每周使用一至兩次。

40歲 保持平衡

“這個年齡段出現(xiàn)老年斑,曬斑和褪色”,Graf說。在日常生活中添加阿爾法羥基酸,并使用海藻面膜以增加微循環(huán)撫平肌膚。可試一下德美思嘉ChromaWhite TRx增白劑(188美元)和H2O補水海藻保溫面膜(25美元)。如果你還沒用底粉,要開始用了。“底粉可滋潤光滑肌膚”,Reiss-Andersen說。“如果底光含少量淡光,則可提亮你的臉”。為實現(xiàn)很好的打底,選用Make Up for Ever的HD Microperfecting Primer(32美元),一共有6種色調(diào)可用來糾正所有的膚色“。

50歲 軟化細紋

你可能注意到你的皺紋越來越明顯了,肌膚很干燥。“更年期荷爾蒙的失去影響皮膚的彈性、緊致度和滋潤程度”,Graf說。“要解決這些問題,晚上使用能增強膠原產(chǎn)生的產(chǎn)品”。試用Darphin Prédermine Densifying防皺霜。“你還可能嘴唇開始下垂和萎縮”,她補充說。蘭蔻的L'Absolu Rouge潤唇膏(29美元)含有Pro-Xylane可增加水份,填平細紋。

60歲 保濕

“這個年齡段油份產(chǎn)生顯著降低”,Graf說。她建議用含脫氫表雄酮(DHEA)的面霜,如Rejuvenex Ultra RejuveNight晚霜(39美元),可增加肌膚的保濕效果。如果你化妝,“不要用粉底了,粉底會留在皺紋里”,Reiss-Andersen提醒說。試試液體粉底,如歐萊雅的可見提升去皺亮色化妝液(14.25美元),這款產(chǎn)品使用和Pro-Retinol A和透明質(zhì)酸,使你的肌膚光滑滋潤。

關(guān)鍵詞: 年齡段 肌膚 保養(yǎng)
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