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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-02-12
核心提示:Maybe you've lost your job. Maybe you didn't get the promotion you were hoping for. Maybe your sweetheart broke up with you. People say Don't take it personally and Don't let it get to you, but that's very hard to do. 也許你失業(yè)了,也許你沒(méi)有獲得期

    Maybe you've lost your job. Maybe you didn't get the promotion you were hoping for. Maybe your sweetheart broke up with you. People say "Don't take it personally" and "Don't let it get to you," but that's very hard to do.


    If you're feeling disheartened, what are some strategies for making yourself feel better about yourself? It's pretty clear that repeating "I'm the greatest!" or winning a trophy along with every other second-grade soccer player isn't a good way to build healthy self-esteem.

    如果你這個(gè)時(shí)侯感到心灰意冷,有沒(méi)有什么方法讓自己感覺(jué)好一些? 重復(fù)“我是最偉大的!”或去和所有其他二流足球選手踢球來(lái)全勝,這些都不是建立健康自尊的好方法。

    At the same time, it's a rare person who isn't sometimes – or often – plagued with painful self-doubt. When you're feeling lousy about yourself, what can you do to feel better?


    Here's the secret. To build your self-respect…do something worthy of your respect. To like yourself better…do something that makes you likable. It's tempting to think that support and encouragement from other people will reassure you, but A) often that doesn't work and B) often you can't winkle other people into giving you a pep talk.


    Here are some strategies to try:


    1. Do a good deed. This is as selfish as it is selfless; you'll benefit as much as the person you're helping. I had a friend who went through a period of tremendous rejection: she was fired from her job, she didn't get into the graduate program to which she'd applied, and her boyfriend broke up with her. Everything worked out fine in the end, and I asked her how she got through such a tough time. She said, "I was practically addicted to doing good deeds for other people. It was the only way I could make myself feel like I wasn't a total loser." Along the same lines…

    做件好事。即算無(wú)私,也算有私;你給予多少,也會(huì)收獲多少。會(huì)和被幫助的人獲得一樣多的受益。我有一個(gè)朋友遭遇了一系列嚴(yán)重失。核唤夤土;她申請(qǐng)讀研失;她的男友甩了她?伤纪α诉^(guò)來(lái)。我問(wèn)她是如何渡過(guò)這么困難的時(shí)期,她說(shuō):“我迷上了給別人做好事。這是唯一的方法讓我感到自己不是徹底失敗者。” 同理...

    2. Make small gestures of good citizenship. Bring your old magazines to the gym so other people can read them. Offer directions to someone who looks lost. Sign up to be an organ donor. My current favorite: picking up trash that other people have left on the subway.


    3. Keep a resolution. Not only will you benefit from exercising or cleaning out your garage, you'll also get a boost from the mere fact that you made a commitment and stuck to it.


    4. Become an expert. There's great satisfaction in mastery. Pick a subject that interests you, and dig in deep: the American Revolution, Photoshop, knife techniques. This can be hard, because learning something new can also make you feel frustrated and stupid, but if you push through, you'll give yourself a huge boost. Be sure to pick something that honestly engages you: become an expert on The Sopranos, if that sounds enticing, but don't decide to learn about wine just because you think other people will be impressed. You're much less likely to stick with it, so you won't benefit as much.


    5. Boost your energy. Studies show that when you're feeling energetic, you're much more likely to feel good about yourself. Most important: get enough sleep. If you need an emergency energy fix, take a quick ten-minute walk (outside, if possible, where sunlight will also stimulate your brain), listen to some great music, or talk to a friend.


    6. Challenge yourself physically. This strategy doesn't work for me, but I know that many people feel great after para-sailing, white-water rafting, bungee-jumping, or roller-coaster-riding. For the less daring, a great run, bike ride, or spinning class can do the trick.


關(guān)鍵詞: 提升 自尊感
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