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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-06-09
核心提示:Unwind for a sound night's sleep Don't let daily stress or worries keep you from getting a good night's rest.Do these exercises for a total of three minutes just before bedtime for maximum results.If you're still having difficulty drifting off,repea

    Unwind for a sound night's sleep Don't let daily stress or worries keep you from getting a good night's rest.Do these exercises for a total of three minutes just before bedtime for maximum results.If you're still having difficulty drifting off,repeat this routine to relax and unwind your body and mind.

    Full-body stretch Sit on the floor,legs straight,palms on thighs.Slowly stretch forward,bending at the waist,until you can grasp your feet(or ankles);drop your head as close to your legs as possible.Slowly reverse the move till you reach the start position.Do two more repetitions.

    Spine relaxer Lie on your stomach,your hands under your face,palms flat and fingers facing inward.Keeping hips on floor,slowly raise y our upper body until arms are straight.Stretch your neck and look up;at the same time,slightly raise toes.Hold for five seconds;release and lower to start position.

    Neck de-tenser Lie on your stomach,elbows on floor.With eyes closed,cup chin with your left palm and support the back of your head firmly with right hand.Very slowly twist your head to the right.hold for a count of 10.Slowly turn head back to start position;place chin in right palm and left hand on back of head.Slowly twist head to left;hold for a count of10.Do two more times.

    為了夜里的熟睡而放松  不讓每天的壓力或者擔(dān)憂妨礙夜里良好的休息。入睡前做這些運(yùn)動(dòng)總共三分鐘以獲得最好的結(jié)果。如果你仍然難以入睡,重復(fù)這個(gè)例行程序來休息、放松你的身體和心靈。

    全身伸展  坐在地板上,腿伸直,手掌放在大腿上。慢慢地向前伸,讓腰部彎曲,直到你能抓住你的腳(腳踝);把你的頭落下,盡量靠近你的大腿。緩慢地返回這個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng),直到你到達(dá)開始的位置。重復(fù)兩次以上。

    脊柱松弛  俯臥,把你的雙手放在你的臉下面,手掌平放手指向內(nèi)。保持髖部在地板上,慢慢地抬高你的上半身,直到雙臂伸直。伸展你的脖子并且向上看;與此同時(shí),稍稍抬高腳趾。保持五秒鐘;釋放并且降低到開始的位置。

    頸部放松  俯臥,將雙肘放在地板上。閉上眼睛,用你的左手掌托住下巴并且用你的右手牢牢支持你的腦后。非常慢地把你的腦袋扭向右。保持?jǐn)?shù) 10 個(gè)數(shù)。慢慢地將頭轉(zhuǎn)回到開始的位置;把下巴放在右手掌內(nèi)并且將左手放在腦后。慢慢地把頭扭向左;保持?jǐn)?shù) 10 個(gè)數(shù)。做兩次以上。

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