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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-01-18
核心提示:Security Tips To Protect Computers From Scams It'is nearly impossible to defend oneself from the kind of cyber attack that targeted Google Inc. and more than 30 other companies. But for the average computer user there are some common-sense steps tha

    Security Tips To Protect Computers From Scams

    It'is nearly impossible to defend oneself from the kind of cyber attack that targeted Google Inc. and more than 30 other companies. But for the average computer user there are some common-sense steps that can help protect against viruses and other malicious computer code.

    - Install antivirus software. This can protect a computer against known malicious programs that could allow a hacker to steal personal information. Cyber criminals release thousands of new programs each day so it is important to update antivirus software.

    - Install software patches. Companies such as Microsoft Corp. and Adobe Systems Inc. are constantly issuing small updates to the Windows operating system and PDF reader in response to newly identified security bugs. Users should be sure to install these so-called patches.

    - Be suspicious. Consider attachments to emails, links on social-networking sites and files for download on Web sites guilty until proven innocent. These are the most common ways that criminals load malicious software onto a victim's computer.

    -- Be vigilant in public. Sign out of your Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail account when using a public computer and clear the Web browser's cache, cookies and history. Then close the browser.

    -- People with access to sensitive information need to take extra precautions. They could be targeted by a hacker who could takes steps, including sending malicious software in an email, that appears to come from someone the victim knows. One way to guard against this is to encrypt important files. Also, businesses should deploy systems that track where sensitive information is being sent.

    -- Use strong passwords. Create passwords that are a mix of numbers, letters and symbols. Don't use common words or personal information. Don't use the same password on multiple sites. Put one on your cellphone.

    對于針對谷歌(Google Inc.)等公司的網(wǎng)絡攻擊,個人幾乎毫無招架之力。但對普通計算機用戶來說,只需采取一些常識性步驟即可免受病毒和其它惡意代碼的侵擾。

    - 安裝殺毒軟件。這樣可將已知惡意程序拒之門外,以防黑客竊取個人信息。網(wǎng)絡罪犯每天發(fā)布數(shù)千個新程序,因此及時更新殺毒軟件十分重要。

    - 安裝軟件補丁。微軟(Microsoft Corp.)和奧多比系統(tǒng)公司(Adobe Systems)等公司均不斷發(fā)布小的的更新程序以修補Windows操作系統(tǒng)和PDF reader程序中新發(fā)現(xiàn)的安全漏洞。用戶應當及時安裝這些補丁。

    - 保持戒心。除非確保安全無毒,否則一律將電子郵件附件、社交網(wǎng)站鏈接和網(wǎng)站上的可下載文件視同病毒處理。這些是罪犯將惡意軟件傳送到受害者計算機的最常用伎倆。

    - 在公共場合保持警惕。用公共計算機登錄Gmail、雅虎(Yahoo)或Hotmail郵箱后應登出,清空瀏覽器緩存、cookie和歷史,然后關(guān)閉瀏覽器。

    - 接觸敏感信息的人士需特別小心。他們很可能成為黑客的攻擊目標。攻擊手段包括偽裝成受害者認識的人,通過電子郵件向其發(fā)送惡意軟件。重要文件加密是有效的保護措施之一。公司用戶還應當配備能夠跟蹤敏感信息發(fā)送路徑的系統(tǒng)。

    - 使用安全密碼。使用包含數(shù)字、字母和符號的混合密碼;不要以常用單詞或個人信息作為密碼;不要在多個站點使用同一密碼;手機也要設置密碼。

關(guān)鍵詞: 保護 計算機 安全
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