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情景英語-At the Porcelain Shop 在瓷器店

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-12-01
核心提示:You''re made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. 您真是好眼力,這種茶具不同尋常。 It was made in Jingdezhen. 這種茶具產(chǎn)于景德鎮(zhèn)。 This is the very thing I''ve been dreaming of. 這真是我夢寐以求的。 Jingdezhen?Isn''t it calledthe capital o

    You''re made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual.


    It was made in Jingdezhen.


    This is the very thing I''ve been dreaming of.


    Jingdezhen?Isn''t it called“the capital of porcelain”?


    It is the best quality procelain—the famous egg-shell China.


    It must be most precious.


    No wonder it''s so expensive.


    Where do these flower vases come from?


    the flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks.


    Are they breakable?

    它們?nèi)菀姿閱幔?br />
    Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks?


    Are they light in weight?


    they are not only ornamental,but also useful.


    Dialogue A

    Shop Assistant(A):You''ve made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. It was made in Jingdezhen. there are few others like it.

    Mrs Bell:It is extremely beautiful. This is the very thing I''ve been dreaming of.

    Mr Bell:Jingdezhen?Oh I know it. Isn''t it called“the capital of porcelain”?

    A:Yes,sir. Is there anything else you want,sir and madam?

    Mr bell:(Points to a set of blue and white porcelain tableware)It''s of perfect Chinese traditional design,isn''t it?

    A:Yes,indeed. It is the best quality porcelain-the famous egg-shell china. It is not for use,but for show. It is also made in Jingdezhen.

    Mr Bell:Oh,it must be most precious. Can I have a look?

    A:Yes,sir. It is known to be“as white as jade and as thinas paper”

    Mr Bell:No wonder it''s so expensive. I''ll take it.

    A:Shall I wrap them together or separately?

    Mrs Bell:Separately,please. What do they come to in round figures?

    A:Altogether 356 yuan.

    Mrs Bell:Here is 360 yuan.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#

    Shop Assistant:(Counting money)Sir,there are thirty notes of ten yuan and six notes of five yuan so it is 330 yuan in all. Would you please check it,sir?

    Mr Bell:I''m awfully sorry. I''ve made a mistake. I took five for ten. Here''s another thirty yuan.

    Dialogue B

    (A:shop assistant B:Mr Jones C:Mrs Jones)

    B:(to A)Where do these flower vases come from?What are they made of?

    A:they come from Jiangxi Province. The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks.

    B:Are they breakable?

    A:No,if you take some care when you use them.

    B:Oh,I see. (to C)Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks?

    C:Let me see. Lions,camels,elephants,deer…I like the camels best. (to A) Are they light in weight?

    A:Yes,they are. They are not only ornamental,but also useful. You can put things inside. You see,you can takethe lid off.

    C:Well,we''ll buy a camel.

    Words and Expressions 

    porcelain n. 瓷;[總稱]瓷器

    tiny a. 極小的;微小的

    camel n. 駱駝

    deer n. 鹿

    ornamental a. 裝飾的 n. 裝飾品

    lid n. 蓋子

    china n. 瓷器

    egg-shell n. 蛋殼(色)(~china)薄胎瓷器

    tableware n. 餐具

關(guān)鍵詞: 情景英語 在瓷器店
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