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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-01-14
核心提示:A 鵪鶉蛋鮑魚 Abalone and quail eggs 鵪鶉松 Minced quai B 八寶冬瓜湯 Eight-treasures winter melon(white gourd)sou 八寶飯 Eight-treasuresrice pudding 八寶雞 Chicken stuffed with eight-treasures 八寶扒鴨 Braised duck with eight-treasures 八寶全雞 Roast


鵪鶉蛋鮑魚 Abalone and quail eggs

鵪鶉松 Minced quai


八寶冬瓜湯 “Eight-treasures” winter melon(white gourd)sou

八寶飯 “Eight-treasures”rice pudding

八寶雞 Chicken stuffed with “eight-treasures”

八寶扒鴨 Braised duck with “eight-treasures”

八寶全雞 Roast chicken with “eighit-treasures”

八寶全鴨 Roast duck with “eight-treasures”

八寶鴨 Duck stuffed with“eight-treasures”

八個冷盤 Eight cold hors d′oeuvres

八珍冬瓜粒 Soup With Winter melon and minced pork

八珍扒大鴨 Braised duck with “eight-treasures”

巴東牛肉 Spiced beef

拔絲蓮子 Lotus Seeds in hot toffee

拔絲蘋果 Apple in hot toffee

拔絲山藥 Chinese yam in hot toffee

拔絲香蕉 Banana in hot toffee

霸王肥雞 Bawang chicken

白爆魚丁 Fish cubes in white sauce

白菜粉絲 Chinese vermicelli with cabbage

白菜湯 Chinese cabbage soup

白豆?fàn)F*排 Stewed pork with white beans

白豆湯 White bean soup

白飯 Steamed rice

白果芋泥 Sweet taro with gingko

白燴大蝦 King prawn in white Sauce

白燴雞飯 Chicken in white sauce with rice

白燴蟹肉 Crab meat in white sauce

白燴蝦子 Shrimp roe in white sauce

白雞 Cold boiled chicken

白酒汁燴雞 Chicken in white wine sauce

白酒汁蒸魚 Steamed fish in white wine Sauce

白菌鮑脯 Braised abalone with fresh mushroom

白菌炒面 Fried noodles with mushroom

白菌鴿片 Sliced pigeon with mushroom

白菌龍蝦王 King lobster with mushroom

白扒鮑魚 Braised abalone in cream sauce

白扒鴨條 Braised sliced duck in cream sauce

白扒魚翅 Braised shark′s fin in cream sauce

白扒魚肚 Braised fish maw in cream sauce

白扒魚肚菜心 Braised fish maw and heart of cabbage

白片雞 Chicken slices

白切肥雞 Cold steamd chicken

白切雞 Boiled sliced chicken

白切肉 Boiled pork Slices

白切*肚 Boiled sliced pig′s stomach

白肉火鍋 Pork cooked in hot pot

白煨雞 Stewed chicken

白椰肉冰 Iced coconut with pork

白油雞 Cold chicken with pork

白斬雞 Sliced cold ckicken

白汁鮑魚 Saute abalone with cream sauce

白汁鱖魚 Mandarin fish with cream sauce

白汁雞飯 Chicken with cream sauce and rice

白汁口蘑煎魚 Fried fish with white sauce and mushrooms

白汁魷魚 Saute Squid with white Sauce

白汁魚唇 Fish lip in cream sauce

白汁魚肚 Fish maw with white Sauce

白煮蛋 Hard boiled eggs

白煮魚 Boiled fish

白灼活肥蠔 Fried oyster with shrimp sauce

白灼螺片 Fried sliced whelk

白灼螺盞 Fried sliced whelk in a bowl

白灼中蝦 Fried prawn

百花採雞 “Hundred flower”steamed sliced chicken with shrimp sauce

百花煎瓤鴨掌 “Hundred flower”fried duck webs stuffed with shrimp

百花瓤北菇 “Hundred flower”mushrooms stuffed with shrimps

百花香酥鴨 “Hundred flower”crisp fried duck

百葉包肉 Leaf shaped bean curd stuffed with minced pork

百葉肉絲 Shredded pork with leaf shaped bean curd

拌海蟄 Jellyfish in mixed sauce

拌芹菜 Celery in mixed sauce

拌蝦片 Shredded(sliced)prawn in mixed sauce

拌鮮坩 Scallops in mixed sauce

拌鴨掌 Duck′s webs in mixed sauce

瓣醬妙肉丁 Stir-fried diced pork in chili sauce

棒棒雞 Bonbon chicken

炮糊 Stir-fried mutton

薄餅 Pancake

薄餅干 Crackers

寶寶全鴨 “Winter garden”duck

鮑魚龍須 Abalone with asparagus

鮑魚沙拉 Abalone salad

鮑魚湯 Abalone soup

鮑魚炆雞 Braised chicken and abalone

爆炒鱔片 Quick-fried eel slices

爆鱔片 Quick-fried eel slices with sesame oil and garlic

爆燒魚翅 Fried shark′s fin in brown sauce

北菰炒面 Fried noodles with dried mushroom

北菰蛋花湯 Mushroom and egg drop soup

北菰燉雞 Stewed chicken and mushroom

北菰燴鴨絲 Braised sliced duck with mushroom

北菰扒鴨 Braised half duck with mushroom

北京醬牛肉 Beef cooked in soy sauce,Beijing style

北京烤鴨 Roast Beijing duck

北京泡菜 Pickled cabbage,Beijing style

北京豌豆黃 Beijing sweet pease pudding

荸薺糕 Water chestnut cake

荸薺肉丸 Water chestnut meatballs

比利時燴雞 Belgian stewed chicken

碧綠川椒雞 Fried chicken with peppers,Sichuan style

碧綠花子雞 Spring chicken with green vegetables

碧綠雞絲扒鮮菇 Chicken shreds with mushroom on a bed of green vegetables

碧綠椒雞 Fried chicken with green peppers

碧綠生魚球 Fish balls with green vegetables

扁豆炒蛋 Omelette with beans

扁豆肉絲 Shredded pork with beans

冰凍荔枝 Chilled lychees

冰棍兒 Ice-lolly

冰凌可可少司 Ice cream with cocoa sauce

冰凌三得 Ice cream sundae

冰淇淋 Ice cream

冰肉蓮蓉粽 Glutinous rice stuffed with ground lotus seeds wrapped in reed leaves(Special

fare for the Dragon Boat Festival)

冰糖蓮籽 Sugar candy lotus seeds

冰糖肉 Sugar Candy pork

冰糖蜜炙火腿 Grilled ham with sugar candy

冰糖銀耳 White fungus with sugar candy

冰鎮(zhèn)果羹 Chilled fruit jelly

冰鎮(zhèn)三果 Three chilled fruits

冰汁涼桃脯 Chilled peach slices

餅干 Biscuits

波蘭式蒸魚 Polish style Steamed fish

玻璃燒賣 Glazed shao mai steamed dumplings with meat fillings

玻璃酥雞 Glazed deep-fried sliced chicken

玻璃酥蝦 Glazed deep-fried prawn

玻璃蟹腳 Glazed fried crab claws

菠菜炒雞蛋 Scrambled eggs with spinach

波菜泥臥果 Spinach with poached egg

菠菜燒豆腐 Stewed bean curd with spinach

菠蘿杯 Pineapple cup

菠蘿布丁 Pineapple pudding

菠蘿凍 Pineapple jelly

菠蘿醪糟 Pineapple in glutinous rice wine

菠蘿涼醪糟 Cold pineapple in glutinous rice wine

菠蘿龍眼 Pineapple and longan

菠蘿梅醬鴨 Duck in plum sauce with pineapple

菠蘿蜜燒鴨片 Sliced roast duck with pineapple

菠蘿軟鴨 Fried duck with pineapple

菠蘿沙拉 Pineapple salad

波蘿雪糕 Pineapple ice cream

菠蘿鴨片 Sliced roast duck with pineapple

菠蘿*排 Grilled pork chop with Pineapple

卜糟雞塊 Stewed turnip and sliced chicken

布丁 Crème caramel


菜包肉 Minced meat wrapped in cabbage

菜炒肉片 Fried sliced pork with vegetable

菜炒魚片 Fried fish slices with vegetable

菜豉油雞 Poached sesame chicken with vegetable and fermented soya beans

菜膽鵪鶉脯 Fried quail breast with vegetable

菜膽炒明蝦 Sauted prawn with vegetable

菜膽干鮑 Abalone and vegetable

菜膽龍利球 Frid macao sole fish balls with with vegetable

菜燉牛肉 Goulash

菜肝土魷 Chicken liver with squid and vegtable

菜花北菇 Cauliflower and dried mushroom

菜花炒雞蛋 Cauliflower omelette

菜奶油雞 Chicken and vegetable in cream sauce

菜扒北菇 Stewed mushroom and vegetable

菜扒鮮菇 Stewed fresh mushroom and vegetable

菜片鵪鶉松 Minced quail meat with Chinese cabbage

菜青炒雞球 Saute chicken balls with green vegetable

菜生魚片飯 Steamed rice with sliced fish and vegetable

菜絲湯 Julienne soup

菜湯 Jardinière soup

菜心鮑片 Sliced abalone with heart of cabbage

菜心牛肉 Beef with heart of cabbage

菜心蝦球 Saute prawn balls with heart of cabbage

菜遠鮑脯 Fried abalone with vegetable heart

菜遠北菇 Fried Chinese mushrooms with vegetable heart

菜遠鳳肝活帶子 Sliced conch with chicken liver and vegetable

菜遠根片 Sliced“shokkan”with vegetable

菜遠雞球 Fried chicken balls with vegetable heart

菜遠雞什湯 Chicken giblets and vegetable soup

菜遠鱸魚球 Fried perch balls and vegetable heart

菜遠牛肉 Fried sliced beef with vegetable heart

菜遠扒鮮菇 Fried mushroom with vegetable heart

菜遠青衣球 Green fish balls with vegetable heart

菜遠生魚片 Sliced snakehead mullet fish with vegetable heart

菜遠生魚球 Fish ball with vegetable heart

菜遠田雞腿 Fried frog′s legs with vegetable heart

菜遠蝦球 Fried prawn balls with vegetable heart

菜遠鮮蝦脯 Fried shrimp with vegetable heart

菜遠鴨片 Fried sliced duck with vegetable heart

菜遠魚球 Fish balls with ham and vegetable heart

草菇豆腐 Bean curd with dried mushroom

草菇雞片湯 Sliced chicken and mushroom soup

草菇蘆筍 Straw mushroom with asparagus

草菇蒸雞 Steamed chicken with straw mushroom

叉燒 Barbecued roast pork

叉燒包 Steamed bun stuffed with barbecued roast pork

叉燒炒蛋 Barbecued pork with egg

叉燒炒飯 Barbecued pork fried rice

叉燒炒面 Barbecued pork with fried moodles

叉燒芙蓉 Barbecued pork with egg white

叉燒餛飩湯 Barbecued pork dumpling soup

叉燒肉 Barbecued pork

叉燒酥方 Barbecued crispy pork

叉燒湯面 Barbecued pork noodle soup

叉燒雜碎 Barbecued chop suey

茶葉蛋 Tea eggs

查理雞飯 Charles chicken rice

拆骨雞 Boneless chicken

拆焗鴛鴦鴨 Boned duck stuffed with minced shrimp

柴把鴨 Steamed sliced bamboo shoot,duck and ham

長面包 Loaf of bread

腸子三明治 Sausage sandwich

潮州燒雁鵝 Roast goose,Chaozhou style

潮州炒粉 Fried rice noodles,Chaozhou Special

潮州鹵鵝 Spiced goose,Chaozhou style

潮州小米 Meatballs,Chao choustyle

潮州伊面 Fried noodles,Chaozhou style

潮州魚粥 Fish congee,Chaozhou special

潮州炸鵝 Fried goose,Chaozhoou special

炒菠菜 Saute spinach

炒菜心蝦球 Saute Prawn balls with vegetable heart

炒蛋三明治 Omelette sandwich

炒鳳尾蝦 Saute shrimps

炒芙蓉蛋 Scrambled eggs

炒芙蓉干貝 Fried Scallop with egg white

炒肝尖 Fried liver

炒格炸 Stir-fried skin of bean curd

炒桂花魚翅 Fried shark′s fin

炒海蟹肉 Fried sea crab meat

炒荷蘭豆 Fried sugar peas in the pod

炒荷蘭豆仁 Fried podded sugar peas

炒核桃泥 Stir-fried walnut pur-ée

炒滑蛋 Scrambled eggs,Guangdong style

炒黃瓜醬 Stir-Fried cucumber purée

炒黃浦蛋 Fried eggs,Shanghai style

炒雞蛋 Omelette

炒雞片 Fried Chicken slices

炒雞球 Fried chicken balls

炒雞生腸 Fried chicken′s intestines

炒口蘑鴨心 Saute mushroom and duck heart

炒兩式蛋 Scrambled eggs and preserved eggs

炒龍蝦 Saute lobster

炒木犀肉 Saute pork shreds with fungus and eggs

炒牛肉絲 Fried shredded beef

炒牛腰片 Fried ox kidney slices

炒螃蟹 Fried crab meat

炒青菜 Saute vegetable

炒青豆 Fried green peas

炒青辣椒 Fried green pepper

炒肉末 Fried minced meat

炒肉末燒餅 Saute minced pork with sesame cakes

炒肉片 Fried pork slices

炒肉絲 Fried shredded pork

炒三不沾 Sauted three“non-Stick”(not stick chopsticks,plate and teeth)

炒三泥 Three purées stir-fried

炒三絲 Fried three slices

炒鱔糊 Braised eels with bamboo shoots

炒山雞片 Saute sliced pheasant

炒生雞片鮮椒 Saute diced chicken with green pepper

炒雙冬 Stir-fried mushroom and bamboo shoots

炒雙泥 Saute two purées

炒素三絲 Fried mixed vegetables

炒土魷片 Fried sliced squid

炒豌豆苗 Fried pea sprouts

炒五丁 Five special ingredients

炒蝦片 Fried Prawn slices

炒蝦球 Fried shrimp balls

炒蝦仁 Saute shrimp with peas

炒香菇筍片 Fried mushroom and bamboo shoots

炒雪冬 Fried salted vegetable and bamboo shoots

炒雪豆 Sauted China peas

炒鴨腸 Fried duck′s intestines

炒鴨舌掌 Fried duck tongue and web

炒腰花 Saute pig′s Kidney

炒腰片 Fried sliced pig′s kidney

炒野雞紅 Saute beef shreds with vegetable and hot sauce

炒油菜 Saute rape

炒油菜遠 Fried heart of rape

妙魷魚卷 Fried squid roll

炒雜拌 Fried chop suey

炒榛子醬 Fried hazelnut purée

炒*肝 Fried pig′s liver

炒*腦 Fried pig′s brains

炒*肉片 Saute pork slices

炒竹筍脆蝦 Fried prawns with bamboo shoots

陳皮燉鴨 Stewed duck with orange peel

陳皮雞丁 Diced chicken with orange peel

陳皮牛肉 Beef with orange peel

橙汁汽水 Orange soda

豉椒爆活蠔 Quick-fried oyster with fermented soya beans and chili

豉椒炒肉排 Fried pork rib with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒炒肉蟹 Crab with fermented soya beans and chili

豉椒炒鴨片 Fried sliced duck with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒雞球 Fried chicken balls with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒雞絲 Shredded chicken with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒龍蝦 Fried lobster with fermented soya beans and chili

豉椒田雞 Fried frogs with chili and fermented soya beans

豉椒田雞腿 Fried frogs′s legs with chili and fermented slya beans

豉椒蜆肉 Oyster with fermented soya beans and chili

豉油蒸瓤豆腐 Steamed stuffed bean curd with soy sauce

豉油蒸生魚 Steamed fish in soy sauce

豉汁龍蝦 Lobster with black soy sauce

豉汁排骨 Sparerib with chili and soy sauce

豉汁炆肉排 Braised pig′s rib with soy sauce

豉汁蒸肉排 Steamed spareribs in black soy sauce

川菜肉絲 Sliced pork with Sichuan vegetable

川雞片冬菇 Sichuan sliced chicken with mushroom

川椒乳鴿 Sichuan fried sliced pepper and pigeon

川溜雞條 Sichuan chicken mildly spiced

川茉莉銀耳 Jasmine and white fungus,sichuan style

春卷 Spring roll

鶉蛋奶露 Custard cream with quail eggs

茨子菜湯 Puncture vine and vegetable soup

茨子蓉湯 Puncture vine and egg white

蔥爆牛肉 Quick-fried beef with scallions

蔥爆肉 Quick-fried pork and scallions

蔥爆肉粉條 Quick-fried pork slices with vermicelli and scallions

蔥爆燒鴨片 Quick-fried sliced duck with scallions

蔥爆羊肉 Quick-fried mutton slices with scallions

蔥爆*里脊片 Quick-fried pork fillet with scallions

蔥花炒蛋 Omelette with chopped scallions

蔥煎芋頭 Fried taro with scallions

蔥姜牛肉面 Mongolian beef noodles

蔥烹白肉 Quick-fried pork with scallions

蔥燒海參 Saute sea cucumber with scallions

蔥燒酸鯽魚 Stewed crucian carp with scallions in oil and vinegar

蔥燒水鴨 Stewed teal stuffed with scallions

蔥頭炒牛肉片 Saute beef slices with onions

蔥頭炒牛肉絲 Saute shredded with onions

蔥頭炒羊肉 Saute mutton with onion

蔥頭牛肉扒 Beef steak with onion

蔥油白雞 Boiled chicken with scallions

蔥油叉燒角 Barbecued pork pastry with scallions

蔥油雞脯 Fried chicken breast and scallions

蔥油焗雞 Baked chicken with scallions

蔥汁炒*肉片 Fried pork slices with scallions

醋椒活魚 Stewed live fish in chili and vinegar

醋椒三片 Three sliced ingredients in vinegar and chili

醋椒三鮮 Three vegetables in hot and sour sauce

醋溜仔雞 Fried spring chicken with vinegar

醋排活魚 Live fish cooked in Vinegar

氽雞茸五絲 Boiled downy chicken with five shredded ingredients

氽鯽魚蘿卜絲 Quick-boiled crucian carp with shredded turnip

氽里脊片菜心 Sliced pork and Shanghai cabbage soup

氽蘿卜鯽魚 Quick-boiled crucian carp with turnip

氽生雞片 Quick-boiled sliced chicken

氽四寶 Quick-boiled“fourdelicacies”

氽銀耳 Quick-boiled white fungus

氽魚肚卷 Quick-boiled fish maw rolls

氽魚腐丸子 Quick-boiled fish balls and bean curd in soup

氽魚卷 Fish rolls in soup

氽魚片黃瓜 Sliced quick-boiled fish with cucumber

氽丸子湯 Meatballs soup

脆皮鍋貼 Crispy fried dumpling

脆皮火鵝 Crispy goose

脆皮鮮蝦煎餅 Crispy shrimp pancakes

脆皮炸雞 Crispy deep-fried chicken

脆皮炸蝦 Crispy shrimp

脆炸仔雞 Fried spring chicken

翠竹生蝦扇 Green bamboo with shrimps


韃靼式炸魚 Fried fish in tartar sauce

大蔥燒鴨 Braised duck with scallions

大地田雞 Fried frogs with bamboo shoots

大雞三味 Chicken with three special ingredients

大理石布丁 “Marble”pudding

大米布丁 Rice pudding

大米盒 Puff pie

大米雞塊湯 Chicken and rice soup

大米稀飯 Congee

大釀鴨脯 Stuffed duck breast in wine

大醸竹筍 Bamboo shoots cooked with wine

大拼盤 Hors d′oeuvres(extra large)

大千雞 Daqian chicken Sichuan chicken

大上海拼盤 Shanghai style assorted cold dishes

大石斑二味 Grouper with two special ingredients

大蒜干貝 Steamed scallop with garlic

大湯黃魚 Braised croaker soup

大王雞肉餅 Minced chicken cakes

大蝦 Prawn

大蝦炒飯 Fried rice with king prawns

大蝦凍子 Prawn jelly

大蝦雞蛋炒面 Fried noodles with prawns and eggs

大蝦泥子 Minced king prawns

大蝦肉丁炸醬面 Boiled noodles with fried soy bean paste with king prawn and pork

大蝦沙拉 Prawn salad

大香檳 Champagne

擔(dān)擔(dān)面 Dan dan noodles,Sichuan style

蛋炒飯 Egg fried rice

蛋咖喱 Egg curry

蛋糕 Cake

蛋黃湯 Egg yolk soup

蛋煎蝦餅 Fried shrimp cake

蛋酥花仁 Peanut cake

蛋筍煎干貝 Fried scallop with eggs and bamboo shoots

蛋煎筍蝦仁 Fried shrimp with eggs and bamboo shoots

蛋筍煎蟹肉 Fried crab with eggs and bamboo shoots

蛋蟹炒翅 Fried shark′s fin with crab meat and eggs

德國面包 German bread

德國牛排 Hamburger steak

德式牛肉扒蛋 Hamburger steak and egg

燈籠大蝦 “Lantern”King prawns

鼎湖上素 Vegetarian dish,Dinghu style

東江鹽焗雞 Hakka style braised chicken in gravy

東江鹽烤雞 Hakka style salt baked chicken

東坡火鍋 Dongpo hot pot

冬蟲扒鴨 Braised duck with Chinese caterpillar fungus

冬菇冬筍 Saute dried mushroom and bamboo shoots

冬菇豆腐 Bean curd with mushroom

冬菇雞片 Chicken with Chinese black mushroom

冬菇*蹄 Pig′s trotters with mushrooms

冬瓜火腿湯 Winter melon(white gourd)and ham soup

冬瓜蓉?zé)?Fried pasty with sweet winter melon(white gourd)

冬瓜湯 Consommé with winter melon (white gourd)

冬蘑面 Mushroom noodles

冬筍北菇 Bamboo shoots and mushroom

冬筍炒肉絲 Saute shredded pork with bamboo shoots

冬筍炒魷魚 Fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots

冬筍雞片 Saute sliced chicken with bamboo shoots

冬筍龍球 Fried macao sole fish balls with bamboo shoots

冬筍燜胗 Gizzard with bamboo shoots

冬筍肉絲 Shredded pork with bamboo shoots

冬筍燒海參 Stewed sea cucumber with fresh bamboo shoots

冬筍燒塌棵菜 Fried shanghai cabbage with fresh bamboo shoots

凍茨仔什菜 Puncture vine with vegetables(cold)

凍大會 Mixed Chinese salad

凍糕 Parfait

凍火腿 Cold ham

凍火腿雞 Cold chicken and ham

凍雞肉什菜 Chicken salad

凍牛奶 Cold milk

凍牛肉 Cold beef

凍燒雞 Cold roast chicken

凍燒雞火腿 Cold roast chicken and ham

凍燒*排 Cold roast sparerib

凍腿蘆筍 Cold asparagus and ham

凍蝦子什菜 Shrimp salad

凍咸牛舌 Cold ox-tongue

凍蟹肉什菜 Crab meat salad

凍羊羔 Cold lamb in jelly

豆沙包 Steamed dumpling stuffed with mashed red beans

豆沙鍋餅 Mashed sweet red bean cake

豆瓣黃魚 Braised croaker with bean sauce

豆瓣鱖魚 Mandarin fish in black bean sauce

豆豉龍蝦 Lobster in black bean sauce

豆腐蛋花湯 Bean curd and egg drop soup

豆腐鯉魚 Carp with bean curd

豆腐牛肉 Beef with bean curd

豆腐泡炒黃豆芽 Fried bean sprouts with bean curd puffs

豆腐泡塞肉 Bean curd puffs stuffed with minced pork

豆腐泡燒粉絲 Stewed bean curd puffs with bean vermicelli

豆腐皮 Bean curd shin

豆腐皮包肉 Bean curd skin rolls with minced pork

豆腐燒魚 Fried fish with bean curd

豆醬焗雞 Baked chicken with bean sauce

豆苗芙蓉蛋湯 Egg drop soup with bean Sprouts

豆苗黃耳湯 Yellow fungus soup with bean sprouts

豆渣鴨脯 Duck breast with bean curd milk

燉蛋 Egg custard

燉小牛肉 Braised veal

燉元啼 Trotters in brown sauce

多色冷拼盤 Hors d′deuvres


俄國紅菜湯 Borsch

俄國牛肉絲 Shredded beef(Russian style)

俄斯克 Vodka

鵝掌干鮑 Abalone and goose webs

鵝掌美鮑 USAbalone with gooses′ webs


法國燉魚 Bouillabaisse

法國焗芝士湯 French onion soup

法國面包 French bread

法國濃湯 French thick soup

法國肉湯 Bouillon

法國椰子布丁 French coconut pudding

法國魚湯 French fish coup

法式*排 French style pork chop

法式橙燴鴨 French style duck with orange zest and curacao sauce

蕃茄大蝦 Prawns tomato sauce

蕃茄蛋花湯 Tomato and egg drop soup

蕃茄燴雞 Stewed chicken with tomato

蕃茄雞丁炒飯 Fried rice with diced chicken and tomato

蕃茄燜雞 Stewed chicken with tomato

蕃茄奶油湯 Cream of tomato soup

蕃茄牛肉 Fried sliced beef with tomato

蕃茄牛肉面 Beef and tomato chow mein

蕃茄片 Tomato salad

蕃茄肉包 Stuffed tomato

蕃茄三味夾 Tomato sandwich

蕃茄茄蝦片 Saute prawn slices in tomato and bean curd

方魚焗雞 Baked chicken with dried fish

翡翠羹 Vegetable soup

翡翠雞柳 Stewed chicken with sliced vegetables

翡翠生魚球 Fish balls with green vegetables

翡翠蝦仁 Shrimp with green Vegetable

汾酒 Fenjiu liquor

粉果 Steamed dumpling with pork,mushrooms and bamboo shoots

粉絲牛肉絲 Beef with vermicelli

粉蒸肉 Steamed pork with rice

粉汁里脊片 Fried fillet in sauce

鳳肝炒螺片 Fried whelk with chicken liver

鳳肝鴿片 Fried sliced pigeon and chicken liver

鳳肝雞片 Fried sliced chicken and chicken liver

鳳肝蝦球 Fried prawn balls with chicken liver

鳳凰燉鴿燕 Bird′s nest soup with pigeon


鳳雞 Salted chicken

鳳尾魚 Long tailed anchovy

鳳眼鴿蛋 “Phoenix eye”pigeon eggs

鳳足燉冬菰 “Phoenix leg”(chicken feet)with mushroom

鳳足燉水魚 Steamed soft-shelled turtle and“phoenix leg”(chicken feet)soup

鳳足花菇 “Phoenix leg (chicken feet)with mushroom

佛手卷 Finger citron rolls

佛手酥 Crispy finger citron

芙蓉干貝 Scallops with egg white

芙蓉羔蟹 Fried crab with egg white

芙蓉鴿松 Purée pigeon with egg white

芙蓉雞片 Chicken shreds with egg white

芙蓉蝦仁 Fried shrimps with egg white

芙蓉蟹斗 Fried crab with egg white

芙蓉燕窩 Egg white with bird′s nest

芙蓉魚角 Fish pieces with egg white

芙蓉魚片 Fish slices with egg white

符離集燒雞 Roast chicken,fuliji style

腐乳扣肉 Steamed pork with preserved bean curd

腐乳炆肉 Stewed pork with preserved bean curd


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