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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2019-09-26  來源:恒星英語  作者:foodtrans
核心提示:Want to prepare for your next job interview?正在準(zhǔn)備下一場求職面試嗎?Start thinking about how you'd fare in a zombie ap

Want to prepare for your next job interview?



Start thinking about how you'd fare in a zombie apocalypse.



Sometimes, interviewers just want to get a sense of how well you're able to think outside the box.



That's why it's not too surprising that some of the most successful executives out there like to ask some pretty weird questions during job interviews.



Here are some of those oddball questions.



1. 'On a scale of one to 10, how weird are you?'

1. “如果給你自己的古怪程度打分,1-10,你會打幾分?”


One of Zappos' core values is to "create fun and a little weirdness," Tony Hsieh, CEO of the company, tells Business Insider.

美捷步公司(美國的一個鞋子品牌)的核心價值文化之一是“創(chuàng)造樂趣和一點(diǎn)古怪”。這是美捷步公司的首席總裁Tony Hsieh告訴Business Insider網(wǎng)站記者的。


To make sure he hires candidates with the right fit, Hsieh typically asks the question: "On a scale of one to 10, how weird are you?" He says the number isn't too important, but it's more about how people answer the question. Nonetheless, if "you're a one, you probably are a little bit too straight-laced for the Zappos culture," he says. "If you're a 10, you might be too psychotic for us."



Another question Zappos usually asks candidates is: "On a scale of one to 10, how lucky are you in life?" Again, the number doesn't matter too much, but if you're a one, you don't know why bad things happen to you (and probably blame others a lot). And if you're a 10, you don't understand why good things always seem to happen to you (and probably lack confidence).



2. 'What was the last costume you wore?'

2. “你上次穿的是什么衣服?”


It doesn't matter so much what they wore, but why they wore it. If the candidate's reasoning matches Warby Parker's core value of injecting "fun and quirkiness into work, life, and everything they do," they might have a real shot at getting a job there.

其實(shí)問題就人們穿什么來說并不重要,重要的是他們?yōu)槭裁匆┻@樣的衣服。如果面試者的推理過程與Warby Parker公司的核心價值觀相符合——“給工作,生活,以及他們所創(chuàng)造的一切融入樂趣與多變”,那么就很有可能拿下了這個工作機(jī)會。


"We find that people who are able to make the job environment fun build followership more easily," the company's cofounder and co-CEO David Gilboa tells Iris Mansour at Quartz. "If we hire the most technically skilled person in the world whose work style doesn't fit here, they won't be successful."

“我們發(fā)現(xiàn),如果人們能夠營造舒適歡樂的工作環(huán)境,他們常常也更容易建立良好的人際關(guān)系。”這是Warby Parker公司的創(chuàng)始人及首席總裁之一David Gilboa在Quartz網(wǎng)站上對Iris Mansour的回復(fù)。“如果我們聘用了世界上技術(shù)最出眾的員工,但是他的氣場與公司的氛圍一點(diǎn)都不符合,那么他們也不會取得成功。”


3. 'If you were an animal, which animal would you be?'



"The animal kingdom is broad, and everyone can identify with a specific animal they think embodies their own personalities and characteristics," Stormy Simon, president of Overstock, tells Business Insider.

“動物王國的范圍非常廣泛,而每一個人都能找到一種特定的動物來表示他們本人的個性。”Stormy Simon是Overstock的總裁,接受Business Insider記者采訪時說道。


"There are so many different human traits, where in the animal kingdom they put themselves, and why, really gives insight to the person answering the question. For example, just because you love dogs doesn't mean you would identify yourself as a dog," she explains.



Good answers, she says, are where the candidate picks an animal that they think truly personifies the traits that set them apart. "People have often chosen the same animal as other candidates, but the traits they describe have never been the same," says Simon. But they're not all good answers.



4. 'What do you want to be when you grow up?

4. “你長大了想當(dāng)什么樣的人?”


Stewart Butterfield, the cofounder of Flickr and chief executive of Slack, likes to ask job candidates this question we've been answering for our teachers and parents since we were kids.

Stewart Butterfield是Flickr網(wǎng)站的創(chuàng)始人之一,同時也是Slack公司的首席執(zhí)行官,在給求職者面試的時候,他喜歡提出一些我們小時候曾經(jīng)回答過老師或家長所提出的問題。

"Good answers are usually about areas in which they want to grow, things they want to learn, things that they feel like they haven't had a chance to accomplish yet but want to accomplish," he tells Adam Bryant of The New York Times. "A very short answer to that question would be automatically bad."

他告訴《紐約時報(bào)》的記者Adam Bryant:“好的回答通常都是圍繞著他們想要成長的環(huán)境,他們想學(xué)習(xí)的知識,以及那些他們覺得沒有機(jī)會實(shí)現(xiàn)但希望去實(shí)現(xiàn)的事情的。簡短的回答一般都不奏效。”


5. 'What would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?'

5. “如果把你放在僵尸啟示錄的場景里,你會怎么做?”


This seems like a ridiculous question to ask, but it's posed to every prospective employee at Capriotti's Sandwich Shop, a national restaurant franchise. Ashley Morris, the company's CEO, says it's the best way to learn how candidates react under pressure.

雖然這個問題看起來很荒謬,不過Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop這家遍布全國的連鎖餐飲店,卻把這個問題貼出來讓每一個潛在員工思考。


"There really is no right answer, so it's interesting to get someone's opinion and understand how they think on their feet," Morris explains. "The hope is that for us, we're going to find out who this person is on the inside and what's really important to him, what his morals really are, and if he'll fit on the cultural level."




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