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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-01-11
Regulations of the PRC on Price Control


第一條 為了貫徹執(zhí)行國(guó)家的價(jià)格方針、政策,加強(qiáng)價(jià)格管理,保持市場(chǎng)價(jià)格的基本穩(wěn)定,安定人民生活,保障經(jīng)濟(jì)體制改革的順利進(jìn)行,促進(jìn)社會(huì)主義有計(jì)劃商品經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,制定本條例。?
Article 1 These Regulations are formulated to implement State price guidelines and policies, tighten price control, maintain the basic stability of market prices, ensure the smooth implementation of economic reform and improve the development of a socialist planned commodity economy.

第二條 價(jià)格管理應(yīng)當(dāng)在保障國(guó)家利益的前提下,保護(hù)生產(chǎn)者、經(jīng)營(yíng)者和消費(fèi)者的合法經(jīng)濟(jì)利益,正確處理中央、地方、部門、企業(yè)相互之間的經(jīng)濟(jì)利益關(guān)系。?
Article 2 As long as State interests are protected, price control efforts shall safeguard the legitimate economic interests of producers, sellers and consumers and enable the correct handling of economic interests among the central government, local governments, departments and enterprises.

第三條 國(guó)家對(duì)價(jià)格管理采取直接管理和間接控制相結(jié)合的原則,實(shí)行國(guó)家定價(jià)、國(guó)家指導(dǎo)價(jià)和市場(chǎng)調(diào)節(jié)價(jià)三種價(jià)格形式。?
Article 3 The State shall adopt the principle of combining direct price administration and indirect price control, whereby three types of prices, namely a State stipulated price, a State guided price and a market adjusted price, are implemented.

第四條 國(guó)家對(duì)價(jià)格工作實(shí)行統(tǒng)一領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、分級(jí)管理。?
Article 4 The State shall implement a system of uniform leadership and graded control with regard to price control matters.

Commodity price control organizations, (hereinafter referred to as commodity price departments) of people's governments at the various levels, the competent departments of people's governments at the various levels, as well as price control organizations and employees of enterprises and public institutions shall strictly abide by State laws, regulations and policies on prices and shall effectively conduct price control and supervision.

第二章 價(jià)格的制定和管理

第五條 本條例所指的價(jià)格包括:?
Article 5 Prices referred to in these Regulations include:

(i) various commodity prices;

(ii) rates of fees for various service items (hereinafter referred to as service fee rates).

第六條 商品價(jià)格構(gòu)成包括生產(chǎn)商品的社會(huì)平均成本、稅金、利潤(rùn)以及正常的流通費(fèi)用。?
Article 6 The price of a commodity shall be made up of the average production cost of the commodity, as well as tax, profits, and normal circulation costs.

第七條 制定、調(diào)整實(shí)行國(guó)家定價(jià)和國(guó)家指導(dǎo)價(jià)的商品價(jià)格,應(yīng)當(dāng)接近商品價(jià)值,反映供求狀況,符合國(guó)家政策要求,并且遵循下列原則:?
Article 7 The determination and adjustment of the price of a commodity which is subject to State stipulated prices or State guided prices shall be approximately the same as the value of the commodity, and shall reflect supply and demand conditions, meet State policy requirements and comply with the following principles:

(i) maintain a reasonable relative price relationship between the various commodity prices;

(ii) provide explicit quality levels or grade criteria and implement quality pricing;

(iii) implement reasonable purchase and sale price differentials, wholesale and retail price differentials, regional price differentials and seasonal price differentials, on the precondition of a reduction of the number of marketing stages through which goods must pass and a reduction of costs incurred in this circulation of goods.

第八條 國(guó)家定價(jià)是指由縣級(jí)以上(含縣級(jí),以下同)各級(jí)人民政府物價(jià)部 門、業(yè)務(wù)主管部門按照國(guó)家規(guī)定權(quán)限制定的商品價(jià)格和收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。?
Article 8 State stipulated prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by the commodity price departments and the competent departments of the various people's governments at county level and above in accordance with their area of jurisdiction as stipulated by the State.

State guided prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by enterprises within the guidelines prescribed by the commodity price departments and the competent departments of the various people's governments at county level and above in accordance with their area of jurisdiction as stipulated by the State, through the setting of a fundamental price fluctuation range, a rate differential, a profit rate, a ceiling price and a minimum reserve price.

Market adjusted prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by producers and sellers.

第九條 實(shí)行國(guó)家定價(jià)、國(guó)家指導(dǎo)價(jià)的商品分工管理目錄、收費(fèi)項(xiàng)目分工管 理目錄,由國(guó)家物價(jià)部門和國(guó)家物價(jià)部門授權(quán)省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府物價(jià)部門制定、調(diào)整。
Article 9 A list of commodities and service fee items which are subject to division of control and under State stipulated pricing and State guided pricing shall be formulated and adjusted by the State commodity price department and provincial, autonomous region and directly administered municipal commodity price departments designated by the State commodity price department.

?第十條 制定、調(diào)整商品價(jià)格和收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),必須按照國(guó)家規(guī)定的權(quán) 限和程序執(zhí)行。任何地區(qū)、部門、單位和個(gè)人,都不得超越權(quán)限擅自制定、調(diào)整商品價(jià)格和 收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。
Article 10 Assessment and adjustment of commodity prices and service fee rates shall be conducted in accordance with their area of jurisdiction and the procedures as stipulated by the State. No regional department, unit or individual shall exceed its jurisdiction by determining or adjusting commodity prices or service fee rates without authorization.

?第十一條 國(guó)務(wù)院有關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)主管部門、地方各級(jí)人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)掌握市場(chǎng)商品價(jià)格信息,通過(guò)國(guó)營(yíng)工商企業(yè)、物資供銷企業(yè)、供銷社組織貨源,參與市場(chǎng)調(diào)節(jié),平抑市場(chǎng)商品價(jià)格。在市場(chǎng)調(diào)節(jié)價(jià)格出現(xiàn)暴漲暴落時(shí),物價(jià)部門可以在一定時(shí)期內(nèi)對(duì)部 分商品價(jià)格規(guī)定最高限價(jià)、最低保護(hù)價(jià)和提價(jià)申報(bào)制度。
Article 11 The relevant State Council departments in charge and the various local people's governments shall keep informed on market commodity prices and shall, through organizing supplies from State-run industrial and commercial enterprises, commodity supply enterprises and supply and marketing co-operatives, participate in market adjustment and the control of market commodity prices. When market-adjusted commodity prices undergo sharp rises or falls, the commodity price departments may set a maximum and minimum reserve price for fixed commodities for a certain period of time and may implement a price rise application system.

?第十二條 物價(jià)部門應(yīng)當(dāng)對(duì)城鄉(xiāng)集貿(mào)市場(chǎng)和個(gè)體工商戶的價(jià)格加強(qiáng)管理和監(jiān)督。
Article 12 The commodity price departments shall strengthen control and supervision of prices of urban and rural markets and individual household industrial and commercial operations.

第十三條 國(guó)家物價(jià)部門在價(jià)格管理方面履行下列職責(zé):?
Article 13 The State commodity price department shall perform the following duties in areas of price control:

(i) research and draft State price guidelines, policies, plans and reform programmes and organize the implementation of such items following their approval by the State Council;

(ii) research and draft laws and regulations on prices;

(iii) take responsibility for the control and overall balancing of prices throughout the country;

(iv) outline guidelines and methods for commodity and service fee pricing, determine and adjust commodity prices and service fee rates which are subject to a division of control and, in the cases of determining or adjusting key commodity prices or service fee rates, discuss details with relevant State Council departments in charge and subsequently submit the proposal to the State Council for approval;

(v) guide and supervise the relevant State Council departments and provincial, autonomous region and directly administered municipal people's governments in respect of price matters and investigate and deal with acts violating price laws, regulations and policies (hereinafter referred to as illegal pricing acts);

(六)協(xié)調(diào)、處理國(guó)務(wù)院業(yè)務(wù)主管部門之間,省、自治區(qū)、直轄市之間,國(guó)務(wù)院業(yè)務(wù)主管部 門與省、自治區(qū)、直轄市之間的價(jià)格爭(zhēng)議;
(vi) mediate and settle price disputes between the relevant State Council departments, between provincial, autonomous region or directly administered municipal people's governments and between the relevant State Council departments and provincial, autonomous region or directly administered municipal people's governments;

?(七)建立全國(guó)價(jià)格信息網(wǎng)絡(luò),開(kāi)展價(jià)格信息 服務(wù)工作;?
(vii) establish a national price information network and develop price information services;

(viii) perform other duties designated by the State Council.

第十四條 國(guó)務(wù)院業(yè)務(wù)主管部門在價(jià)格管理方面履行下列職責(zé):?
Article 14 The relevant State Council departments shall perform the following duties in areas of price control:

(i) organize and supervise the implementation of State price guidelines, policies, laws and regulations within the system and industries concerned;

(ii) outline the guidelines and methods of commodity and service fee pricing in accordance with their jurisdiction on price control, and determine and adjust commodity prices and service fee rates which are subject to division of control;

(iii) organize and supervise the implementation of stipulated commodity prices and service fee rates within the system and industries concerned;

(iv) guide its respective system and industries in price matters, mediate and settle price disputes which occur therein, and assist the commodity price surveillance organs to investigate and deal with illegal pricing acts;

(v) provide information and price adjustment proposals relevant to commodity prices and service fee rates for items which are subject to control by the State commodity price department;

(vi) establish a price information network within its respective system and industries and develop price information services.

第十五條 省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府物價(jià)部門在價(jià)格管理方面履行下列職責(zé):?
Article 15 The commodity price department of a provincial, autonomous region or directly administered municipal people's government shall perform the following duties in areas of price control:

(i) implement State price guidelines policies, laws and regulations;

(二)組織、監(jiān)督有關(guān)部門實(shí)施國(guó)家物價(jià)部門和國(guó)務(wù)院業(yè)務(wù)主管部門制定的商品價(jià)格和收費(fèi) 標(biāo)準(zhǔn);?
(ii) organize and supervise the units concerned to implement commodity prices and service fee rates as stipulated by the State commodity price department and the relevant State Council departments;

(iii) be responsible for the control and overall balancing of prices for the local region and consult with the relevant departments concerning the drafting of a price plan for the local region and organize its implementation, subject to its approval;

(iv) outline the guidelines and methods of commodity and service fee pricing in accordance with its area of jurisdiction on price control, determine and adjust commodity prices and service fee rates which are subject to division of control and, in the case of key commodity prices or service fee rates, submit details to a provincial, autonomous region or directly administered municipal people's government for approval and filing with the State commodity price department and the relevant State Council departments;

(v) guide and supervise the relevant departments at the same level, the lower level people's governments and local enterprises and public institutions and investigate and deal with illegal pricing acts;

(vi) mediate and settle price disputes within the local region;

(七)建立本地區(qū)價(jià)格信息網(wǎng)絡(luò),開(kāi)展價(jià)格信息 服務(wù)工作;?
(vii) establish a local price information network and develop price information services;

(viii) perform other duties designated by provincial, autonomous region or directly administered municipal people's governments.

第十六條 省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府業(yè)務(wù)主管部門和市、縣人民政府的物價(jià)部門、業(yè)務(wù)主管部門的價(jià)格管理職責(zé),由省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府參照本章的有關(guān)條款規(guī)定。
Article 16 Regulations on price control duties for the relevant departments of provincial, autonomous region and directly administered municipal people's governments, commodity price departments and the relevant departments of county people's governments shall be formulated by provincial, autonomous region and directly administered municipal people's governments with reference to the relevant provisions of this Chapter.

第四章 企業(yè)的價(jià)格權(quán)利和義務(wù)

第十七條 企業(yè)在價(jià)格方面享有下列權(quán)利:?
Article 17 An enterprise shall have the right to:

(一)對(duì)實(shí)行國(guó)家指導(dǎo)價(jià)的商 品和收費(fèi)項(xiàng)目,按照有關(guān)規(guī)定制定商品價(jià)格和收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn);?
(i) set commodity prices and service fee rates for commodities and service items which are subject to State guided prices, in accordance with the relevant regulations;

(ii) set and implement market adjusted commodity prices and service fee rates;

(三)對(duì)經(jīng)有關(guān)部門鑒定 確認(rèn)、物價(jià)部門批準(zhǔn)實(shí)行優(yōu)質(zhì)加價(jià)的產(chǎn)品,在規(guī)定的加價(jià)幅度內(nèi)制定商品價(jià)格,按照規(guī)定權(quán)限確定殘損廢次商品的處理價(jià)格;?
(iii) following confirmation by the relevant department and approval by the commodity price department, set commodity prices in accordance with the stipulated range of price increases and determine within its jurisdiction, discount prices for damaged and substandard products;

(iv) determine the price of products on trial sale within its area of jurisdiction as stipulated by the State;

(五)對(duì)實(shí)行國(guó)家定價(jià)、國(guó)家指導(dǎo)價(jià)的 商品價(jià)格和收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的制定、調(diào)整提出建議。?
(v) provide advice on determining and adjusting commodity prices and service fee rates for items which are subject to State stipulated pricing or State guided pricing.

第十八條 企業(yè)在價(jià)格方面應(yīng)當(dāng)履行下列義務(wù):?
Article 18 An enterprise shall be obliged to:

(一)遵照?qǐng)?zhí)行國(guó) 家的價(jià)格方針、政策和法規(guī),執(zhí)行國(guó)家定價(jià)、國(guó)家指導(dǎo)價(jià);?
(i) observe State price guidelines, policies, laws and regulations when implementing State stipulated prices and State guided prices;

(ii) provide factual information on the pricing of commodities and service fee items which are subject to the implementation of State stipulated prices or State guided prices;

(iii) comply with price control measures implemented by the commodity price departments, accept price surveillance and make available relevant factual information, such as costs and account books, if required for price surveillance investigations;

(iv) implement an application and record filing system for commodity prices and service fee rates, as stipulated by the commodity price departments;

(v) use price labels in accordance with regulations in areas such as commercial retail sectors, catering industries and service industries.

第十九條 事業(yè)單位、個(gè)體工商戶在價(jià)格方面的權(quán)利和義務(wù),參照本條例第十七條、第十八條的規(guī)定執(zhí)行。
Article 19 The rights and obligations of a public institution or an individual industrial or commercial household operation in the area of prices shall be implemented with reference to the provisions of Articles 17 and 18 of these Regulations.

第二十條 各級(jí)物價(jià)部門的 物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu),依法行使價(jià)格監(jiān)督檢查和處理價(jià)格違法行為的職權(quán)。對(duì)同級(jí)人民政府業(yè)務(wù)主管部門、下級(jí)人民政府以及本地區(qū)內(nèi)的企業(yè)、事業(yè)單位和個(gè)體工商戶執(zhí)行價(jià)格法規(guī)、政策進(jìn)行監(jiān)督檢查。
Article 20 Price surveillance organs of the commodity price department at the various levels shall have the authority to perform, in accordance with the law, price supervision and investigation and to handle illegal pricing acts, and shall supervise and examine the relevant departments of the people's governments at an equivalent level, lower level people's governments and enterprises, public institutions and individual industrial and commercial household operations within the local region with regard to the implementation of price laws, regulations and policies.

第二十一條 物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)受上級(jí)物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)的業(yè)務(wù)指導(dǎo)。地方各級(jí)物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)主要負(fù)責(zé)人的任免,應(yīng)當(dāng)事前征得上一級(jí)物價(jià)部門的同意。?
Article 21 A commodity price surveillance organ shall be guided in its operations by a higher level commodity price surveillance organ. The appointment or replacement of key officials of local commodity price surveillance organs at the various levels shall be subject to the consent of the higher level commodity price department.

第二十二條 物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)應(yīng)當(dāng)依靠和發(fā)動(dòng)群眾監(jiān)督檢查價(jià)格,協(xié)同工會(huì)和街道辦事處組織職工價(jià)格監(jiān)督站和群眾價(jià)格監(jiān)督站,開(kāi)展群眾性的價(jià)格監(jiān)督檢查活動(dòng)。
Article 22 Commodity price surveillance organs shall rely on and mobilize the public into carrying out price surveillance and examinations, organize trade unions and neighbourhood organizations to establish employee price surveillance offices and consumer price surveillance offices, and organize public participation in price surveillance activities.

Commodity price departments shall encourage consumer associations to play an active role in price surveillance and shall investigate and deal with illegal pricing acts reported by consumer associations, in accordance with the law.

第二十三條 群眾價(jià)格監(jiān)督組織監(jiān)督檢查的重點(diǎn),應(yīng)當(dāng)是同人 民生活關(guān)系密切的消費(fèi)品價(jià)格和服務(wù)收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。?
Article 23 Public price surveillance shall focus on the prices of consumer goods and service fee rates which are closely linked with the everyday life of the people.

A public price surveillance officer shall wear a badge and show a price surveillance certificate when carrying out price surveillance activities.

第二十四條 地方各級(jí)人民政府應(yīng)當(dāng)加強(qiáng)對(duì)價(jià)格監(jiān)督檢查工作的領(lǐng)導(dǎo),組織有關(guān)部門和社會(huì)有關(guān)方面人員定期或者不定期地對(duì)價(jià)格法規(guī)、政策的執(zhí)行情況進(jìn)行監(jiān)督檢查。
Article 24 Local governments at the various levels shall strengthen control of price surveillance and organize the relevant departments and relevant parties from the public to carry out both regular and irregular supervision and examination of the implementation of price laws, regulations and policies.

?第二十五條 工商行政管理、審計(jì)、財(cái)政、稅務(wù)、公安、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、計(jì)量以及銀行等部門,應(yīng)當(dāng)積極配合物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)做好價(jià)格監(jiān)督檢查和處理價(jià)格違法行為的工作。 ?
Article 25 The departments of industrial and commercial administration, auditing, finance, taxation, public security, standardization and weights and measures, as well as banks and other departments shall actively co-operate with the commodity price surveillance organs in order to carry out price surveillance and deal with illegal pricing acts effectively.

第二十六條 對(duì)價(jià)格違法行為,任何單位和個(gè)人都有權(quán)檢舉揭發(fā)。物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)應(yīng)當(dāng)為檢舉者保密,并按規(guī)定對(duì)檢舉揭發(fā)或者協(xié)助查處價(jià)格違法行為有功人員給予獎(jiǎng) 勵(lì)。
Article 26 Any unit or individual shall be entitled to reveal illegal pricing acts. Commodity price surveillance organs shall maintain the confidentiality of a party which reveals an illegal pricing act and shall, in accordance with regulations, issue an award to this party or to a party which contributes to the investigation of an illegal pricing act.

An award shall also be issued, in accordance with regulations, to any party which makes an outstanding contribution in the area of organizing public participation in price surveillance work.

第二十七條 對(duì)檢舉揭發(fā)或者查處價(jià)格違法行為者進(jìn)行打擊、報(bào)復(fù)的,依法追究責(zé)任。?
Article 27 A party which attacks or carries out revenge on a party which has revealed an illegal pricing act shall be pursued for any legal liability in accordance with the law.

第二十八條 物價(jià)檢查人員必須依法辦事。對(duì)濫用職權(quán)、貪污受賄、徇私舞弊、玩忽職守的,依照國(guó)家有關(guān)規(guī)定給予處分;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重,構(gòu)成犯罪的,由司法機(jī)關(guān)依法追究刑事責(zé)任。?
Article 28 A commodity price surveillance officer shall perform his duties in accordance with the law. Disciplinary action shall be taken, in accordance with relevant State regulations, against an officer who abuses office powers, commits bribery and corruption, gives special favours to relatives and friends or neglects his duty and, in a serious case which constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be pursued by the judicial organs in accordance with the law.

第二十九條 下列行為屬于價(jià)格違法行為:?
Article 29 The following acts shall be considered to be acts of illegal pricing:

(一)不執(zhí)行國(guó)家定價(jià)收購(gòu)、 銷售商品或者收取費(fèi)用的;?
(i) failing to implement State stipulated prices when purchasing or selling commodities or charging a service fee;

(ii) violating price guidelines for State guided prices when determining or adjusting commodity prices or service fee rates;

(iii) forcing grades or prices up or down;

(iv) violating regulations by selling production materials which are within the plan at a higher price which applies only to items outside the plan;

(五)將定量?jī)?nèi)供應(yīng)城鎮(zhèn)居民 的商品按議價(jià)銷售的;?
(v) selling at a negotiable price rationed commodities which are supplied to urban and township residents;

(vi) violating regulations by selling commodities at an excessive price made up through various distributors;

(vii) imposing indiscriminate charges for unauthorized items;

(八)采取以次充好、短尺少秤、降低質(zhì)量等手段,變相提 高商品價(jià)格或者收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的;?
(viii) increasing commodity prices and service fee rates indirectly by means of substituting quality commodities with substandard commodities, giving short measures, lowering quality standards and other unacceptable means;

(ix) creating monopoly pricing by reaching an agreement between enterprises or industries;

(x) failing to abide by the application system which governs price increases;

(xi) failing to use price labels in accordance with the regulations;

(xii) disclosing State price secrets;

(xiii) performing any other act which violates price laws, regulations or policies.

第三十條 對(duì)有前條行為之一的,物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)情節(jié)按照下列規(guī)定處罰:?
Article 30 Where any of the acts stated in the previous Article occur, the price surveillance organ shall, depending on the circumstances, impose the following penalties:

(i) issue a notice of criticism;

(ii) order the violator to return the illicit gains to the buyer or user;

(iii) confiscate any illicit gains that cannot be returned;

(iv) issue a fine;

(v) request the administration of industry and commerce to suspend the business license of the offender;

(六)對(duì)企業(yè)、事業(yè)單位的直接責(zé)任人員和 主管人員處以罰款,并可以建議有關(guān)部門給予處分。?
(vi) issue a fine to the person held directly responsible and the person in charge if the offender is an enterprise or a public institution, and recommend to the relevant department that certain administrative action is taken.

These penalties may be imposed simultaneously.

第三十一條 對(duì)拒繳非法所得或者罰款的,物價(jià)檢 查機(jī)構(gòu)可以按照有關(guān)規(guī)定通知其開(kāi)戶銀行予以劃撥。
Article 31 If an offender refuses to return the illicit gains or pay the fine, a commodity price surveillance organ may, in accordance with the relevant regulations, notify the bank of the offending party to transfer the amount due from the account.

If the offender does not have a bank account or does not have the funds, the commodity price surveillance organ shall be entitled to sell commodities of the offender to pay the amount due.

被處罰的單位和個(gè)體工商戶,其退還或者被收繳的非法所得,應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)譁p其結(jié)案年度的銷售收 入或者營(yíng)業(yè)收入。?
The illicit gains of a penalized unit or individual which are returned or confiscated shall be deducted from the annual sales income or operating revenue for the year in which the case is settled.

An enterprise or public institution shall pay its fines from its own funds, all-in budget expenses or funds that are not included in the budget.

第三十二條 被處罰的單位和個(gè)人對(duì)處罰決定不服的,可以在收到處罰通知之日起15日內(nèi),向上一級(jí)物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)申請(qǐng)復(fù)議。
Article 32 A penalized unit or individual which does not agree with the penalty decision may, within 15 days of receiving notice of the penalty, apply to a higher level commodity price surveillance organ for reconsideration.

The higher level commodity price surveillance organ shall issue a decision on the review within 30 days of receiving the review application.

The original penalty decision shall be implemented as usual during the period of reconsideration.

If the penalized party disagrees with the review decision, it may lodge an appeal with the People's Court within 15 days of receiving notice of the decision.

第三十三條 國(guó)家物價(jià)部門對(duì)各級(jí)物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)、上級(jí)物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)下級(jí)物價(jià)檢查機(jī)構(gòu)已經(jīng)生效的處罰決定,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)確有錯(cuò)誤,有權(quán)糾正或者責(zé)令重新處理。?
Article 33 If a mistake is found to have occurred, the State commodity price department shall have the power over the various level commodity price surveillance organs to reverse a decision already in force, or to issue an order for a review and a higher level commodity price surveillance organ shall have the same right over a lower level commodity price surveillance organ.

第三十四條 拒絕、阻礙物價(jià)檢查人員依法執(zhí)行職務(wù)的,由公安機(jī)關(guān)依照《中華人民共和國(guó)治安管理處罰條例》的規(guī)定予以處罰;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重,構(gòu)成犯罪的,由司法機(jī)關(guān)依法追究刑事責(zé)任。?
Article 34 In case of refusal to comply with or the hindering of a commodity price surveillance officer performing his lawful duty, a penalty shall be imposed by the public security organ, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Control and, in serious cases which constitute a crime, criminal liability shall be pursued by the judicial organs in accordance with the law.

第三十五條 各級(jí)人民政府物價(jià)部門、業(yè)務(wù)主管部門及其工作人員違反價(jià)格管理權(quán)限、程序,制定、調(diào)整商品價(jià)格或者收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的,由上級(jí)物價(jià)部門或者同級(jí)物價(jià)部門負(fù)責(zé)糾正,并按干部管理權(quán)限追究有關(guān)人員的責(zé)任。
Article 35 If the commodity price departments, the relevant departments of people's governments at the various levels or their employees exceed the extent of their authority and the procedures on price control when determining or adjusting commodity prices or service fee rates, the matter shall be corrected by a higher level commodity price department or a commodity price department at an equivalent level and the liability of the party concerned shall be pursued in accordance with the administrative jurisdiction governing cadres.

If State price secrets are disclosed, liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第七章 附 則

第三十六條 對(duì)行政性收費(fèi)、事業(yè)性收費(fèi),物價(jià)部門應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)國(guó)家的價(jià)格方針、政策進(jìn)行管理和監(jiān)督,并會(huì)同有關(guān)部門核定收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。?
Article 36 The commodity price departments shall, in accordance with State price guidelines and policies, implement control and supervision of administrative and public service charges and shall consult with the relevant departments to determine the standards for charges.

第三十七條 在我國(guó)境內(nèi)設(shè)立的外商投資企業(yè)價(jià)格管理按照國(guó)家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。?
Article 37 Price control for foreign investment enterprises established within Chinese territory shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant State regulations.

第三十八條 本條例由國(guó)家物價(jià)局負(fù)責(zé)解釋;施行細(xì)則由國(guó)家物價(jià)局 制定。?
Article 38 The State Administration of Commodity Prices shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations and shall formulate detailed implementing rules.

第三十九條 本條例自發(fā)布之日起施行,1982年7月7日國(guó)務(wù)院發(fā)布的《物價(jià)管理暫行條例》同時(shí)廢止。
Article 39 These Regulations shall take effect from the date of promulgation and the Provisional Regulations on Commodity Price Control, issued 7 July 1982 by the State Council, shall be nullified simultaneously.

關(guān)鍵詞: 價(jià)格
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