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米蘭公布禁酒令 16歲以下嚴禁飲酒

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-08-28
核心提示:Milan will become the first Italian city to bar drinking for youths aged under 16 when a ban takes effect on Monday, and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he favored extending the ruling nationwide. Faced with a growing youth drinking problem, t

    Milan will become the first Italian city to bar drinking for youths aged under 16 when a ban takes effect on Monday, and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he favored extending the ruling nationwide.

    Faced with a growing youth drinking problem, the city council in Italy's fashion and business capital voted on Friday to crack down on underage alcohol consumption.

    In an interview with Corriere della Sera newspaper on Sunday, Berlusconi said Milan was a model for the rest of Italy.

    "I'm worried about the reckless way in which young people are using alcohol", he said.

    "So other ordinances from mayors throughout Italy would be welcome, they would have my full support."

    Milan has set a fine of 500 euros ($705) for the possession and consumption of alcohol for those under 16 as well as for those selling to under age buyers. The under age drinker's parents will be notified of the penalty.

    "Children are good at getting around obstacles, we've stepped in with a fully-rounded ordinance," Mayor Letizia Moratti said in a statement.

    Thirty-four percent of Milan's 11-year-olds have already had problems with alcohol, and 750,000 minors drink in Italy, the statement said.







    市長Letizia Moratti在一份聲明中稱:"孩子們很擅長鉆政策的漏洞,所以我們頒布了一項全面禁令。"


關(guān)鍵詞: 禁酒令 飲酒
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