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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2005-06-29
A-D©食品論壇 -- 關(guān)注食品安全,探討食品技術(shù)  X]/6b
©食品論壇 -- 關(guān)注食品安全,探討食品技術(shù)  `82BQb
Absolute deviation, 絕對(duì)離差hrd*
Absolute number, 絕對(duì)數(shù),r
Absolute residuals, 絕對(duì)殘差z
Acceleration array, 加速度立體陣l5*&[?
Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度o2rV
Acceleration normal, 法向加速度`?<{Z!
Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空間的維數(shù)|m`
Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度g@Vdd
Acceleration vector, 加速度向量c=cCo
Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假設(shè)si}o
Accumulation, 累積=~PiUy
Accuracy, 準(zhǔn)確度:hq;
Actual frequency, 實(shí)際頻數(shù):\
Adaptive estimator, 自適應(yīng)估計(jì)量cFY
Addition, 相加6hUGB
Addition theorem, 加法定理g`AW`
Additivity, 可加性i)0-,^
Adjusted rate, 調(diào)整率?q7<
Adjusted value, 校正值0OJ!
Admissible error, 容許誤差9
Aggregation, 聚集性n|,
Alternative hypothesis, 備擇假設(shè)lU(%Af
Among groups, 組間0eg6
Amounts, 總量&ArW
Analysis of correlation, 相關(guān)分析c
Analysis of covariance, 協(xié)方差分析yU
Analysis of regression, 回歸分析&ZC
Analysis of time series, 時(shí)間序列分析y5[SEY
Analysis of variance, 方差分析b_r
Angular transformation, 角轉(zhuǎn)換W@dl
ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析%Tl/:
ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型+
Arcing, 弧/弧旋iEh6
Arcsine transformation, 反正弦變換2U}(<
Area under the curve, 曲線面積k3q_
AREG , 評(píng)估從一個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)到下一個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)回歸相關(guān)時(shí)的誤差 *?!`i-
ARIMA, 季節(jié)和非季節(jié)性單變量模型的極大似然估計(jì) XT:hV+
Arithmetic grid paper, 算術(shù)格紙y14@F
Arithmetic mean, 算術(shù)平均數(shù)A
Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯關(guān)系,&"z%
Assessing fit, 擬合的評(píng)估BR8@i[
Associative laws, 結(jié)合律+ljC
Asymmetric distribution, 非對(duì)稱分布B)8rh
Asymptotic bias, 漸近偏倚RekM
Asymptotic efficiency, 漸近效率^ B"
Asymptotic variance, 漸近方差eM>4
Attributable risk, 歸因危險(xiǎn)度}CS`z
Attribute data, 屬性資料;UNgT
Attribution, 屬性BQ[h%
Autocorrelation, 自相關(guān)GC
Autocorrelation of residuals, 殘差的自相關(guān)W!ta
Average, 平均數(shù)[n8T
Average confidence interval length, 平均置信區(qū)間長(zhǎng)度d*W*
Average growth rate, 平均增長(zhǎng)率U'p
Bar chart, 條形圖`,)
Bar graph, 條形圖I`amS
Base period, 基期-H21IB
Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理W<Y_pl
Bell-shaped curve, 鐘形曲線?s
Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布Qc'
Best-trim estimator, 最好切尾估計(jì)量W9z8#
Bias, 偏性j1h^[
Binary logistic regression, 二元邏輯斯蒂回歸,>@N
Binomial distribution, 二項(xiàng)分布`.>!+1
Bisquare, 雙平方%X
Bivariate Correlate, 二變量相關(guān)Bjc$
Bivariate normal distribution, 雙變量正態(tài)分布r
Bivariate normal population, 雙變量正態(tài)總體(cd^i
Biweight interval, 雙權(quán)區(qū)間\[$=
Biweight M-estimator, 雙權(quán)M估計(jì)量cq
Block, 區(qū)組/配伍組>
BMDP(Biomedical computer programs), BMDP統(tǒng)計(jì)軟件包r6
Boxplots, 箱線圖/箱尾圖(M[R
Breakdown bound, 崩潰界/崩潰點(diǎn)^ t
Canonical correlation, 典型相關(guān)5T{%ms
Caption, 縱標(biāo)目cOIV2
Case-control study, 病例對(duì)照研究N
Categorical variable, 分類變量4I7
Catenary, 懸鏈線Fc
Cauchy distribution, 柯西分布h#Q
Cause-and-effect relationship, 因果關(guān)系Lf-w
Cell, 單元[
Censoring, 終檢lihl~
Center of symmetry, 對(duì)稱中心Ceqw]A
Centering and scaling, 中心化和定標(biāo)Mc
Central tendency, 集中趨勢(shì)PtE$v
Central value, 中心值M"
CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector, 卡方自動(dòng)交互檢測(cè)i1
Chance, 機(jī)遇UO<kx
Chance error, 隨機(jī)誤差w-%
Chance variable, 隨機(jī)變量0
Characteristic equation, 特征方程%
Characteristic root, 特征根k
Characteristic vector, 特征向量8G*
Chebshev criterion of fit, 擬合的切比雪夫準(zhǔn)則R
Chernoff faces, 切爾諾夫臉譜圖$`
Chi-square test, 卡方檢驗(yàn)/χ2檢驗(yàn)g{Z"
Choleskey decomposition, 喬洛斯基分解l>,V
Circle chart, 圓圖 3;x
Class interval, 組距<
Class mid-value, 組中值U_5Wt}
Class upper limit, 組上限:ZA0
Classified variable, 分類變量We
Cluster analysis, 聚類分析>G%l^
Cluster sampling, 整群抽樣4J[Y4u
Code, 代碼tJ2
Coded data, 編碼數(shù)據(jù)\KS7x)
Coding, 編碼\/F.
Coefficient of contingency, 列聯(lián)系數(shù)J
Coefficient of determination, 決定系數(shù)|B
Coefficient of multiple correlation, 多重相關(guān)系數(shù)D
Coefficient of partial correlation, 偏相關(guān)系數(shù)%
Coefficient of production-moment correlation, 積差相關(guān)系數(shù)Ut
Coefficient of rank correlation, 等級(jí)相關(guān)系數(shù)SF_Hh
Coefficient of regression, 回歸系數(shù)*`X/
Coefficient of skewness, 偏度系數(shù)-6R
Coefficient of variation, 變異系數(shù)Ol
Cohort study, 隊(duì)列研究<H
Column, 列56!
Column effect, 列效應(yīng)V\M
Column factor, 列因素Pt
Combination pool, 合并yH
Combinative table, 組合表=5
Common factor, 共性因子h1<I7
Common regression coefficient, 公共回歸系數(shù)u50n
Common value, 共同值#h.:G~
Common variance, 公共方差[;
Common variation, 公共變異JB8'A#
Communality variance, 共性方差$X,O9C
Comparability, 可比性{*
Comparison of bathes, 批比較0^)
Comparison value, 比較值_bX
Compartment model, 分部模型x@%
Compassion, 伸縮G
Complement of an event, 補(bǔ)事件oh
Complete association, 完全正相關(guān)TN,e
Complete dissociation, 完全不相關(guān)g"
Complete statistics, 完備統(tǒng)計(jì)量6-y
Completely randomized design, 完全隨機(jī)化設(shè)計(jì)J.ONn
Composite event, 聯(lián)合事件T_
Composite events, 復(fù)合事件eML
Concavity, 凹性^
Conditional expectation, 條件期望B-\Pm
Conditional likelihood, 條件似然XSU3
Conditional probability, 條件概率^Ja<@
Conditionally linear, 依條件線性^D}
Confidence interval, 置信區(qū)間8Jh
Confidence limit, 置信限8#
Confidence lower limit, 置信下限+
Confidence upper limit, 置信上限G
Confirmatory Factor Analysis , 驗(yàn)證性因子分析[i3$9
Confirmatory research, 證實(shí)性實(shí)驗(yàn)研究57d
Confounding factor, 混雜因素7i?
Conjoint, 聯(lián)合分析)
Consistency, 相合性rAcH^"
Consistency check, 一致性檢驗(yàn)"]H;
Consistent asymptotically normal estimate, 相合漸近正態(tài)估計(jì):A
Consistent estimate, 相合估計(jì)I"x
Constrained nonlinear regression, 受約束非線性回歸#6"
Constraint, 約束e'RV
Contaminated distribution, 污染分布YL8N8A
Contaminated Gausssian, 污染高斯分布[-c04@
Contaminated normal distribution, 污染正態(tài)分布-
Contamination, 污染P_
Contamination model, 污染模型N$H&F0
Contingency table, 列聯(lián)表U5.
Contour, 邊界線k.
Contribution rate, 貢獻(xiàn)率!w'BOp
Control, 對(duì)照sK({
Controlled experiments, 對(duì)照實(shí)驗(yàn)R2CN(
Conventional depth, 常規(guī)深度a
Convolution, 卷積,mAa+
Corrected factor, 校正因子g
Corrected mean, 校正均值C
Correction coefficient, 校正系數(shù)J}_^3^
Correctness, 正確性 "o&vZ
Correlation coefficient, 相關(guān)系數(shù)sxvW*
Correlation index, 相關(guān)指數(shù)oR
Correspondence, 對(duì)應(yīng)w
Counting, 計(jì)數(shù)CW
Counts, 計(jì)數(shù)/頻數(shù)L-fX";
Covariance, 協(xié)方差sF86g
Covariant, 共變 n
Cox Regression, Cox回歸9
Criteria for fitting, 擬合準(zhǔn)則UBZ
Criteria of least squares, 最小二乘準(zhǔn)則xCJ%:
Critical ratio, 臨界比dp7
Critical region, 拒絕域2p{Wg
Critical value, 臨界值GNYRE
Cross-over design, 交叉設(shè)計(jì)a:RG6[
Cross-section analysis, 橫斷面分析Ruoh
Cross-section survey, 橫斷面調(diào)查<e|
Crosstabs , 交叉表 M#"A&
Cross-tabulation table, 復(fù)合表Xg`
Cube root, 立方根l
Cumulative distribution function, 分布函數(shù)@m
Cumulative probability, 累計(jì)概率$J..
Curvature, 曲率/彎曲'bS?+
Curvature, 曲率e`*A
Curve fit , 曲線擬和 q0)
Curve fitting, 曲線擬合U
Curvilinear regression, 曲線回歸u
Curvilinear relation, 曲線關(guān)系#5
Cut-and-try method, 嘗試法gO*
Cycle, 周期Ki"
Cyclist, 周期性.rVTzF
D test, D檢驗(yàn)yfS^
Data acquisition, 資料收集A9n8v
Data bank, 數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)&E_t<
Data capacity, 數(shù)據(jù)容量mnKy
Data deficiencies, 數(shù)據(jù)缺乏mKa<
Data handling, 數(shù)據(jù)處理#N,!x
Data manipulation, 數(shù)據(jù)處理
Data processing, 數(shù)據(jù)處理9>"}M
Data reduction, 數(shù)據(jù)縮減R\nE
Data set, 數(shù)據(jù)集Ingow
Data sources, 數(shù)據(jù)來源B<W
Data transformation, 數(shù)據(jù)變換W[\<6
Data validity, 數(shù)據(jù)有效性*D
Data-in, 數(shù)據(jù)輸入~vl^_
Data-out, 數(shù)據(jù)輸出35(hE
Dead time, 停滯期yGhRya
Degree of freedom, 自由度'V*+U
Degree of precision, 精密度chu
Degree of reliability, 可靠性程度:
Degression, 遞減nO/
Density function, 密度函數(shù)t6w*
Density of data points, 數(shù)據(jù)點(diǎn)的密度"
Dependent variable, 應(yīng)變量/依變量/因變量 F
Dependent variable, 因變量Q
Depth, 深度),
Derivative matrix, 導(dǎo)數(shù)矩陣-Vs=
Derivative-free methods, 無導(dǎo)數(shù)方法V
Design, 設(shè)計(jì)EI=!
Determinacy, 確定性hg
Determinant, 行列式S
Determinant, 決定因素aPLS
Deviation, 離差i*
Deviation from average, 離均差$gQ%
Diagnostic plot, 診斷圖f;NL~*
Dichotomous variable, 二分變量<5=IFQ
Differential equation, 微分方程Mb7
Direct standardization, 直接標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化法BFJ
Discrete variable, 離散型變量>$:@I!
Discriminant analysis, 判別分析(J3%
Discriminant coefficient, 判別系數(shù)!EbME
Discriminant function, 判別值L~g
Dispersion, 散布/分散度}weq!
Disproportional, 不成比例的~iXI1
Disproportionate sub-class numbers, 不成比例次級(jí)組含量#
Distribution free, 分布無關(guān)性/免分布W}%r
Distribution shape, 分布形狀OB
Distribution-free method, 任意分布法|A|@Z"
Distributive laws, 分配律WK'
Disturbance, 隨機(jī)擾動(dòng)項(xiàng)}#[
Dose response curve, 劑量反應(yīng)曲線 :
Double blind method, 雙盲法5Ch#io
Double blind trial, 雙盲試驗(yàn)3La
Double exponential distribution, 雙指數(shù)分布'd
Double logarithmic, 雙對(duì)數(shù)^
Downward rank, 降秩z*
Dual-space plot, 對(duì)偶空間圖E
DUD, 無導(dǎo)數(shù)方法H
Duncan's new multiple range method, 新復(fù)極差法/Duncan新法jD
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