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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2005-06-29  來源:食品論壇奶酪提供
M-R©食品論壇 -- 關注食品安全,探討食品技術  ^-
©食品論壇 -- 關注食品安全,探討食品技術  Tj
Main effect, 主效應!
Major heading, 主辭標目"+Y}Pf
Marginal density function, 邊緣密度函數W!wX
Marginal probability, 邊緣概率q|6\9=
Marginal probability distribution, 邊緣概率分布U/QQ$
Matched data, 配對資料y>
Matched distribution, 匹配過分布-3
Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配$
Matching of transformation, 變換的匹配cu
Mathematical expectation, 數學期望V`t;rh
Mathematical model, 數學模型d;a*
Maximum L-estimator, 極大極小L 估計量^+\J*
Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法H
Mean, 均數9
Mean squares between groups, 組間均方E'"38r
Mean squares within group, 組內均方Nq(
Means (Compare means), 均值-均值比較D3?
Median, 中位數D&rdMX
Median effective dose, 半數效量( fu
Median lethal dose, 半數致死量J.O
Median polish, 中位數平滑+"
Median test, 中位數檢驗'Cnc
Minimal sufficient statistic, 最小充分統(tǒng)計量8
Minimum distance estimation, 最小距離估計I/
Minimum effective dose, 最小有效量aG
Minimum lethal dose, 最小致死量g>
Minimum variance estimator, 最小方差估計量a|~G
MINITAB, 統(tǒng)計軟件包@(sBrC
Minor heading, 賓詞標目$H=W
Missing data, 缺失值 b)qC|
Model specification, 模型的確定(E,R
Modeling Statistics , 模型統(tǒng)計C~
Models for outliers, 離群值模型NP
Modifying the model, 模型的修正_VT
Modulus of continuity, 連續(xù)性模;h00
Morbidity, 發(fā)病率 ?Q*sU0
Most favorable configuration, 最有利構形JO)hc
Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL), 多維尺度/多維標度br|,
Multinomial Logistic Regression , 多項邏輯斯蒂回歸D1^9{
Multiple comparison, 多重比較. `P?e
Multiple correlation , 復相關:j~Qu6
Multiple covariance, 多元協(xié)方差 8c
Multiple linear regression, 多元線性回歸uy
Multiple response , 多重選項Dd<fGD
Multiple solutions, 多解T
Multiplication theorem, 乘法定理"?1@5J
Multiresponse, 多元響應f'Nm&
Multi-stage sampling, 多階段抽樣&g
Multivariate T distribution, 多元T分布4z
Mutual exclusive, 互不相容&m=
Mutual independence, 互相獨立Qal?
Natural boundary, 自然邊界VR"y
Natural dead, 自然死亡/Z~@<]
Natural zero, 自然零\<5Yi
Negative correlation, 負相關a*#|
Negative linear correlation, 負線性相關-):/
Negatively skewed, 負偏m/a
Newman-Keuls method, q檢驗BAy`x
NK method, q檢驗\0
No statistical significance, 無統(tǒng)計意義}l Sb
Nominal variable, 名義變量*< Je
Nonconstancy of variability, 變異的非定常性7;Os
Nonlinear regression, 非線性相關-bD
Nonparametric statistics, 非參數統(tǒng)計a/3(
Nonparametric test, 非參數檢驗- 8$?
Nonparametric tests, 非參數檢驗.<
Normal deviate, 正態(tài)離差r
Normal distribution, 正態(tài)分布2G)@4{
Normal equation, 正規(guī)方程組\v^`B
Normal ranges, 正常范圍q%?X}^
Normal value, 正常值L>C
Nuisance parameter, 多余參數/討厭參數I
Null hypothesis, 無效假設 "U>u
Numerical variable, 數值變量c/
Objective function, 目標函數f`$}m
Observation unit, 觀察單位Db2s
Observed value, 觀察值c/
One sided test, 單側檢驗\G
One-way analysis of variance, 單因素方差分析Z`
Oneway ANOVA , 單因素方差分析~
Open sequential trial, 開放型序貫設計}}g\M
Optrim, 優(yōu)切尾58=f,-
Optrim efficiency, 優(yōu)切尾效率K"j
Order statistics, 順序統(tǒng)計量X
Ordered categories, 有序分類#GdUx2
Ordinal logistic regression , 序數邏輯斯蒂回歸iAzp
Ordinal variable, 有序變量zNC
Orthogonal basis, 正交基gt}0j)
Orthogonal design, 正交試驗設計q0
Orthogonality conditions, 正交條件|k5
Outlier cutoffs, 離群值截斷點$@k
Outliers, 極端值Z
OVERALS , 多組變量的非線性正規(guī)相關 OGkrs/
Overshoot, 迭代過度':7<l
Paired design, 配對設計S
Paired sample, 配對樣本!32I,-
Pairwise slopes, 成對斜率"
Parabola, 拋物線f
Parallel tests, 平行試驗<\
Parameter, 參數2
Parametric statistics, 參數統(tǒng)計N1D
Parametric test, 參數檢驗p9<J
Partial correlation, 偏相關&bh0
Partial regression, 偏回歸fh
Partial sorting, 偏排序9h4$W
Partials residuals, 偏殘差0y`e
Pattern, 模式;'THxR
Pearson curves, 皮爾遜曲線&Vv
Peeling, 退層{z
Percent bar graph, 百分條形圖FX
Percentage, 百分比190!CE
Percentile, 百分位數gd
Percentile curves, 百分位曲線=1)VE
Periodicity, 周期性X
Permutation, 排列!zc
P-estimator, P估計量2|
Pie graph, 餅圖~Q
Pitman estimator, 皮特曼估計量dLh\3
Pivot, 樞軸量C
Planar, 平坦"l^@
Planar assumption, 平面的假設^thS
PLANCARDS, 生成試驗的計劃卡-yr
Point estimation, 點估計0!T\
Poisson distribution, 泊松分布;
Polishing, 平滑)j3`"
Polled standard deviation, 合并標準差k
Polled variance, 合并方差q ]
Polygon, 多邊圖j@1
Polynomial, 多項式?i
Polynomial curve, 多項式曲線3]M
Population, 總體1@
Population attributable risk, 人群歸因危險度DV
Positive correlation, 正相關L!A
Positively skewed, 正偏kJ44
Posterior distribution, 后驗分布GGR
Power of a test, 檢驗效能M
Precision, 精密度)1
Predicted value, 預測值&"5F{3
Preliminary analysis, 預備性分析`$Ru
Principal component analysis, 主成分分析t
Prior distribution, 先驗分布@y
Prior probability, 先驗概率,#> 7
Probabilistic model, 概率模型eSg
probability, 概率y
Probability density, 概率密度X
Product moment, 乘積矩/協(xié)方差OOWv0>
Profile trace, 截面跡圖_}%QA
Proportion, 比/構成比>}D-'i
Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling, 按比例分層隨機抽樣IF@
Proportionate, 成比例8W_
Proportionate sub-class numbers, 成比例次級組含量h2+B*
Prospective study, 前瞻性調查Gu
Proximities, 親近性 IuaB"
Pseudo F test, 近似F檢驗,S
Pseudo model, 近似模型[5
Pseudosigma, 偽標準差N4'6Eh
Purposive sampling, 有目的抽樣jD
QR decomposition, QR分解VH,U{7
Quadratic approximation, 二次近似J`h.TY
Qualitative classification, 屬性分類q!
Qualitative method, 定性方法9!
Quantile-quantile plot, 分位數-分位數圖/Q-Q圖E
Quantitative analysis, 定量分析A
Quartile, 四分位數ov]j
Quick Cluster, 快速聚類E|
Radix sort, 基數排序}2Jo8
Random allocation, 隨機化分組L*,|z
Random blocks design, 隨機區(qū)組設計8B`
Random event, 隨機事件v:/*@<
Randomization, 隨機化ef
Range, 極差/全距KdN
Rank correlation, 等級相關Qk,
Rank sum test, 秩和檢驗5
Rank test, 秩檢驗]M*GTa
Ranked data, 等級資料KFbeG$
Rate, 比率2pHv
Ratio, 比例k;Wl
Raw data, 原始資料AVAFM$
Raw residual, 原始殘差fH
Rayleigh's test, 雷氏檢驗"q]'~G
Rayleigh's Z, 雷氏Z值 SGQhc
Reciprocal, 倒數5u
Reciprocal transformation, 倒數變換TWD
Recording, 記錄=kvc|?
Redescending estimators, 回降估計量UpBmhZ
Reducing dimensions, 降維P%N4
Re-expression, 重新表達K<j_A
Reference set, 標準組:xGtG?
Region of acceptance, 接受域8d/$
Regression coefficient, 回歸系數u
Regression sum of square, 回歸平方和 '1lxh
Rejection point, 拒絕點w^A
Relative dispersion, 相對離散度ls:+
Relative number, 相對數ed
Reliability, 可靠性&W)k,
Reparametrization, 重新設置參數"U-$'8
Replication, 重復Viy.l.
Report Summaries, 報告摘要5
Residual sum of square, 剩余平方和y,Z
Resistance, 耐抗性e
Resistant line, 耐抗線Auc`o
Resistant technique, 耐抗技術U+%qp
R-estimator of location, 位置R估計量EU`v
R-estimator of scale, 尺度R估計量WPOA
Retrospective study, 回顧性調查h%t
Ridge trace, 嶺跡)11J
Ridit analysis, Ridit分析+?
Rotation, 旋轉T7Vx\
Rounding, 舍入Mo
Row, 行Jw
Row effects, 行效應D]:8
Row factor, 行因素 G20X"
RXC table, RXC表'~js^6
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