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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2019-02-13  來(lái)源:朗播網(wǎng)  作者:foodtrans

新年假期將到,自然少不了各種聚會(huì)。你是不是已經(jīng)忙著穿梭其中,變成一個(gè)名副其實(shí)的party animal呢?今天就帶你盤點(diǎn)一下英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)程中,歪果仁常用的表達(dá),給你的聚會(huì)添點(diǎn)洋氣。



1. 邀請(qǐng)客人

H: Hi, Stella. How’s everything going?

G: Quite good. What about you?

H: Terrific! You see, John and me have just moved to a new house. We are throwing a house-warming party this evening. Would you like to come?

G: Of course I’ll come. I won’t miss it for the world!

H: That’ll be great!


Throw a party就是“舉辦派對(duì)”的意思,house-warming party可以翻譯為“暖房派對(duì)”,通常在搬進(jìn)新居后舉行。歪果仁非常喜歡party,其名目也很多,最常見的當(dāng)然是birthday party啦,其他比較有代表性的有bachelor party(單身派對(duì)),baby shower(寶寶派對(duì)),farewell party(歡送會(huì)),potluck party(家庭聚餐會(huì))等等,以及各種特定主題的派對(duì),例如Stella-dear party,就是為親愛的Stella舉辦的一個(gè)特別的派對(duì)。Won’t miss it for the world直譯為“寧愿放棄全世界也不會(huì)錯(cuò)過(guò)你的派對(duì)”,可見情比金堅(jiān)。


2. 詢問(wèn)信息

G: Who else is going to be there?

H: I’m inviting you, my sister, and several friends from work and school.

G: Your sister? She is such a party animal. She parties really hard.

H: Yeah. So you needn’t worry sitting there by yourself.

G: Exactly! I really hate to be a wallflower again. It’s so awkward!

H: Believe me, it won’t happen.


去別人家參加聚會(huì)可以事先問(wèn)一下相關(guān)信息,例如有哪些人會(huì)參加,需要做何準(zhǔn)備等等。對(duì)話中使用的party animal特指那些“聚會(huì)狂”,逢場(chǎng)必到。而wallflower可譯為“壁花”,指那些在社交場(chǎng)合因羞澀而受冷落的人。


3. 抵達(dá)會(huì)場(chǎng)

G: This is a very nice place. You are such a lucky dog!

H: Glad you like it. Come on in! Can I take your coat?

G: Sure, thanks. Should I take my shoes off?

H: Whatever you prefer. Make yourself at home!

G: Thanks! And meet my date Sherlock Homes!

H: Sherlock as always.


到主人家做客,見面時(shí)會(huì)有一些寒暄。既然是參加“暖房派對(duì)”,可以簡(jiǎn)單就新房子說(shuō)幾句溢美之詞。要注意lucky dog要翻譯成“幸運(yùn)兒”,而不是“幸運(yùn)狗”。Make yourself at home是主人常說(shuō)的話,意在讓客人不要拘束,像在自己家里一樣。Date在此指陪自己參加派對(duì)的人,多是男(女)朋友。


4. 聚會(huì)交際

G1: May I have this dance?

G2: I’d love to.

G1: You are a good dancer. Are you a professional?

G2: Just one of my hobbies. You see, dancing is part of my life. It always makes me feel pleased and relieved,like the saying goes: When you’re tangled, tango on.

G1: I think I have heard it before. Where does it come from?

G2: Scent of a Woman.

G1: Yeah, that’s it!


派對(duì)也是meeting new people的絕佳場(chǎng)所,難免會(huì)有人主動(dòng)來(lái)搭訕,聊天或者跳舞。Professional在此做名詞,指“專業(yè)人士”。When you’re tangled, tango on.這句話出自電影《聞香識(shí)女人》,be tangled含義是“陷入困境”,tango即我們熟悉的“探戈”,所以這句話的意思是:即使身處困境,也到跳著舞向前。Beautiful, isn’t it?


5. 會(huì)后告別

G: Thanks for everything. What a nice party!

H: Thank you. I'm so glad you could make it.

G: Say hello to your friends for me.

H: Likewise. Take care! See you later!

G: Thanks. Bye!


I'm so glad you could make it含義為“很高興你能來(lái)”,likewise本意是“同樣的”,用在此可以解釋為“請(qǐng)也代我向你的朋友問(wèn)好”。


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