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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2005-05-17

as  bald as a coot                     頭發(fā)脫光的(像黑鵝一樣禿)
as blind as a bat                      有眼無珠(像蝙蝠一樣瞎)
as blind as an owl                     瞎透了(像貓頭鷹一樣瞎)
as bold as brass                       厚顏無恥(像黃銅一樣厚臉皮的)
as busy as a bee                       極忙碌(像蜜蜂一樣忙碌)
as clear as a bell                     健全的(像鈴鐺一樣健全)
as clear as day                        一清二楚的(像白天一樣清楚)
as cool as a cucumber                  極為冷靜的(像黃瓜一樣冷靜)
as easy as a pie                       極容易(像餡餅一樣容易)
as fussy as a hen with one chick       在小事上瞎操心
as hard as the nether millstone        鐵石心腸(像下層的磨石堅(jiān)硬)
as hungry as a hunter                  非常饑餓(像獵人一樣饑餓)
as lively as a cricket                 極活潑(像蟋蟀一樣活潑)
as mad as a wet hen                    非常生氣(像弄濕的母雞一樣生氣)
as mild as a dove                      非常溫和(像鴿子一樣溫和)
as plain as the nose in your face      一清二楚(像你臉上的鼻子一樣清楚)
as poor as a church mouse              赤貧的(像教堂的老鼠一樣窮)
as proud as a peacock                  極驕傲(驕傲得像只孔雀)
as strong as a horse                   健壯如牛
as stupid as an owl                    極愚蠢(像貓頭鷹一樣愚蠢)
as thin as a wafer                     極。ㄏ衽疵准堃粯颖。
as true as steel                       絕對(duì)可靠(像鋼一樣可靠)

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